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Messages - E37

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Axe / Re: Running Basic Programs in Axe
« on: March 13, 2016, 01:42:32 pm »
I am working on a hybrid asm-basic program with this discovery and I am wondering, how do you disable the APD in basic while waiting for input?

TI Z80 / Re: Mr. Bob's Bad Day (Out?) A Text RPG [CE/CSE] [TI-BASIC]
« on: March 10, 2016, 08:20:32 pm »
Looks cool!
On the non color versions you can use :Pause "text"
Same as :Disp "text" :Pause
Should work for color versions.

Axe / Re: Running Basic Programs in Axe
« on: March 10, 2016, 03:44:32 pm »
I mainly started it because Runner said that he didn't know of a way to run basic programs from Axe.
I'm not sure if he meant in pure Axe or with hex codes.
(now that I think about it, of course you can run basic programs with hex, it can be done in asm)

While I was posting I just realized that I am not sure on the correct pronunciation of Axe.
I just pronounce it like the tool ax, is that correct?

Axe / Re: Running Basic Programs in Axe
« on: March 09, 2016, 08:42:34 pm »
If you try to run a non existent program the screen just flashes for a second and then clears and displays done on the top right corner.
Nothing bad seems to happen. If the Basic program throws an error (Like if the user hit the ON key) the program quits the same way as usual. Overall it acts like you ran the program normally from the home screen. (with the exception of a nonexistent program)
(Learning Basic is the best place to start - that is where I began!)

Axe / Running Basic Programs in Axe
« on: March 09, 2016, 05:22:52 pm »
So... I figured out how to, like the title suggests, RUN BASIC PROGRAMS FROM AXE!
Without more of an intro, here is the code.

GetCalc("prgmBASIC",Y1 //gets the pointer to the basic program
[0523]->Str1           //stores the memory location of the home screen
GetCalc(Str1,{Y1-2}r) -> A
Copy(Y1,A,{Y1-2}r      //copy the program to the home screen
Asm(21F8893E02AE77)    //enables loops, if blocks, ect... on the home screen
Str1:Asm(E7EF9B4A)     //runs the program
Asm(21F8893E02AE77)    //returns to normal home screen

And that is all! Once this is compiled and run, it will execute prgmBASIC!
(Your previous entry will be the program that you just run...)
I imagine something bad will happen if the basic program throws and error, I probably should have included some kind of error handler (like the Runprgm Axiom)
I got the home screen swap hex code from here:
Thanks Runner for the program execution hex code!

This works on my ti-84, is there any improvements I should make?

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: March 08, 2016, 04:43:13 pm »
Thanks! It feels good (in a weird way) to find out that my search was impossible and I wasn't just missing something.

Is there any useful uses of it?
I am assuming that the OS has a flag for whether the enter key is pressed on the home screen.
It there a way I can "activate the flag" and execute anything it has.
I am looking for a way to implement floating point math (It doesn't have to be fast) into my editor as a feature.
Basically I am tired of quitting my program to do a math operation on the home screen. (and I don't want to do long math in my head)
(the whole home screen is a program thing BLEW MY MIND)

