Don't bother us with questions if you have problems simply because you decided to try a different route."
Sorry, my origional question has been answered.
It's just that someone else said I was doing it wrong when I posted the piece of script.
So I just asked why it was wrong, because it was working fine.
I know I've been a nuisance throughout the last couple of months.
But look at it on the bright side, if a new programmer would read all my questions and all your answers, they can just skip all tutorials and get right at it 
Man, I'm really sorry, Jerros. The quote was directed at TI, not at you. So I hope you'll still feel welcome. The others were right, it was an accidental miswording and I was shocked to see that I had typed it out wrong.
We've known TI to not be very through in answering questions. But I hope you always feel welcome to bring any questions you have to this site.
I think I will accidentally come out the wrong way if I try to explain what happened, but I hope you understand that nothing was directed toward you. I was glad to see that you brought this question to use as opposed to another site, and I was happy to do my part in helping you out.