I have some site updates, but first of all,
I would like to remind everyone that have troubles posting new topics and replies or to login or logout that they must clear their internets Bowser from any biscuits from the old Omnimaga housing provider. Clearing your Opera/Firefox/Chrome/IE cache should fix those problems. It is usually in your browser options, but if you have troubles figuring out, check the manual or try a Google search on "clearing browser cache" without the quotes. You may need to restart your browser once this is done. Those problems are most likely due to the change of server (most likely the different IP or configuration).
Now for the updates:
-First of all, an error with the latest downloads was fixed, so they should no longer give a 501 Not Implemented error.
-Secondly, SpyBot45, the post notifier bot, now uses a proprietary URL shortener for post notifications on IRC. Instead of TinyURL it now uses OmniURL. This service only works for Omnimaga topic/post links, though. To access
http://ourl.ca/7531/130785 for example, you would type
http://omniurl.tk/4934/76661 . This should be useful to shorten the new post notices without adding too much load on TinyURL and also to link to replies/threads in IRC channel topics, for example.
-Third, do you remember
this? Well, now the forum themes were all modified so each topic that got attachments in it shows an icon and the total amount of attachments in them. Clicking the icon or the number opens a pop-up listing all attachments included in the topic in a more convenient way than what we had. It should make it much easier to download a program without having to search through 90 pages of posts.
It also looks like everyone can access the site again now. Tuesday morning, only a few people could get in, then during evening most people could, except some ISPs in Australia, China and some schools. Quigibo was one of the last person to be able to get in again.

Sorry again for the long downtimes the move might have caused to some people.
UPDATE: Fixed time offset error on the board stats page for daily/weekly/monthly top 10 posters/topic starters.