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Messages - Camdenmil

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Other / Re: TI-Nterface (my version of labpro)
« on: February 20, 2012, 10:28:03 pm »
Are you using the usb port or the link port? Axe's link commands only use the link port (the usb controller is a semi-undocumented monster)
I use the IO link port. I think I'm gonna use the OS way of communication since there is better documentation of it and perhaps could be used with basic programs.
You should have a way to use the axe link commands, I mean it'd be cool to interface with external hardware with axe. Axe's protocol is very simple, tip is held low to initialize a transfer and ring is used for data transfer. (All times are assuming a 6mhz cpu) You have 10 µs to acknowledge the transfer and there is a delay of 12-18 µs for each bit. The linking routine is provided in (which comes with axe) if you want to see exactly what it does. I tested this with a microcontroller I was able to send and receive bytes with axe.

Are you going to share the hardware design/programs? I've been thinking about making some hardware interface for the calc (with spi and i2c ports for sd cards ect.) and it'd be nice if there was a common platform to work with.

Other / Re: TI-Nterface (my version of labpro)
« on: February 19, 2012, 07:02:35 pm »
Are you using the usb port or the link port? Axe's link commands only use the link port (the usb controller is a semi-undocumented monster)

Other / Re: TI-Nterface (my version of labpro)
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:34:36 pm »
The wikiti page has some stuff on how the os sends bytes. If you're using axe, take a look at axe's (p_GetByte and p_SendByte). From what I see, tip on the link port is used for confirmation and ring is used for sending bits.

Elimination / Re: Would you enjoy playing Elimination in its current state?
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:19:19 pm »
I had trouble with telling where walls were at first but I quickly got used to that. My main complaint seeing the enemy sprites, I usually have to rely completely on the health bars for them.
A friend stumbled upon this gpl raycasting maze for the 83+ a while ago. I haven't had a look at the source though.

Axe / Re: 4x4 sprites
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:52:42 pm »
Is there any faster way than drawing them with the pt commands? While I'm asking, what about other sizes like 5x5? I've tried drawing using nibs and by having the program make 8x8 sprites by multiplying [first 4 bits] * 16 + [last 4 bits] but those method's haven't been performing well and they don't work for sizes other than 4x4.

Axe / 4x4 sprites
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:06:06 pm »
Does anyone have a fast/small way to draw 4x4 sprites?

News / Re: The TI-Nspire ViewScreen panel is a true TI-Nspire CAS+ !!!
« on: January 08, 2012, 01:58:37 pm »
Why is it a full nspire instead of a dumb lcd like other viewscreens?

Elimination / Re: Elimination Test Version #1
« on: January 03, 2012, 10:18:24 pm »
Every time I run the game, it forgets my grayscale calibration. Can you at least add it to the main menu because it doesn't ask me to re-calibrate it until I delete the appvar? Also, when I press clear in the game and select one of the first two options, it freezes.

I'm sorry, I thought it saved the calibration.  I will fix that, because I'm about to re-release the test version with more ammunition.

So when you press CLEAR and select "New Game," does it freeze?  Don't mess around with "Resume" for right now, I'm actually planning on getting rid of that option.

In the actual game, when I pressed clear, I get a menu that lets me choose between: Factory, Ground, [Difficulty], Storyline On/Off, and Quit. If I select the first two (which seem like a bug anyway) it freezes. If I change difficulty, it doesn't remember it on next startup but it does remember storyline. I messed with this in level one.

News / Re: TI-84 Plus Pocket SE
« on: January 03, 2012, 10:09:21 pm »
It'd be nice if this comes to the US although if I dedicate a whole pocket to a calculator I can fit my 84+SE in my pocket ;D

Maybe in this one TI added boot code 1.04 with 4096 bit encryption and and 8 hour validation time. I wonder if it's like the 84+ and 84+SE as far as being completely identical (even down to the circuit board) to the 84+Pocket except for the flash chip.

Elimination / Re: Elimination Test Version #1
« on: January 02, 2012, 12:32:15 pm »
Every time I run the game, it forgets my grayscale calibration. Can you at least add it to the main menu because it doesn't ask me to re-calibrate it until I delete the appvar? Also, when I press clear in the game and select one of the first two options, it freezes.

Gaming Discussion / Re: new game by Notch
« on: January 01, 2012, 04:32:21 pm »
I might attempt it. One of my friends drew up some nice sprites a while ago trying to get me to make a 2d "minecraft".

Elimination / Re: Elimination: A New FPS
« on: December 20, 2011, 10:30:28 pm »
I think I missed this somewhere, but what happened to the sky background?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: December 17, 2011, 06:27:36 pm »
What about support for the crystal timers?

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: December 12, 2011, 05:58:16 pm »
When I use the on+num shortcut to compile with axe, it seems to randomly zoom (fast compile, less optimizations) or compile normally.
If this is under the newest version of Axe, this makes perfect sense.  Basically you just need to wait for thepenguin to update zStart - it's a bug caused by the incompatibility of an Axe improvement.
I saw that in the new features. I wonder why it randomly chooses between the two though.

Is it possible to make a shortcut to zoom or compile normally?

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: December 10, 2011, 11:00:34 pm »
When I use the on+num shortcut to compile with axe, it seems to randomly zoom (fast compile, less optimizations) or compile normally.

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