Author Topic: Error 0x80070424  (Read 5811 times)

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Error 0x80070424
« on: July 02, 2012, 07:42:13 pm »
So basically while using CCleaner (like I normally do) to clean my C drive and delete old registries, then like a few minutes later, Microsoft Security Essentals tells me that a threat was detected, but no action on my part was needed.  Then MSE dies.  I try opening it up, and instead of a green logo, I get a red one, saying real time protectiojn is turned off and that it hasn't been updated at all, which is impossible considering i always update all of my programs.  So i try to hit the "start scan" button on MSE and i get a "0x80070424" error, and nothing happens.  So I looked it up online... apparently an important registry key (or few) got deleted when CCleaner was doing its thing (which is odd considering that ive used it on several occasions with my new computer, and yet this is the first time this error has popped up), because not only did it effect MSE, but it also effected Windows Defender, Windows Firewall, and even Windows Update.  Then MSE started freaking out when i tried to fix it, forcing my computer to reboot every 5 minutyes, so unfortunately I had to uninstall it.  As of right now I have Malwarebytes installed as a temporary malware/trojan protector/scanner, plus I just got Windows Defender working again (some cool dude at the microsoft forums attached a link to a defender registry that I merged with my computer, and it fixed the problem).  Now i just need to fix Windows Update and Windows Firewall, which after searching relentlessly on Google, I've come across many solutions that require you messing with your registeries even more or using cmd... which I'll admit, even though I'm computer savy, even I'm afriad to do either one, lol. XD

I'm posting here in hopes that maybe someone can help me with my dilema.  Also I'm thinking about going back to using Avira Antivirus (which is what i had on my old computer, and had no problems with it), unless anyone has any suggestions on a better antivirus (that ISN'T norton, lol), unless it's ok for me to go back to MSE once the Windows Fireall & Update issue has been fixed

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Re: Error 0x80070424
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 07:56:04 pm »
Avast! is a pretty fine antivirus for me.

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Re: Error 0x80070424
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2012, 08:50:43 pm »
Hhmm... might have to check that out

CURRENT STATUS: I fixed Windows Firewall! :D Found a link to a microsoft support forum post that basically told me that once i set all the permissions on one of the "HKEY" registries for evereyone to have full access, it would allow me to force start the base filtering engine service that was previously disabled (probably due to the fuck-up that was done to it), since whenever i tried to do that, it woulod always give me "Error 5: Access Denied".  This is the first time I've ever encountered something like this, because I doubt Windows XP has a "services" section (or maybe they do, i just never accessed it before).  And apparently I'm missing BITS too... Im guessing CCleaner got rid of that as well, but apparently i doubt that's totally to blame... they say that a malware could have fucked up a few things in my system, which after doing scans on my computer, it did encounter a few... guess Microsoft Security Essentials is not as great as i thought it was, lol.  Glad i went back to Avira, but I'm still keeping malwarebytes just as a precaution.

Now all i need to do is fix Windows Update and then I'm back in business, lol :-P The problem is installing the actual updates.  It can scan and show what needs to be updated with no problem, and thankfully, only update it shows is a security update for C++, so i"m glad I'm not missing much, lol

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Re: Error 0x80070424
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2012, 02:52:23 am »
I do not know that error unfortunately, but coincidentially, it reminds me of one error on a TI-83/89 calculator connectivity software for Windows  that used to happen to a lot of people via USB. X.x