Calculator Community > TI Calculators

I need help!

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Ndless 3.2 is nonexistent. In order to use ndless you need either OS 3.1 or 3.6.  I use 3.1 and I have no problems with it.

DJ Omnimaga:
OS 3.6 is most likely no longer linked on TI website, if it's even on their servers anymore at all, but TI-Planet usually keeps track of OS URLs or if it's no longer available they keep copies intact. It's currently reachable via for the time being.

If you can manage to downgrade to OS 3.1, I would recommend it because it's smaller and has less bugs, but Lua is much slower and some Lua programs won't run. OS 3.1 and 3.6 are the ones that supports Ndless so make sure you don't upgrade to 3.9.

Doesn't TI make new N-spire OS versions just to block ndless? it's sort of n(ee)dless

DJ Omnimaga:
Indeed, because most new versions barely even had anything new, yet still jumped very high in OS number. Some had notable improvements, such as OS 3.2, but other than that, not that much.

What exactly is your OS ? Because there are several 3.2 OSes, including a nice one and a bad one.
What is your hardware revision (the thing looking like P-0711C at the back of your calculator, what's the last letter) ?

In some cases, you'll "only" be able to have OS 3.6 with Ndless 3.6 (not reboot proof). In other cases, you'll be able to have either OS 3.1 with Ndless 3.1 (reboot proof) or even OS 3.1 + OS 3.6 both on your calc and both with Ndless and both reboot proof.


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