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.0:Asm(prgmGRAMMERLbl "SPRITE→APt-On(4,A,0,0,1,8 ;This swaps the data on screenClrDrawPt-Off(0,A,0,0,1,8 ;Draws the sprite backDispGraphStopReturn ;Executed by TI-BASIC.SPRITE00000000 ;8 bytes for the sprite data
Also, in the program you just gave me, the "SPRITE->A line stores the line after .SPRITE into A, correct? And if I want to show my sprite in your example program in the PDF (where you can move the sprite around) I just replace the 01234567 with the code?
And the code I'm getting back is really messed up (e.g. + and randM(({->??). It's supposed to be like that, right?