Author Topic: New MLC Commands  (Read 4036 times)

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Offline bfr

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New MLC Commands
« on: August 29, 2007, 10:55:00 am »
I finally got some time to work on MLC today.  So, having my new Linux dual-boot set up, and after installing KTIGCC and TiEmu, I transfered the MLC from my Windows computer to here.  Besides having vacations and things to do, being sick, etc., it was annoying to work on my Windows computer because it had a really bad wireless internet connection that would break frequently, causing situations like this:

[I join #tigcc]
[I ask a question]
[My internet connection breaks before I get the answer]

Anyway, after opening KTIGCC, my MLC TIGCC project and my MLC tokenizer TIGCC project, I thought....

OK, I need to know all of the commands that are going to be in MLC 68K to finish the MLC tokenizer.  So, what SHOULD all the commands be?  All of the commands in MLC2?  That would be all of the commands in MLC1, plus:  FORL, LCFT, and WFCT, I think (kucalc correct me if I'm wrong).  But what about a sine command (SINE)?  Or lbl/goto (LABL/GOTO)?  The labels and gotos in MLC wouldn't be like the ones in TI-BASIC.  With the MLC tokenizer, it could make it so that instead of searching the entire program for the specified label, it goes directly to the specified label, because it would convert the label to a character number.  Or what about some way to run subroutines, so that MLC programs don't have to be in one huge source file?  Maybe RUNS to run a subroutine and RETS to return from a subroutine.  None of these are part of MLC2, though, so I'd have to talk to the other MLC developers to see what they think too.

EDIT:  Are the following key commands officially part of MLC2...?

#AKEY ,         -   Assign Key
#RKEY ,         -   Reassign Key
#SKEY                     -   Stop for Key - I'm not even exactly sure what this is supposed to is it any different than PAUS

EDIT AGAIN:  I don't think exponents (^) are supported in MLC2, are they?  They wouldn't be hard at all to implement...I actually had support for them before, but then I removed it because I didn't think it was part of MLC2....

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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New MLC Commands
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 11:29:00 am »
i dont remember exactly, since it has been 2 years since i checked progress on MLC commands x.x but nice to see progress tho ^^


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New MLC Commands
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2007, 11:29:00 am »
Is this the thread for ratifying a new MLC standard (MLC3)?

By subroutines, do you mean loading a external file? Because #FRUN and #FEND kind of do the same thing as #RUNS and #RETS.

I'm wandering, are you TI guys able to access the serial port on your calculators? I also wander if your calc-to-calc cable is similar to CASIO's:

Are you able to follow this communication format: 9600 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity? It would be kind of cool to play multiplayer games between a TI calculator and a CASIO. :Dbiggrin.gif

Are the following key commands officially part of MLC2...?

#AKEY , - Assign Key
#RKEY , - Reassign Key
#SKEY - Stop for Key - I'm not even exactly sure what this is supposed to is it any different than PAUS

Where did those come from? I don't think those are in MLC2.

EDIT AGAIN: I don't think exponents (^) are supported in MLC2, are they? They wouldn't be hard at all to implement...I actually had support for them before, but then I removed it because I didn't think it was part of MLC2....

If were are going to create a new MLC standard we can add exponents.

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New MLC Commands
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 11:34:00 am »
We have some ti games with multiplayer via link port, we can manage to do linking routines. However, i remember crimsoncasio talking about voltage being different between both brand, so one of the calc would be fried :(sad.gif


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New MLC Commands
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 11:38:00 am »
It would have been great though to play against a friend using a TI. I live in California, USA and a bunch of people use TI's.

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New MLC Commands
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2007, 11:40:00 am »
true, well actually I think according to the amount of people on forums on the web i would say 80% use TI, 17% casio and 3% HP. Casio is used mostly by french people though

Offline bfr

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New MLC Commands
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2007, 11:54:00 am »

Is this the thread for ratifying a new MLC standard (MLC3)?

Yeah, I guess.


By subroutines, do you mean loading a external file? Because #FRUN and #FEND kind of do the same thing as #RUNS and #RETS.

An external file.  Another seperate MLC program, probably.  Or it might be cool if it could run TI-BASIC programs too...


I'm wandering, are you TI guys able to access the serial port on your calculators? I also wander if your calc-to-calc cable is similar to CASIO's:

Are you able to follow this communication format: 9600 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity? It would be kind of cool to play multiplayer games between a TI calculator and a CASIO. :Dbiggrin.gif

That would be fun.  :Dbiggrin.gif  But...serial?  The only port that all 68ks have is an I/O port (1.5mm or something like that, I think).  


Where did those come from? I don't think those are in MLC2.

Those are from a document burntfuse gave me to help me make MLC.


If were are going to create a new MLC standard we can add exponents.

Cool. B)cool.gif

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New MLC Commands
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2007, 12:25:00 pm »
Oh yeah staff cant delete posts in case something very important would be deleted. Deleting now

Offline Madskillz

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New MLC Commands
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2007, 02:57:00 pm »
hmm looks interesting and I would love to see the ti guys playing with the casio guys...but I don't see it happening. I am not gonna say it isn't possible, but it will have to be looked into.


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New MLC Commands
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2007, 03:34:00 pm »
I'd really hate to see MLC die again. I think we should change objectives. We should try putting MLC onto as many calculators as possible TI's and HP's to get more users interested. If I ever got my hands on a TI calculator or even a HP calculator, I would help out. :(sad.gif

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New MLC Commands
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2007, 03:43:00 pm »
maybe if there was HP compatibility it would make HP calcs more popular

Offline Speler

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New MLC Commands
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2007, 03:52:00 pm »
Someone should write a Java MLC interpreter, that way it'd run on even more platforms :)smile.gif.


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New MLC Commands
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2007, 04:16:00 pm »
How goes the MLC project?
Is it still on a leg?

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New MLC Commands
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2007, 05:35:00 pm »
Idk but it seems to be stagnating again like back in EPS days :(sad.gif less and less progress. I even don't see the actual people working on it now much anymore. I hope they don't plan to either quit the project or calc programming as a whole