Author Topic: Sine Approximation [Z80]  (Read 6766 times)

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Sine Approximation [Z80]
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:50:07 pm »
I made a neat little algorithm today that seems to do an okay job at approximating sine. My original intention was to create a routine for the following with a fixed point format where x is on [0,1)

However, if 'x' is in 'a', i can just do a*(-a), but NEG is 2 bytes, 8 cycles, whereas CPL is 1 byte, 4 cycles. That made me wonder if I could make a fast routine to multiply A by its compliment (is it called 1s compliment?). After working in my notebook with some more abstract approaches (I used 7th degree polynomials) I reduced it to a fairly simple solution that would be much simpler to integrate into an IC or something. However, I decided to experiment a little with the result by seeing what happens if I don't let some bits to propagate into the upper 8 bits (remember, 8.8 fixed point). So basically, I computed the product of 7-th degree polynomials with binary coefficients, and then truncated any terms of degree 7 or lower, then I converted it back to binary and the result is a close approximation of x(1-x). This happens to be a close approximation of sine, too, so after some tweaking, I got it to have the same input/output range as Axe (I recall that Quigibo said he used x(1-x) as an approximation to sine, too).

The following uses 3 iterations as opposed to 8 and is faster than the Axe version, but larger by 8 (?) bytes:
Code: [Select]
ld a,l
add a,64
ld l,a
ld a,l
add a,a
push af
ld d,a
ld h,a
ld l,0
ld bc,037Fh
sla h
sbc a,a
xor d
and c
add a,l
ld l,a
rrc d
srl c
srl c
djnz __SinLoop
ld h,b
pop af
ret nc
xor a
sub l
ret z
ld l,a
dec h
;  34 bytes
;  269 t-states min, else 282, else 294
;  avg. 76 t-states faster than Axe
;  27 bytes
;  341+b t-states min, else 354, else 366

If the bits of register 'l' are sabcdefg, this basically returns:
Code: [Select]

^ is for XOR logic, + is regular integer addition modulo 256
(s is the sign)

The original algorithm was going to be for computing the natural logarithm :P I came up with some new (to me) algorithms for that as well.

EDIT1: Thanks to calc84maniac for pointing out the optimisation using a different order of operations with xor/and ! Saved 1 byte, 12 cycles. This let me shuffle some code to save 8 more cycles.
EDIT2: Modified the last note to reflect the normalized input/output to match that of Axe.

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Re: Sine Approximation [Z80]
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2014, 09:17:35 pm »
I think I spy an optimization. You can do the AND C after the XOR instead of applying it to both inputs. That should save at least one byte and 12 cycles, or maybe more if that somehow leads to more improvements.
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Re: Sine Approximation [Z80]
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 09:27:38 pm »
Thanks! Hopefully I can find more tomorrow.

This did let me remove the "ld d,a \ stuff \ ld a,d" and just put the "ld d,a" outside the loop and use "rrc d" instead of "ld a,d \ rrca". It saves 8 t-states, 0 bytes.

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Re: Sine Approximation [Z80]
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2022, 09:08:55 pm »
Necropost: this came up elsewhere and I made a python version if anybody is interested. I think it could be implemented really well with logic gates!

Code: [Select]

# This is ported from:
# (Xeda112358  a.k.a.  Zeda  a.k.a.  ZedaZ80)

from math import sin

def sineb(x):
    """Approximates 128*sin(x*2*pi/256)"""

    a1 = int(x)
    a0 = a1 << 1
    a2 = a1 >> 1

    # iteration 1
    if a1 & 64:
        l = ~a0 & 127
        l =  a0 & 127

    # iteration 2
    if a1 & 32:
        l += ~a1 & 31
        l +=  a1 & 31

    # iteration 3
    if a1 & 16:
        l += ~a2 & 7
        l +=  a2 & 7

    # check if it needs to be negated
    if a1 & 128:
        return -l
        return l

# Plot a graph of the approximation vs the actual
for x in range(0, 256, 2):
    y = sineb(x)
    z = int(sin(x*3.1415926535/128)*128)

    # translate and scale for "graphing"
    y += 128
    z += 128
    y >>= 1
    z >>= 1

    # "graph"
    #    X - Approximation
    #    O - Actual
    #    8 - used when the graphs overlap
    if y == z:
        print(" "*y + "8")
    elif y > z:
        print(" "*z + "X" + " "*(y-z-1) + "O")
        print(" "*y + "O" + " "*(z-y-1) + "X")