Calculator Community > WabbitStudio Software Suite

Wabbit not working...

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Greetings. I recently downloaded Wabbit to my computer and I uploaded the ROM to it. The problem is, every time I turn it on, it just says RAM Cleared and it freezes; refusing to respond to any key presses. What's wrong?  :-\

So I'm guessing you are talking about wabbitemu.
How old is the rom? Did you just try to make the rom? Could you try running wabbitemu from the command line and see if it throws any errors?

I made this ROM a few days ago.  It worked fine with jsTIfied but it just doesn't work with Wabbit.

Try to download a ROM with wabbit 'using open source software'. Then try it again :3

DJ Omnimaga:
Wabbit no longer supports any ROM that was dumped with Virtual TI or any other old software. If you don't get crashes or RAM clears, it will show some strange non-calc message in the screen after sending APPs or something.


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