Calculator Community > WabbitStudio Software Suite

Wabbit not working...

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DJ Omnimaga:

--- Quote from: BuckeyeDude on November 18, 2012, 09:53:03 pm ---
--- Quote from: DJ_O on November 17, 2012, 02:53:11 pm ---Wabbit no longer supports any ROM that was dumped with Virtual TI or any other old software. If you don't get crashes or RAM clears, it will show some strange non-calc message in the screen after sending APPs or something.

--- End quote ---
This is not true, or at least it shouldn't be true.

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Weird, for me all the ROMs that used to be hidden with nice Zelda screenshots in a folder somewhere stopped working in WabbitEmu around late 2011 or so, ending up with some weird message instead. ??? Unless that was fixed? I remember complaining about it often.

Sorry, but the workaround still didn't work. I downloaded the latest version and re-did the setup and I got the same result. Please help.

Ok so if that's not the issue then I'll need some more information about what you're doing. What type of ROM are you trying to emulate, how are you turning on the calc, what OS are you running this on, and when you open the debugger what line is the currently executing?

The ROM is a TI-84+ SE with 2.22 OS. I simply click the ON button (But I've also tried the Debug -> Turn on calculator method). In the debugger the line that is running is (forgive me if I mess up): 77 6D60 cb7f bit 7,a

Hello there, um I recently tried using Wabbit again but it still refuses to work for me.  It simply says RAM cleared and freezes. Please help.


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