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Messages - Chockosta

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TI-Nspire / Re: nCraft (3D minecraft-like game for the nspire)
« on: September 24, 2012, 02:23:56 pm »
AaroneusTheGreat :
Indeed, I would be really interested if you found such a tutorial :)

On a more general note, I made some progress !
You can now remove blocks (with tab). Adding blocks require a bit more work, but I should come with a new version tomorrow.
I also chose 8 and 2 to move, I added a cursor, and I filled the background in blue.
Here is an attached screenie to show you ;)

Miscellaneous / Re: Post your desktop
« on: September 24, 2012, 11:56:58 am »
I changed my wallpaper to an awesome fractal I found playing with Xaos...
(The theme is Split)

Spoiler For Spoiler:

TI-Nspire / Re: nCraft (3D minecraft-like game for the nspire)
« on: September 22, 2012, 12:17:31 pm »
Yes, indeed... Why ?

TI-Nspire / Re: nCraft (3D minecraft-like game for the nspire)
« on: September 22, 2012, 07:43:38 am »
Ok, thanks.
I asked this question, because some people seem to prefer clicking... (like Darl181)

TI-Nspire / Re: nCraft (3D minecraft-like game for the nspire)
« on: September 22, 2012, 05:44:54 am »
You should look into how raycasting is done for drawing maps in a raycaster (only the ray cast, not the drawing), then try to add the third dimension. This will be the easyest way, and it's fully possible because of the block-based world. Raycasting as used in 3D computer games often uses more complex calculations and search for polygons, which would also make it harder to use.
Yes, that's what I have in mind. Cube-based worlds are well adapted to raycasting.

You're right, traditionally they aren't designed for it, but using the sector system to your advantage, you may be able to get away with it. Now a standard orthagonal raycaster is very well suited for dynamic maps, if you can use the other raycasting techniques with it, and avoid the bsd tree entirely, you may be able to use a raycaster to do it all. Take a look at the raycaster that was used in the port of Doom for nSpire (not the source port, the full rebuild) and you'll see what i mean.

The Voxel idea sounds like the best one yet. it would really be well suited for this style of game. I suspected for a while that the original used a mix of voxel rendering and polygons, but i don't know for sure, it looks suspiciously like that.
I know that raycasting could be useul for my game, but I'm not sure that it would be faster than my current "3D engine".
All I do is selecting cubes around the player which are visible, sort them (with an optimized heap sort) and display them (without any depth buffer).
The main part of the speed loss comes from cube drawing, and I think I optimized this part quite well...

Moreover, you have to be able to look up and down, which all the raycasting engines that I know don't support.
So I think that I will keep my 3D engine for now (which isn't far from a voxel engine).

Later maybe you could implement a choice of color? or texture packs :P
Well, I'll think about that later, it is not my priority :)

One thing that's worth keeping in mind is since it works on grayscale models, clickpad support should be kept. Idk how ndless goes about it, but maybe if using the touchpad breaks on the clickpad it can be an option? Personally I'm not too fond of how touchy ndoom is :P but to each their own.
Maybe you're right.
So what should I do ? Use a detection based on touching or clicking ?

TI-Nspire / Re: Jumper [subject to change]
« on: September 22, 2012, 05:24:41 am »
This looks awesome, but I think it is too easy...
I did more than 80,000 in my second trial.

Lua / Re: Look what my Nspire can do
« on: September 21, 2012, 04:12:27 pm »
Wow, nice work !
You guys get deeper and deeper into hacking the Nspire...
This is really awesome.

TI-Nspire / Re: nCraft (3D minecraft-like game for the nspire)
« on: September 21, 2012, 04:03:44 pm »
This is a nice idea...
I'll take a look at mViewer's code, and try this.

(But for now, I am busy with raycasting...)

TI-Nspire / Re: nCraft (3D minecraft-like game for the nspire)
« on: September 21, 2012, 11:49:35 am »
Would a scrolling background image slow the game down too much? It would be nice to have a background with clouds that moves around when you rotate the camera.
I will try to add this, this yould be prettier indeed.
For now, I just filled it with blue, like Hayleia said.

TI-Nspire / Re: nCraft (3D minecraft-like game for the nspire)
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:09:23 am »
Woah, thanks for the support !

An idea..since the map isn't drawn pretty far forward might it be possible to have a mini-map that's a slice of the current height's layer or something?
Yes, that is totally possible. When I will be done with basic stuff (adding and removing blocks, inventory), I will add this
(of course, you will be able to deactivate it if it annoys you)
Edit: random thought- is the map drawn all the way around the player or just in front if it?
The cubes behind the player aren't sorted nor drawn. I might optimize this part a bit more, though.

After that will you add the ability to be able to place +destroy blocks (maybe jumping too)
Adding and removing blocks is off course the next item on my todo list :)
But it requires 3D raycasting, and I don't know much about that... I'll do research this week-end...

This would totally win my vote for POTY, after the gbc gba emulators from calc84! (But that was the last POTY, this could be the next winner :D)
I don't think this will win the POTY, gpSP is really better :)
But thank you for your support !

I hope I will make a lot of progress this week-end...

TI-Nspire / Re: nCraft (3D minecraft-like game for the nspire)
« on: September 20, 2012, 03:27:51 pm »
I'm afraid not :/
I am not able to get a decent speed with textures, sorry.
You'll have to differentiate blocks with their colour.

TI-Nspire / Re: Some 3D with Ndless...
« on: September 20, 2012, 02:02:59 pm »
As I said here, I'm back !
So this project is officially resumed.

I did a few graphical changes, so now the grass looks like a "chess board" (I don't really find words to explain, you should look at the attached screenshot).
Should I keep it like this ? I think it looks better...

I also implemented gravity.
So you now can walk on a my map, fall and climb...

I will now focus on speed and optimization, because it is a bit slow (it is faster on an emulator than on a calculator)
But if you want, you can try it here ! Turn the camera with the arrows, go forward with A and backward with Z (I know, A and Z are not convenient, I will probably change for 8 and 2)
The game works on both CX and grayscale models.
Warning : this have never been tested on a real calculator, it might crash...

TI-Nspire / Re: PTTKiller - Enable access to documents in PTT mode
« on: June 07, 2012, 12:01:29 pm »
I think that TI just got what they deserved.
Since the TI-Nspire release, they did almost everything that they could do in order to prevent us to play with native code.
So congrats compu, I really hope that a lot of students will use this.
I also hope that a new OSlauncher will be created to work with all the Nspires. If I were skilled enough, I would try do do it.

I perfectly understand Hayleia's point of view, but I don't hope anymore that TI will change.
(They sure made great efforts to communicate with the community, but their actions about Ndless did not change at all)

That's a bit sad, but I'm happy that you stay here :)

TI-Nspire / Re: [Lua] Image Editor
« on: June 06, 2012, 07:28:53 am »
Great work, this is awesome !

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