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Re: Xbox 180
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2013, 07:35:07 am »
Yea, but I think the $299 model is being discontinued.

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Re: Re: Xbox 180
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2013, 01:51:43 pm »
Wow that sucks. I guess they just want to do everything so that people won't get it under $349.99 for as long as possible, or to get people to buy it while it lasts, then drop the price of the bigger model right afterward. :P

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Re: Xbox 180
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2013, 01:30:20 am »
Well... so far it seems like there are more Xbox One games that interests me than PS4 ones. I tend to be more of a Forza 3+ guy than Gran Turismo, although I liked the old GT games a lot, and although Halo is slow-paced compared to other first-person shooters, I find that more suitable for my gameplay preferences and skills, and I have some friends that play the series a lot. I don't do campaings in FPSes so that won't matter very much to me.

There still remains the issue about the console costing $499.99 vs $399.99, though. Even at $399.99 I would not even be able to afford it right now, so I'll wait until it's like $299.99 maybe, unless I get a lot of money in the near future.

Also, although the DRM crap was solved a long while ago, I am still not 100% confident that most new consoles will last more than 2 years without breaking. I had too many bad experiences with Xbox 360 console disc players stopping working, not detecting wireless gamepads, the pause menu popping up randomly every now and then for no reason and dreaded RRoD's, and the PS3 used to have problems too. I also heard that some people had troubles with their PS4's, so I can only assume that early Xbox Ones will be at risk too. That's the word we live in, today.

Also I tend to not trust extended warranties, because what if the store goes bankrupt or closes down before it expired? Several Best Buy stores, for instance, suddenly closed with no warning last year in Sherbrooke and Montreal area.

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Re: Xbox 180
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2013, 03:08:54 am »
I wouldn't consider getting the Xbox. First, its policies are 'subject to change' so after players purchase it they can still revert back to only allowing new games to run. The EULA now disallows class action lawsuits so if it rrods like the 360, your screwed if your warranty is expired. Don't think that Microsoft is your friend or that they deserve any kind of respect, believe me, they are not out for your best interest! They could care less about you, they are trying to take control of the market and shift it to their best interest. That can only happen though if Sony plays into it, which they are not. When Microsoft seen the PS4 preorders dominating, they dropped the DRM, but it would be so unfortunate for the purchasers if they picked it back up. The funny thing is, MS has to pay Sony for the BluRay! The Xbox was amazing, but they still managed to fuck it up. Kinda like going from XP to Vista....

They didn't literally say that, but they did say to just stick with the 360 if we're not fine with their new policy and that like 100 new 360 games have been announced for after the Xbox One comes out anyway. But the way it was said in response to customer backlash pretty much meant that if we didn't like their policies then to just suck it.
^ True story. Think about it, in short they told their own customers to go fuck themselves!
« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 03:16:04 am by AssemblyBandit »

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Re: Xbox 180
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2013, 03:17:18 am »
Or from 7 to 8. Why fix something that isn't nearly as broken as its predecessors?

With consoles becoming more similar to PC's it's only a matter of time before there is no price difference, no difference in ease of use, no difference in size. The only thing with consoles that sets them apart is the controller.

The handheld market still has potential, but I feel like this might be one of the last console generations.
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Re: Xbox 180
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2013, 03:31:25 am »
And the games as well, its all about the games!
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Re: Xbox 180
« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2013, 03:41:42 am »
This is why I will never get the console until it drops down in price. I'll never pay $500 for such console, knowing that in 4 years I might have to replace it or that my favorite game genres will suddenly desert it.

What I liked about the Xbox 360 was the abundance of RPGs from 2008 to 2010. However, after 2010 almost every RPG moved on to the PS3 and the only few that still came out on the 360 were western-style RPGs that are so dark that they're depressing to play. On the other hand, it took the PS2 and PS3 about three years respectively until JRPGs start invading them. I would say it's kinda a gamble in terms of games, which further strenghtens my decision to wait for a while before buying the console.

But yeah, to be honest, it seems that this gen of console has nothing really special to offer compared to previous gens. Plus almost every launch title is just yet another CoD/Assassin's Creed game that will be replaced by a new one adding nothing new next year and so on.

Not that I play my new consoles as much as old ones anyway (except maybe the Wii U).
« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 03:44:02 am by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Xbox 180
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2013, 10:05:26 am »
I used to play my Xbox and my Xbox 360, but they were really overpriced when I got them. For the price of both of them I could have gotten a computer better than the one I have now. (and this one is overkill)

It doesn't matter how much Xbox and PS will have exclusive titles, because I know I can find everything else on steam.  :devil:
(Except for Destiny, So I'm keeping my 360)