To make a comment about this program, please post in this topic Pokemon TI-89 (English version);sa=view;down=804POKEMON TI-89 - English Version
I started to develop it in C (with the TIGCC compiler-IDE, which I recommend to you) one year ago. At that time, I just realised that my project of Pokemon for TI-83+ in TI-Basic was unrealisable, due to the lack of memory of this calculator. So I decided to upgrade both calculators and programming language, and one year after the game is here !
I don't want to make a copy of the GameBoy version, but at least a playable version, in which you can recognize the game we all played when we were chlidren.
Currently the game has 95 Pokemons, 127 Moves and 11 Objects but it is not finished yet ! My main objective is to finish all the maps in the game as soon as possible and to create the Pokemon League. And then I will add new Pokemons, new Objects, and new things such as TM/HM, Pokemon Exchange,...
The game is in French, sorry, but if someone wants to translate the game for me, I will be very pleased. If your are lost at the beginning, Professeur Chen is actually Prof. Oak !
How to install ?1) - Download files
2) - Transfer all files beginning with "pokemon" to your calculator. You will have a folder POKEMON created automatically.
3) - Archive all files in POKEMON folder.
4) - Transfer "pokemon.89z" to your calculator (you can decide whether to archive it or not.)
5) - Launch pokemon() !
If you have problem with installation, just MP me.
CommandsENTER - Action, OK (A Button)
ESC - Return, Abort (B Button) and quit game when walking
HOME - Menu (Start Button)
ARROWS to walk
Here are some screenshots for those who don't own a TI-89 (don't forget the emulators, though !) :

Changelog :
15/06/2012 : Version 0.6- English Version !
- New Maps (you can now obtain up to 6 badges !)
- New Objects (revive, and better balls and potions)
- New Sprites for Pokemon (beautiful !)
- You can now quit the game while fighting by pressing ESC when you choose between Attack, Item, Pokemon and Flee. It won't save the game.
- Save file are now archived.
I cannot be held responsible if any dommage is caused to your calculator
, but normally it should be fine!Torio