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Topics - Hayleia

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General Calculator Help / Convert ASM mnemonics to HEX (ASCII) ?
« on: December 04, 2013, 02:40:13 pm »

I am looking for some software that would (as the title says) convert a file with ASM mnemonics into HEX code.
For example, say that I have a file named "test.z80" with this inside:

   xor a

Then the software would return a file with AFC9 inside.

I don't really care if the program needs a header or not, or if it returns AF and C9 on separate lines, I'd just like a tool that converts, basically and I'll make adjustment myself if needed.

So does that exist ?
Note: I know RunerBot does that, but I'd like an offline solution (because I don't have any connexion when on the train).
Note2: Whatever OS you want it to be run with is ok, I have both Windows and Linux on my laptop.

Gaming Discussion / Is the 3DS worth it ?
« on: November 24, 2013, 04:40:53 am »
The title is explanatory.
I saw what a DS can do, and noticed I was able to count the pixels and the polygons, in other words the graphics were awful. However, most games seemed to have an interesting gameplay.
Hence the question : does the 3DS improves the graphical experience without lowering the gameplay experience ?

(note, I don't care about 3D, if I had a 3DS I'd always turn 3D off)

TI Z80 / [Contest 2013][Axe] OmniBlade (formerly "Unnamed SHMUP")
« on: November 02, 2013, 12:04:12 pm »
I was not sure I could get enough progress done quickly enough due to weird homework (like homework you have to do with someone else, random scheduling and all...) so I didn't post about it until it looked like something.

So now it looks like something. Basically, an arcade SHMUP. If I have enough motivation skills time, I planned to add elements that are not really in SHMUPs usually, but I don't say too much about it because I probably won't be able to put them.

So anyway, you have enemies, you kill them. Easy to understand, not so easy to do.
Well for now, it is easy since they don't shoot at you. But they will, don't worry about that.

Screenshot of my progress:

And screenshots of random bugs I got while coding that, in spoiler.

Spoiler For Spoiler:

(Sorry if this is the wrong section, I think I never posted in the Computer section before so I don't know at all how it is organized).

So I have a dual-boot on my PC, and GRUB2 between the two OSes.
I found GRUB2 quite ugly so I wanted to customize it a bit. I downloaded a theme for GRUB2, applied it, and found it ugly too. So I thought about modifying the components of that theme.

So it had a background.png image. "Self-explanatory name" I thought. So I basically replaced it with another png image I made with Paint.Net with the same dimensions and did "sudo update-grub". I rebooted, waiting for my new image to show up and... an error comes instead, saying something like "wrong format".
I thought the problem could come from Paint.Net so I did the same with a png image from Gimp. Still the same error.
I thought that the initial png maybe was special so I tried a jpg from Gimp. Another error (don't recall it exactly).
For some reason I tried with a jpg image from Paint.Net. It worked.

So dafuq is happening ? Is there format differences within the same extension (I can think of compression but what more ?) ? Which extension+format should I use to produce GRUB2-compatible images (Paint.Net jpg works, but has no transparency) ? In other words, which software should I use to produce a GRUB2-compatible png ?

Miscellaneous / Hayleia's Crafting
« on: August 29, 2013, 11:53:41 am »
A while ago, on a topic I don't remember the name, I showed one of my creations, it was a X-Wing (and people complained about the wrong decorations lol). Art of Camelot asked me to make a topic about my creations but I somehow forgot about it, and I only remember now that I see Sorunome's topic, even though mine is not "only" papercraft.

Of course I don't show here all of my creations because it would take too much space, so I only show the ones I think are the best.
And of course, please excuse any English mistake I can make.

Let's start easy, with a tank.

Not really impressive, is it ? Everyone can do this. But this is why I like this one so much, because of its quotient "easy/beautiful".

Then the X-Wing you may have already seen.

As people already said, the decorations are wrong (especially the sticker in front of the cockpit), but at this time, I had red spellotape (sorry, I am reading Harry Potter right now) and I just liked to use it. As for the wrong logo, I just put the one I could remember being in Star Wars even though it is not at all the right one.

Still with Star Wars, an AT-TE Walker.

