Calculator Community > The Axe Parser Project

Axe Parser

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--- Quote from: E37 on December 17, 2015, 04:04:20 pm ---How is Axe 1.3 coming along?

--- End quote ---
I don't understand your post. Sorry  :-\

P.S : I am french and I have any difficult to speak english.
Sorry :-\

E37 was not talking to you. He was asking Runer112 how the new version of Axe was coming along for the normal TI-84+.

Hey Runner, I know you are busy but how much time do you think it will take to finish Axe 1.3.0?


--- Quote from: E37 on January 11, 2016, 05:06:45 pm ---Hey Runner, I know you are busy but how much time do you think it will take to finish Axe 1.3.0?

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure... there's probably not a ton of work to do, but I have very little free time lately. :-\

... And that's it, then.

Nearly seven years of no updates, and understandably so, with the calculator community dwindling. Nevertheless, in my opinion, Axe Parser will always be one of the greatest programs written, and I've recently picked it up again and am again enjoying its quirks and simplicity.
Therefore I think it's a shame that, with the source code closed, no one can ever either learn from this project (it must be a treasure trove of z80 writing) or pick it up again. The chance that either Quigibo or Runer112 are reading this is slim, however, I would want to call upon them to provide a final release with the source code, as a last hurrah for Axe.

Keep rocking your axe, wherever you all may be. Cheers.


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