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Topics - Builderboy

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Computer Projects and Ideas / Water Works
« on: November 25, 2009, 11:08:14 pm »
A physics based game where your job is to get the drops of water into the filter to be cleaned. Unfortunately your materials are limited, and the environments odd, leading to some unique puzzle madness! If you are having trouble on any level, just remember: All are Possible; Some are Tricky!

This game was inspired a lot by a game i saw my friend playing on his iPhone, and when i realized i could make a version in java, i was very excited!  It implements my old pinball physics engine, albeit with major updates and a fancy new object system that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)

Serenity / Duel Tile Map Maker
« on: November 21, 2009, 11:17:03 am »
Jumping on the bandwagon here!  This is my map maker/editor that i have used to make rooms for Serenity.  It uses my patented* duel sprite technique to create the maps, and so has a vast number off possible tiles.

[arrow keys]: moves your cursor
[2nd]: Lets you input a string of 2 characters, displaying them where your cursor is
[Alpha]: brings up a screen of many special chars and lets you select 2 for even more possibilities
[Clear]: Clears the current tile
[Mode]: Repeat the most recent tile
[Enter]: save to Str1 and Str2

I'll get a screenshot up as soon as i get calcapture back up and running

*Not really patented :P

Computer Projects and Ideas / The Darkness
« on: November 05, 2009, 12:57:42 pm »
So a contest has just started in a java community I am a part of, and I am planning to submit to it :)  The due date is December 4th, so I have a little under a month to complete my game.  I have already begun the engine and storyline, and some of the early releases can be seen Here:

The game will have a unique aspect involving realistically casted shadows, which will make up the a large part of the gameplay.  The engine also sports a tilemapper to create large worlds.  The characters and enemies will be driven by a bone based armature system which will allow characters to be composed of multiple limbs and objects.  The objects can be connected via parenting and childing of objects, and parents rotation effects the childs.  The demo scenario for this can be seen here:

The game is going to be a very dark game, with environmental overtones to fit in with the theme of the contest.  I am going to keep in storyline until me and my fellow designer solidify the plot.

Unfortunately, the object system I have built into the shadow engine does not support rotation, which is imperative for the armature system to work, so i will need to do a complete rewrite of the object-shadow system and possible use the new features to expand the tilemapping shadow system as well.

TI Z80 / New Shift Levels
« on: October 27, 2009, 09:26:05 pm »
So in the next version of Shift (which i hope to release soon) I want to add a whole lot more levels to the game, and levels that are particularly challenging.  I myself am not that good at creating levels for this game :P but it would be great if I could have some help on this!  Is anybody willing to help make some new levels to be added onto shift?

I will also be including some bugfixes and feature requests.

Serenity / Jump Button
« on: October 23, 2009, 10:26:37 am »
So I recently realized that people like the use of the [UP] button as the jump button.  I originally had it as [2nd] because it would be easier to jump and then move immediately after.  Because of the limitations of Basic getkey, You will need to press two keys in order to jump and move, I would just like you're opinion as to what key you would like more.

(keeping in mind that the Item key is Alpha, and the Action key is XTon)

Computer Programming / Rigid Body Dynamics
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:20:41 am »
I have been programing in java for quite some time, and it was only recently that I realized I could share many of my projects here on this site! 

This is a Physics Engine I have been working on for many months.  it is based off of my soft-body engine, which for some reason is significantly easier :P  Anyways, I host all my java creations on a site called the Greenfoot Gallery, a place where you can upload java program created with the program Greenfoot.

This is my physics engine

As you can see it only supports 1 object so far, but i am currently working on supporting collisions.

And for those of you who are worried that I am giving up calculator programing, never fear!  I have been doing this java programing for nearly as long as I have been programing in TiBasic, and it hasn't overridden it yet!

Serenity / Screenshots
« on: September 05, 2009, 08:58:42 pm »
Just a thread to compile all the screenshots :)

Original Still Image Screenshots

An early version of the engine.

