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Messages - Digital

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i thought that they have some special and deeper meanig here :D but *nomnom*

thanks *nomnom*   what do you mean with peanuts?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: [AXE] asm codes
« on: December 12, 2014, 10:49:13 am »
thanks this looks really good;)

Im Digital! and im German! im a 14 years old boy and I have startet to programm on my calc with basic and later with axe (i think some like 2 years ago). i also have some java knowledge.
my english isnt the best so i maybe make some english mistakes correct me please;)
im looking forward to a nice time with you!

The Axe Parser Project / Re: [AXE] asm codes
« on: December 11, 2014, 02:07:02 pm »
no i cant write in assembly. starting programming in axe something like 2 years ago i started to forget the basic shell.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: [AXE] asm codes
« on: December 11, 2014, 01:54:47 pm »
I mean the asm([Hex]) command in axe. I know you can lots of things whith it but i dont know how to do

The Axe Parser Project / [AXE] asm codes
« on: December 11, 2014, 01:47:33 pm »
Hi there,
what asm codes are there? what are asm codes?
thanks for your help;)

News / Re: Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening AXE
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:22:01 am »
Yes its really epic! thanks for this work!

WabbitStudio Software Suite / Re: WabbitEmu doesnt work! Need help!
« on: April 17, 2014, 07:06:22 pm »
I just douple posted because i want that you see it.
There is a place to post things with wabbitemu. May i shoud move this topic to there.
But how to do ? Please tell me how to move topics:)

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: April 17, 2014, 10:17:09 am »
You can edit onmicalc fonts on calc(are Im doing right now)

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: April 15, 2014, 03:29:46 am »
Yes, I cant send the small Font version to  my 83+ too. Its very bad :(

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Sprite Helpers
« on: April 14, 2014, 01:57:24 pm »
 :) :D
Here is the first version of my sprite program!

Please give me feedback  :D .
No screenshot because wabbitemu doesnt work :'( (

With this programm you can draw a 4 level grayscale picture and the it converts area, defined by you, to two hex and saves te hex into the programm HEX.
If you press [Enter] you can just draw an Inverted Outline Box. The outline and all what is inside will be converted.

-No filled circle implemented. Please help me with this.-
-Compile the program PICTOHEX not the other one.-

==Moving ==
[^]  Up
[v]  Down
[<]  Left
[>]  Right

[prgm]  draw menu
[2nd]    Buffer 1
[Alpha]  Buffer 2
[math]  both Buffer (black/white)
[Clear]  Clears the screen

[Enter]  Change the area, which the program will convert to a Hex.

==Changing convert-to-Hex-area==
[2nd]    start point of the convert-to-hex-area
[Enter]  end point of the convert-to-hex-area / convert to hex

[ON]  Exit


WabbitStudio Software Suite / Re: WabbitEmu doesnt work! Need help!
« on: April 14, 2014, 12:51:17 pm »
Im working on a laptop ;)
If I press [O (zero)] or [.], it receives [2nd] and if i press [-](next to [.]) it receives [mode]

WabbitStudio Software Suite / Re: WabbitEmu doesnt work! Need help!
« on: April 14, 2014, 10:16:54 am »
I have version and there are no updates.
here is my download-link:

WabbitStudio Software Suite / Re: WabbitEmu doesnt work! Need help!
« on: April 14, 2014, 10:13:11 am »
I deleted it an downloaded Wabbitemu
none changed

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