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Messages - Cinaed666

Pages: 1 2 [3]
TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 07, 2009, 10:27:48 am »
GBC isn't very likely. It has quite a few more hardware features I would have to implement, not to mention twice the RAM and processor speed.
And linking could be possible... I haven't really tried it at all yet though.
Hi, I also found this forum because of the emulator.
SOME .gbc roms should work without a problem, like pokémon silver/gold since it works on the original game boy.
Also, I haven't tried the emulator yet (need some new batteries) but my serial number ends with S-0507 H.
This means it's ONE revision too young? D:  It's over two years old.

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