However you'd end up doing such a thing, you'd need some things beyond the capabilities of pure Axe. My inclination would be to let the user select a line, or some more specific selection, and then press a button to request that it be replaced with its evaluation. I've never done anything like this before, but it might work something like this (DISCLAIMER: COMPLETELY UNTESTED):
  • (Optional) Save the value of Ans. This gets rather tricky for lists and matrices.
  • Create a temporary equation with the same size as the selection. The clean way to do this in assembly would be to use B_CALL(_CreateTempEqu). But a pure Axe solution would be to use a fixed temporary equation name, like [03FFFF00], and create it with GetCalc(<name>,size).
  • Copy the selection into the temporary equation.
  • Install an error handler around the next step in case an error occurs while parsing the equation. DrDnar's axiom meant for running assembly programs seems to provide this functionality.
  • Execute the temporary equation by putting its name in OP1 and using B_CALL(_ParseInp) (in Axe: <name>Asm(E7EF9B4A)).
  • If an error occurred, handle it as you wish. Perhaps append "=ERROR" to the selection.
  • If no error occurred, convert the result to a string representation. Thankfully, Mateo recently demonstrated how this could be done. In Axe (returns a pointer to the variable's size word): Asm(210000EF2443D5EF6949EF524BEFAB49EF6C49E1).
  • If no error occurred, delete the selection and insert the result's string representation into the program at that location.
  • (Not sure if necessary) Clean up temporary variables with B_CALL(_CleanAll) (in Axe: Asm(EF5041)).
  • (Optional) Restore the original value of Ans.
I am just looking back (after going off and working on random things) on my attempt on an small font editor.
In attempting to fix some problems (with a complete rewrite) I realized that while I was able to execute an equasion, I could only display it as an int. I tried again but after an hour of trying I am still unable to convert the number to a string. How am I able to do this?  ???
(an example would be nice)
What do you mean by "pointer to the variable's size word"?
Thanks!  ;D

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: March 07, 2016, 06:00:28 pm »
I have another random question to ask!  ;D
I have seen programs that can transfer the ASCII characters to tokens that can be accessed in the program manager.
How does this work? I looked through the token table for some of the characters (mainly for the cursor) and couldn't find them.
Is there an Axe way to get these characters? (I know some programs can add them for you)
Any help would be awesome!
(Do I come over as rude? I sort of feel like I am but can't find a better way to word it.)

TI Z80 / Re: Sorcery of Uvutu (CLOSED BETA)
« on: February 29, 2016, 03:47:28 pm »
How fast does the screen refresh? From the screen shots it looks like it is pretty slow.
Adding a sliding animation when the character walks instead of just appearing in the next square would be cool.
It looks like the screen refresh rate would be the prohibiting factor.
I'm not sure if this has been discussed already.

TI Z80 / Re: Sorcery of Uvutu (CLOSED BETA)
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:22:34 pm »
Well... I don't have a color calc, but is there any way I can help? (even just an occasional good job)

TI Z80 / Re: Sorcery of Uvutu (CLOSED BETA)
« on: February 23, 2016, 03:09:22 pm »
Still looks awesome!
How long is the game?

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: January 27, 2016, 05:28:22 pm »
Thanks! My program wasn't an app and it over wrote its self.

Is there any way to prevent
from showing up on the screen? (I know the screen laps after 256)
It appears in the lower right part of the screen and I don't want it to show up a all.
I am working on a scrolling game where the world is larger than 256 pixels long and some objects lap.  :(

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: January 27, 2016, 04:46:36 pm »
Do I need to make space for it, or can I just copy a program directly to it?
Copying it directly doesn't work.

Never mind, I messed up the copy statement.

Edit: the program runs fine but crashes when exited (the program in e9D93 not the one who ran it)

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: January 27, 2016, 04:14:08 pm »
Does anyone know an good aiming routines?
The project I am working on requires that a good amount of aiming.
All attempts at creating a particle that will move at the same speed (reasonably accurately) between two points have failed.
I feel like the solution lies in the sin( cos( tan-1( command but I can't get them to work.
the world uses 256 to 1 pixel up (for good jump animation) but 1 to 1 for the side (for bigger maps)

To answer my question from earlier
:Goto (GetCalc("prgmNAME"))
Seems to work and jumps to the beginning of another program without the lag of other commands.
I know this is probably pretty dangerous and bad things will happen if the program isn't there or crashes.
It appears to be able to jump from an app to a program in ram and then return back to the app.
If it really does what I think it can that lets programs have 36000+ ram to work with (about 16000 for the app and 20000 for ram)

Any thoughts on either subject?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:23:05 am »
I make lots of test programs and like to use the on + trace/zoom to run them. I don't need to them to be archived.
I guess I am probably overly worried about long-term damage on my archive.

You probably should be able to play it, all the screen shots are on a monochrome calc (ti 83 - ti 84+)

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