The first Boss fight

An example of the crate and button system designed for puzzles.

And the menu.  Supports 4 save slots, and a help file.

Another animation of the Main Menu

The pause menu, with multiple pages :)

A demonstration of the Talking algorithem

Serenity / Demo release date
« on: September 04, 2009, 10:03:33 pm »
As my first order of business with this new shiny sub-forum, I will create a topic concerning the demo of Serenity, its release date, and features that will be supported.  I am already working on redesigning the rooms and coding the cut scene text-technology, so hopefully I won't have to push back the deadline.  I will work hard not to!  The demo will be able to save progress, and files will be transferable to the finished version unless there are any significant changes to Sector 1 between the finished version and the Demo.

Release date:
September 31st 2009
1st Sector, including the first Boss
The first Item
Opening cut scene/dialogue

TI Z80 / Isometric Engine
« on: August 30, 2009, 10:27:15 pm »
So I was really sick from Friday to Today, and while i was wallowing in a lake of my own phlegm I dreamed up an idea for an Isometric engine...  After I got better enough to program, I quickly set about doing it, and quickly came up with a basic demo program writen in BASIC with xLib.  A few more hours of tinkering and this is what I got.

A basic example screen built using 4 tiles: Empty - Box - Grass/Sand - Rock

And animation of a beta scrolling algorithm (SE)

The data is read directly from a single matrix, but in a very confusing way :(.  This will make collision detection even more difficult, although this isn't the best engine for RPG's or such, as you would need to do some heavy calculating while displaying objects, so that they stay in back of the objects they need to stay in back of and such.

Each object has an image and a mask to make sure he objects occlude each other correctly.

General Calculator Help / Ti Connect Corruption
« on: July 08, 2009, 11:45:56 pm »
I have no idea why, but whenever I try to transfer Files from My 84SE to my computer, I get an Acces Denied Error, and then the file gets corrupted on my calculator.  When I try to run, it crashes or freezes.  When I try to edit, it fills the screen with garbage.

Are there any alternatives?  I tried Tilp, but that didn't work.

Serenity / Serenity
« on: June 24, 2009, 12:48:08 pm »
Its finally time to reveal some screenshot of my upcoming submission to the contest.  The game will be called Serenity, the story is based on a spaceship, and that's all i will tell you! :D



I'm very proud of the graphics, they're like nothing i have worked with before

EDIT: I didn't upload animated screnshots, because wabbitemu doesn't like special characters, and i use a lot of those.

Math and Science / Line-Sphere Intersection
« on: June 20, 2009, 07:48:03 pm »
I am stuck.  really really stuck, and for some reason Google will not yield any useful results.  Does anybody know the formula for detecting a collision between a line and a sphere in 3D space?


TI Z80 / BBC Basic Tetris
« on: June 11, 2009, 05:43:42 pm »
Its the first game for the BBC Basic series!  And its fast enough to compete with assembly!  Look at all its majesty!

:D  its pending in TiCalc as i speak!
EDIT: Its done!  That was fast:

It supports pausing, a nice scoring system, and the speed increases as your score increases!

Other Calculators / TOP 4!!!!
« on: June 04, 2009, 10:06:05 pm »
WOOOOOOOOO!!!! Portal is in the 4TH HIGHEST RATED PROGRAM on TiCalc!!!!!  WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

TI Z80 / Trapped
« on: April 26, 2009, 10:54:39 pm »
So a while back I created a version of the internet flash game Trapped.  It used xLib to get good graphics, but was incredibly slow, badly coded, and humongous.  Recently I created a new and improved version, using pure basic.  It was faster, more detailed, had larger rooms, more items, and was smaller.  I recently finished it, and I am in need of some beta testers, as it is a large-ish game.  It does use CelticII for saving the data to an appvar, but other than that it is in pure Basic

Here is a screenshot of the game

And here is the link
Send all the programs to your calculator, then run INSTALL to create your game file.  You can then delete INSTALL and run TRAPPED to play

Let me know what you think! (And if you find any bugs)

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