Calculator Community > TI Calculators

I need help!

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Thomas the Death Machine:
Ok, I'm new to this forum, I have no clue what i'm doing. lets start there.
I got a TI nspire cx cas a while back and recently learned about endless. the problem is that i haven't updated my calc so it is currently at 3.2, and since the most recent os is 3.9 I dont know where to get the os or how to upload it. school starts in a week for me so I would like to finish this soon.

3.9 doesn't offer many new features, and it's basically just made to block ndless again, so as long as your school doesn't force you to do it, I reccomend you to not update your calculator. Because your calculator is much simpler than a computer and not connected to the internet all the time, there are no security risks you have to worry about, and updating is often an unnessicary hassle anyway.
If you absolutely need OS 3.9 though, you can get it from ti's website (

Thomas the Death Machine:
Yeah but im trying to get 3.6

Thomas the Death Machine:
It's not required to update at my school

Well, first of all, try to avoid double-posting. You can use the modify button at the top left of your post to edit them.

Before you update, please think very carefully about the following things (I don't own an nspire, so this may be inaccurate and I may have forgotten a few things):
    - Installing OS 3.6 means that you will never be able to install OS 3.2 again, or any OS below 3.6.
    - OS 3.6 introduces some new bugs that may annoy you.
    - OS 3.6 uses a different version of ndless (ndless 3.6 instead of ndless 3.2), so some programs and games may not be compatible.
So if you're not 100% sure, be sure to at least try it in an emulator for some time, and make sure to do everything you'd normally do on that emulator in the new OS.

If, after all that, you are still sure you want to update your nspire, you can find the download links here.


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