Builderboy's Physics Lessons, Part III: Cellular Automata

Submitted By: Builderboy Date: June 14, 2011, 03:56:06 pm Views: 1446

Cellular Automata

Cellular Automata is described by a grid of pixels, where each pixel has a certain amount of rules determining what happens to it.  The Game Of Life is a great example of this type of simulation, but how can this be used for physics?  Using pixel based rules is a great way to simulate large scale effects that would normally be difficult to program.  Things like fluid dynamics, sand, fire, and acid, sounds complicated?  Well all of these things are possible with cellular automata, and will be covered in this tutorial on how to use pixel rules to simulate all of your effects needs.

We are going to base our tutorial off of the water simulation, since that is a simulation that will cover the basics of everything else to come.  Water sounds like an extremely difficult thing to implement on a calculator; it

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