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Phrase Bulimic
« on: August 31, 2011, 12:56:03 pm »
Just a poem I found that really captured me. Thought I'd share.

Phrase Bulimic
by Kathleen Burke

Hello, my name is ___, and
I am a phrase bulimic.
A language rearranger.
Do not proofread your thoughts.
The real life sustainer-
Tastes better coming up than it does going down

Sautee your words in song
Or scramble them with screams
But let them come; feast on them.
They are delicious.

Delight in their delicious, delectable,

Anger and love.
Taste how one is a spice to mask
The sweet of the other.

Devour verbs
Fight adverbs fervently for their
Lack of commitment
And win.

Write right.
Bite poems savagely and let their juice
Dribble off your chin onto your
Preying hands.

Make a preposition salsa or a predicate salad,
And top it off with fattening adjectives.
Let the salsa, salsa, and the tangy orange tango.
Write it all down.

This smorgasbord is the soup of Society
Is Civilization
And it rages as your soul licks the bowl clean.
Crave soul food.

In this world of pity, anorexia, starvation-
Never go hungry.
There's something about Tuesday...

Pushpins 'n' stuff...