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  1. HP Prime Emulator
  2. Looking for img2prime by Deeph, or another way to get Sprites with transparency.
  3. Emu48 for Android
  4. HP Prime corrupting programs
  5. HP Prime Virtual Calculator and WINE
  6. new firmware and software version: 2018.02.12
  7. HP Prime Relative Speed Testing- What is REALLY faster?
  8. Is it possible to programmatically get the HP Prime's battery level or voltage?
  9. Prime Linux
  10. Announcing Rip'Em, a third-party firmware for the HP Prime
  11. New HP Prime Paperback and eBook Guide
  12. JPG PNG Image Viewer for HP Prime (Gallery) [NEW VERSION 07-08-2017 v2.3.0]
  13. SuperMario for HP50g
  14. HPLua, Lua for HP Calculators HP49g+ & HP50g
  15. Python4Calculators
  16. Minecraft like Game for HP Prime
  17. Paint app
  18. HP 12c Programming
  19. New HP Prime OS: 2016.08.29 r10637
  20. "OpenWorld" game for HP Prime
  21. CASIO-like ENG key for HP 50g
  22. CASIO-like ENG key for HP Prime
  23. mViewer GX2 PDF converter for HP Prime
  24. HP 50g on sale
  25. New HP Prime OS: 2016.04.14 r10077
  26. DImgrob the screen
  27. Gallery: The HP Prime PNG Image Viewer [UPDATED V2.3.0 07-08-17]
  28. latextogrob: LaTeX Formulae into HP 50g
  29. New HP Prime OS: release 20150427 rev. 6975
  30. HRAST BASIC for HP-48G/G+/GX, HP-49G and HP-49G+/50G
  31. Source: It's a programming language. Now with HPPL support!
  32. HP Prime Graphing Calculator App for Android
  33. HP 50g - Sudoku
  34. Can the HP Prime automatically run a program on boot?
  35. Change the screen color?
  36. New HP Prime OS: 20141203 revision 6975
  37. A Quine in HP Prime
  38. New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.1124
  39. about HPPL
  40. Bugs and Requested Features with the HP Prime and Related Software
  41. TETRIS for the HP Prime!
  42. Annoying feature-Boot time/Splash screen for hp prime
  43. Let's hack the HP Prime!
  44. Math problems?
  45. What's wrong with my HP 49g+?
  46. HP PPL issue with LINE_P() and/or BLIT_P
  47. HP 50g/49g+ GRAYSCALE GAMES
  48. Graph 3D beta update
  49. The .hpprgm format
  50. Fast filled circles routine