Casimo, a new member of the TakeFlight programming team has released his first major calc project. The rest of this post is only a slightly modified version of his
blog post.
Matris is a Tetris-clone.
It is PowerGraphic2-compatible.
Download!Features:-two shades of gray (flickers a bit)
-SH4 / PowerGraphic2 compatible
-use hold to store a brick
-boss mode
-pause button
-level and point counter
-open source
How to playPress the arrow keys to move the brick (up: rotate, down: fast).
Try to complete lines to get points. After 10 lines you reach the next level; the speed increases (highest level: 20).
Press F5 to pause the game. With F6 you enabl the boss mode: You jump to the RunMat instantly (highscore is not saved!).
You can use [tan] to store a brick or swap it with an existing one.
If you want to leave the game, press [exit].

This game was made by Casimo. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License: to SimonLothar for the systemcalls!