Here's a release of OmnomIRC Alpha 1!

I just finished the installer, so I cannot guarantee that it is bug-free, but it seems to be working for me. It currently doesn't have any of the forum integration with it.
To use: Upload to a web server. Make sure that the web server has write permissions to the folder(for writing the config)
Go to the folder. The installer will request SQL information from you and set up the config and everything. Then go back to the index and enter a username.
Right now, there is no login system either(To be coming soon!), so usernames are unprotected(anyone can use anyones name.)
Download:, along with this release, I will be temporarily ceasing updates on Omnimaga's OmnomIRC while I work on getting this version compatible with SMFs login system.
EDIT: Ohey, we're up to Alpha 2 already! Fixed file paths(were windows paths, now unix paths), and fixed a bug corrupting cookies.