Author Topic: Is Omnimaga the best community to showcase your TI projects?  (Read 8480 times)

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Re: Is Omnimaga the best community to showcase your TI projects?
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2011, 05:36:52 pm »
Aww, man. *someone* had to say that it was a necropost that brought this thread back to life. Didn't even pay attention to the date/time stamp of the top post until it was brought up. Won't stop me. I want to say what it is I want to say...

I do totally agree with DJ Omnimaga. I can certainly vouch for the support thing, since the amount I've seen for E:SoR has been what's keeping me going on this project. I'd like to thank ya all right here for that, and here's hoping that Omnimaga continues to get better over the years. I'd wager to say that it has, especially after the advent of the Axe parser language. I swear, someone has gotta say something about that.

It's most certainly true these days. Omnimaga *is* the best place to showcase your projects. Whether or not it was true back in 2008, it is most certainly true now in 2011.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 05:38:24 pm by Iambian »
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Re: Is Omnimaga the best community to showcase your TI projects?
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2011, 05:47:14 pm »
Let's see, in the time I joined Omnimaga, I made my first *real* app and I have gotten about six times as much done in the past 3 months than I did in the five before that. I ♥ Omnimaga!
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Re: Is Omnimaga the best community to showcase your TI projects?
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2011, 06:01:56 pm »
Lol I glad you like the site. From what I remember, I posted this topic shortly after a good project was poorly received somewhere. I remember poor projects reception was common at some other places before, too, but not necessarily all the time. From 2003-04 on MaxCoderz BASIC games were not welcome and there was lots of ASM fanboyism. On UTI from 2004 to 2007 there was some hate towards BASIC games using ASM libs because it was cheating in people eyes there, then in 2006 started the hate towards large games with multiple sub-programs, which started again in 2009 on both UTI and TIBD. Cemetech did not receive hybrid projects too well either for a while. Over the time this changed, MC was more open to BASIC and hybrid projects and UTI towards hybrid games, especially after Celtic arrival. In 2009 I remember some project bashing occured on UTI, though (AMKiller's Pokémon thread is an example and this is when several UTI members started migrating to Omnimaga) and new members working on too ambitious projects were mocked instead of being pointed to the right direction. THis happened sometimes on Cemetech too but not as much since the major influx in new members there and Kerm's activity increase. Omni is still open in overall towards projects, but like Cemetech and other sites we don't get fooled by "Hai Ima nub Ima made a Starcraft cloen how do i use ClrDraw?" posts anymore: we will just point new people towards smaller projects. Project bashing still occurs today, though, on some forums, because Squalyl/Goplat's idea to port Java to the TI-Nspire was shot down on yAronet by C++ fanboys.

As for now I believe most projects would be received well in general on other forums too, but for UTI, TIBD, MC and Revsoft it's hard to tell because their activity is not very high.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 06:04:42 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Is Omnimaga the best community to showcase your TI projects?
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2011, 06:17:55 pm »
firstly, /\/\ AWWW =)/\/\
EDIT: these arrows point through dj's post to xeda's spoiler, as i was a little bit ninja'd

secondly, now that this topic has been brought to everyone's attention i really think it may be interesting to see the opinions of how things have changed in this regard since 2008. i started visiting ti-calc around that time, and just from seeing the increase of releases and reviews over there i've been astounded at how much things have picked up. that being said, it makes me a bit sad that i haven't seen many major BASIC releases recently, as they were the first things i was met by when perusing the archives. someone who has been an active member of the community for a bit longer may be better at analysing this particular development.

as for nomnimaga being a good place to unveil one's projects, i think that it is a wonderful place to gain momentum and throw ideas out. encouragement and help with plotting/spriting seem to be what we do best. this is not the ONLY thing, mind you, as there are people who specialise in every sort of help, from technical to spriting to just all around moral boosting, in every community; this is just the one characteristic which stands out most to me.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 06:18:50 pm by shmibs »

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Re: Is Omnimaga the best community to showcase your TI projects?
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2011, 06:23:16 pm »
Aww, ^-^
See, we have connections here that make us a community and what makes Omnimaga so great is that a lot of us join for help. In the process, we give help where we can and we kind of round each other out. It is a whole community of weaknesses and strengths, but we all contribute to fill in the gaps and that is why we can hold strong ♥

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Is Omnimaga the best community to showcase your TI projects?
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2011, 06:34:35 pm »
firstly, /\/\ AWWW =)/\/\
EDIT: these arrows point through dj's post to xeda's spoiler, as i was a little bit ninja'd

secondly, now that this topic has been brought to everyone's attention i really think it may be interesting to see the opinions of how things have changed in this regard since 2008. i started visiting ti-calc around that time, and just from seeing the increase of releases and reviews over there i've been astounded at how much things have picked up. that being said, it makes me a bit sad that i haven't seen many major BASIC releases recently, as they were the first things i was met by when perusing the archives. someone who has been an active member of the community for a bit longer may be better at analysing this particular development.

as for nomnimaga being a good place to unveil one's projects, i think that it is a wonderful place to gain momentum and throw ideas out. encouragement and help with plotting/spriting seem to be what we do best. this is not the ONLY thing, mind you, as there are people who specialise in every sort of help, from technical to spriting to just all around moral boosting, in every community; this is just the one characteristic which stands out most to me.
There is also the fact newbies are treated as newbies, not as n00b. In other words if someone never posted on a forum before and he asks a question, we won't instantly reply with JFGI/RTFM.

As for 2008, things were much more active around 2003-06 in terms of game releases including BASIC, but today there is a lot of activity again. The only thing is that as you said there are fewer BASIC projects but I think that was inevitable with the arrival of Axe Parser. The same thing happened on 68K calcs when TIGCC came out. One thing that concerns me since the second half of 2010, though, is that activity seems to be on the decline again. I tried to help by suggesting features and encouraging others to do so, but it didn't have much effect at the end, so this is why I've been posting more game release news lately, so people still continue getting the recognition they deserve, even if Omnimaga traffic is much lower than ticalc. I kinda wish news were like Shashdot: contributed by users but moderated. At least they would not need to write everything themselves, but they would still screen news for worthiness.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 06:38:57 pm by DJ Omnimaga »