Author Topic: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire  (Read 152459 times)

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Offline squalyl

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #75 on: October 02, 2010, 05:35:12 am »
I just found I have a disk problem. The disk was remounted read only during the last hours.
I rebooted the server into recovery mode.

I Keep you up to date

Offline ExtendeD

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #76 on: October 02, 2010, 05:44:18 am »
Okay, good. I think it will really be appreciated if we could install Ndless when not near a computer... especially when testing a program that might crash the calculator. We could even spread Ndless around in schools once it is released :D

Here is a workaround posted by Yifan on UTI:

Ok, just a FYI, if you accidentally restarted the calculator (for 84 keypad or something), and want to use ndless 1.7 again, but don't have access to a computer. If a friend has a nspire, you can use the link cable and install ndless. Same as with PC. Click on Ndless installer, and quickly plug in the cable (other end in friend's nspire). It works. with the finest TI-Nspire programs

Offline squalyl

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #77 on: October 02, 2010, 06:43:44 am »
the ext3 filesystem is dead. Here is the beginning of the e2fsck log.

root@88-191-122-130:~# e2fsck -v /dev/sda2 -f -c
e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
Vérification des blocs défectueux (test en mode lecture seule) : complété
/: Updating bad block inode.
Passe 1 : vérification des i-noeuds, des blocs et des tailles
I-noeud 598304, i_blocs est 33607752, devrait être 33599560. Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 745906 a un(des) bloc(s) illégal(aux). Effacer<o>? oui

Illégal block #12 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Illégal block #13 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Illégal block #14 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Illégal block #15 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Illégal block #16 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Illégal block #17 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Illégal block #18 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Illégal block #19 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Illégal block #20 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Illégal block #21 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Illégal block #22 (4294967295) in i-noeud 745906.  EFFACÃ.
Trop de blocs illégaux dans l'i-noeud 745906.
Effacer l'i-noeud<o>? oui

des i-noeuds qui faisaient partie d'une liste chaînée d'orphelins corrompue ont été repérés. Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954497 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954498 est utilisé, mais a un dtime. Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954498 a un drapeau imagic activé. Effacer<o>? oui

L'i-noeud spécial (périphérique/socket/fifo) 1954498 a une taille non nulle. Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954499 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud effacé 1954500 a un dtime à  zéro. Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954513 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954514 a le drapeau EXTENTS_FL activé sur le système de fichiers sans support des extents.
Effacer<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954515 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954516 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954529 est utilisé, mais a un dtime. Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954529 a un drapeau imagic activé. Effacer<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954530 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954531 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954532 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954533 est utilisé, mais a un dtime. Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954533 a un drapeau imagic activé. Effacer<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954533 a une taille extra (24430) qui est invalide
Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954534 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954535 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954536 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954537 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954545 fait partie de la liste des i-noeuds orphelins. CORRIGÃ.
l'i-noeud 1954546 a le drapeau EXTENTS_FL activé sur le système de fichiers sans support des extents.
Effacer<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954547 a le drapeau EXTENTS_FL activé sur le système de fichiers sans support des extents.
Effacer<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954548 est utilisé, mais a un dtime. Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954548 a une taille extra (51589) qui est invalide
Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954549 est utilisé, mais a un dtime. Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954549 a une taille extra (17547) qui est invalide
Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954550 a le drapeau EXTENTS_FL activé sur le système de fichiers sans support des extents.
Effacer<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954551 est utilisé, mais a un dtime. Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954551 a un drapeau imagic activé. Effacer<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954551 a une taille extra (9300) qui est invalide
Corriger<o>? oui

l'i-noeud 1954552 a le drapeau EXTENTS_FL activé sur le système de fichiers sans support des extents.

this is french, and that says, lots of invalid inodes.

FORTUNATELY I backed up svn, trac, the web pages and the database yesterday.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 06:44:38 am by squalyl »

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #78 on: October 02, 2010, 10:06:10 am »
Wow is it me or does there seems to be some bad charset in there, or is it due to the forum system not being in UTF-8? Example, Activé shows with a copyright sign and a weird A accent. I don't know much about that stuff but hopefully someone can help.

Offline squalyl

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #79 on: October 02, 2010, 04:44:17 pm »
Yes the server is in utf-8 and putty was left in iso8859-1, but that's not really important.

the server's hardware is perfectly fine, that was confirmed by a complete check by the server's provider administrative interface.

the filesystem got somewhat totally destroyed, I don't know how it is even possible. e2fsck found so many corruptions that I thought the disk was filled with garbage, such as if some block (and all the following) was not properly aligned.

in the end, I formatted the disk, reinstalled debian, then restored the backup I did last night. I pray myself for having thought about that or I would have lost *anything*. I also thank debian for the sites-enabled concept that permitted a very fast restoration using symlinks to my individual config files.

svn is back
mysql is back
the wiki is back
In the process mediawiki was bumped from 1.13.2 to 1.16.0

(i'm struggling with firefox sync but that's another story.)

