Calculator Community > The Axe Parser Project

Axe Parser

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--- Quote from: aeTIos on November 11, 2022, 02:51:34 pm ---Therefore I think it's a shame that, with the source code closed, no one can ever either learn from this project (it must be a treasure trove of z80 writing) or pick it up again. The chance that either Quigibo or Runer112 are reading this is slim, however, I would want to call upon them to provide a final release with the source code, as a last hurrah for Axe.

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Runer112 gave me the source for either Axe 1.3.0 or 1.2.2 (I can't remember which and taking a quick peek at it I can't tell) a long time ago. If there is some very compelling evidence that he would be OK with me publishing it, I will.

Having looked at it more carefully, it is 1.2.2.


--- Quote from: E37 on November 19, 2022, 11:42:55 am ---
Runer112 gave me the source for either Axe 1.3.0 or 1.2.2 (I can't remember which and taking a quick peek at it I can't tell) a long time ago. If there is some very compelling evidence that he would be OK with me publishing it, I will.

Having looked at it more carefully, it is 1.2.2.

--- End quote ---

It is great to hear that at least the source is still around. I had read rumours that the source had been lost! Please hold on to that tightly... make some extra backups. Maybe we can summon @Runer112 somehow.


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