Author Topic: A good way to deal with negative values  (Read 7115 times)

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Re: A good way to deal with negative values
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2010, 11:45:57 pm »
KermMartian has just edited this program.  The source code now reads:
Quote from: BASIC Code
:If A>5
:If A<<‾5
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Re: A good way to deal with negative values
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2010, 01:01:06 am »
-5>5 is true since this is unsigned so A should be 4 now
4<<-5 is false since this is signed (like basic) so A is still 4

Is it outputting something else?

Unless my understanding of how signed comparisons work, the routine should always work.
Code: [Select]
xor a          ;Make A zero
ld b,h         ;H is saved for later
sbc hl,de      ;The values are compared unsigned (carry flag)
ld h,a         ;Command returns 1 or 0 so high byte is zeroed
rra            ;Carry is put into bit 7 of a
xor b          ;Bit 7 is xored with sign bit of original left argument
xor d          ;Bit 7 is xored with sign bit of original right argument
rlca           ;Bit 7 put into bit 0
and %00000001  ;Mask to make this a 1 or 0
ld l,a         ;HL holds (sign1 xor sign2 xor comparison)
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Re: A good way to deal with negative values
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2010, 01:09:23 am »
It outputs 1 for the first and 0 for the second

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Re: A good way to deal with negative values
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2010, 01:27:46 am »
Which is exactly what it should... am I missing something?
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Re: A good way to deal with negative values
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2010, 01:29:46 am »
Yeah. So this means there is something wrong in my code, but I am not too sure what checks to do x.x