Now recent changes need to be fed in. The change made yesterday was lost in the process. You can import any new information that you found was lost.

The most important change is that I now have automatic daily backups (300MB.bz2 for web and svn, 1MB.bz2 for mysql)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 05:44:14 pm by squalyl »

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #80 on: October 02, 2010, 05:56:19 pm »
Okay, good. I think it will really be appreciated if we could install Ndless when not near a computer... especially when testing a program that might crash the calculator. We could even spread Ndless around in schools once it is released :D

Here is a workaround posted by Yifan on UTI:

Ok, just a FYI, if you accidentally restarted the calculator (for 84 keypad or something), and want to use ndless 1.7 again, but don't have access to a computer. If a friend has a nspire, you can use the link cable and install ndless. Same as with PC. Click on Ndless installer, and quickly plug in the cable (other end in friend's nspire). It works.
Odd, I was sure I tried this before and it didn't work. Now I tried it again twice (switching the A-end and B-end of the cord just to make sure) and it worked both times.
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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #81 on: October 02, 2010, 05:59:08 pm »
I have tried all of these methods and I have never had Ndless install on the first try (best is 4, worst is 15 today x.x).  Could it have something to do with my Nspire?

Offline qazz42

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #82 on: October 02, 2010, 06:01:59 pm »
perhaps it has to do with the date of the nspire?

does the ndless team have the old nspires that are perfectly fine with OS 1.1

Offline ExtendeD

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #83 on: October 03, 2010, 03:21:59 am »
I do.

The black screen and clock freeze crashes seem to depend on the state of the calculator (number of files, previous use, ...), this doesn't make debugging easy. with the finest TI-Nspire programs

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #84 on: October 03, 2010, 03:53:12 am »
Yes the server is in utf-8 and putty was left in iso8859-1, but that's not really important.

the server's hardware is perfectly fine, that was confirmed by a complete check by the server's provider administrative interface.

the filesystem got somewhat totally destroyed, I don't know how it is even possible. e2fsck found so many corruptions that I thought the disk was filled with garbage, such as if some block (and all the following) was not properly aligned.

in the end, I formatted the disk, reinstalled debian, then restored the backup I did last night. I pray myself for having thought about that or I would have lost *anything*. I also thank debian for the sites-enabled concept that permitted a very fast restoration using symlinks to my individual config files.

svn is back
mysql is back
the wiki is back
In the process mediawiki was bumped from 1.13.2 to 1.16.0

(i'm struggling with firefox sync but that's another story.)

Now recent changes need to be fed in. The change made yesterday was lost in the process. You can import any new information that you found was lost.

The most important change is that I now have automatic daily backups (300MB.bz2 for web and svn, 1MB.bz2 for mysql)
I'M glad everything was sorted out. I hope nothing bad happens again.

If it ever becomes a recurring event, please check your access logs, in case it might be triggered intentionally by a third-party.

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #85 on: October 03, 2010, 05:28:54 am »
the filesystem got somewhat totally destroyed, I don't know how it is even possible. e2fsck found so many corruptions that I thought the disk was filled with garbage, such as if some block (and all the following) was not properly aligned.

I've heard of that before. From someone that was running a room with many servers, and approximately once every three years a whole row of blocks would get corrupted on one of those. He eventually figured out what was happening, something about the read/write system. For what I understood, when something was read, it had to be rewritten at some point, and sometimes it failed attempting to do so, leaving a row of corrupted bytes. He figured out that it was caused by cosmic rays... That sounds unbelievable like that, but he definitely knew what he was talking about.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2010, 05:29:24 am by personne3000 »

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #86 on: October 03, 2010, 06:08:12 am »
Yeah, I've heard about cosmic rays doing weird things too...
Welcome to the forums BTW!
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Offline squalyl

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #87 on: October 03, 2010, 06:33:21 am »
I think my cosmic ray was named firefox sync server that usually writes a lot of database entries, causing traffic and journalling operations. Couple that with a transient IO problem or a weird ext3 bug that triggers only on certain (race) conditions and you're done.

unfortunately it was in the same datafile as other databases.

this cause is now eradicated, my firefox sync server is now using sqlite.

the wiki database is now almost alone. And dumped daily to a backup server.

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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #88 on: October 03, 2010, 08:48:25 am »
Yeah, I've heard about cosmic rays doing weird things too...
Welcome to the forums BTW!

I've found the source of your cosmic ray!
Spoiler For Spoiler:
« Last Edit: October 03, 2010, 08:49:04 am by critor »
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Re: Ndless 1.7 for TI-Nspire
« Reply #89 on: October 03, 2010, 09:12:07 am »
Hahaha well done!