Its feet are damaged but it is still great in my opinion. You may have spotted the hole on top of it. This is because a humanoid and an astromech droid can be placed inside, like a clone and R2-D2 for example (yes, this thing is meant to be R2-D2).

Yet another Star Wars vehicle. The Millenium Falcon.

You surely understood that logic is not the best part of my creations, and this is why you can put the AT-TE inside the Falcon.
And that is not the only thing you can put inside, you can open the Falcon to have access to a room.

Don't ask me why the General Grievous was in there. And you may have spotted the clone in the pilot cockpit.

Now, without any form of transition, let's Goto Assassin's Creed. So here is... an Assassin -.-

As you could have told by yourself, it is not finished. But it is still articulated in the hips and knees (and arms once they are there).

And nooooow... my masterpiece (for now, none of my finished projects outpass this one). Buzz LightYear !

I know what you're thinking: "not fat enough". And do you know what I'm thinking ? "I don't care !"
Articulated in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers (yes, fingers), hips, knees and ankles (yes, ankles).

(that brass wire you can see on his foot is only there to have it pose while I take the photo, not there otherwise).

Well, that's it. Of course you are allowed to comment, and if you have creations too, you can share them on this topic or in one of yours.

Other / The use of a tablet ?
« on: August 10, 2013, 04:57:40 am »
Note for the ones who can't make a difference between trolling and a serious discussion: this is a serious discussions, I am waiting for arguments, and for a valid reason, I am not going to say "nuu it is useless !!1!1!" (and I never did something like that).

So yeah, tablets are everywhere, yet I don't understand why. I'll explain here why I don't see the point of them, and of course, I hope the discussion won't stop here. I don't say "why" in a rhetorical manner, expecting a "no reason", I'd like reasons.

  • So when you are at home, you have a computer (we are talking about people who can afford a tablet, I guess they all have a computer at home), so your tablet is useless since when you need to browse the internet, you can use your computer. An argument in favor of tablets would be that you can use it in any room. But that is the same with laptops. And even if you only have a desktop, I think that walking 10 meters is not a big loss when you can get a keyboard instead of a touchscreen.
  • When you are outside, you have a smartphone (not everyone has, but again, I am talking about people who can afford a tablet). An argument in favor of tablets could be the size of the screen, which is much more convenient to browse the web. But that is a lot less convenient to carry in a pocket than a smartphone, and if you have enough space to carry a tablet, why not a laptop which has a large screen too, and a keyboard moreover ?

So the question is, is there something I missed about tablets so that "everyone" buys them ?

TI Z80 / [CSE Basic] Snake
« on: July 29, 2013, 03:54:39 am »
Latest update here

So yeah, I heard a lot of people complaining about speed on the CSE, then I saw xLib, CalcuZap and Buttonz not being so slow and I was wondering if Basic had a reasonable speed too (I am talking about pure Basic, not using libs like Legand of Zelda: Sord of Atari).

This is why I coded that Snake game. Don't expect too much of this, it is just a snake, without any surprise. Speed is acceptable but it is true that it would be better if faster. That may also be because of my inexistant optimizing skills in Basic.

edit also w00t, it fits in 29-1 bytes.

Spoiler For the code:
:   Text(~1,2,?*12,"?
:   Text(~1,137,?*12,"?
:   Text(~1,?*15+2,0,"?
:   Text(~1,?*15+2,252,"?
:DelVar ?XDelVar ?Y
:Repeat K=45
:   getKey?K
:   If not(min(abs(K-{24,25,26,34:K?D
:   1+?C+1,L-1?N
:   ?Y(C)+15((D=34)-(D=25?V
:   ?X(C)+12((D=26)-(D=24?U
:   N?C
:   If Pxl-Test(V+7,U+4
:      Goto Q
:   Text(~1,?Y(N),?X(N),"
:   V??Y(N:U??X(N
:   Text(~1,V,U,"*
:   Pxl-On(V+7,U+4
:   If U=B and V=A
:   Then
:      augment(?X,{0,0,0,0??X
:      augment(?Y,{0,0,0,0??Y
:      L+4?L
:      Repeat not(Pxl-Test(A+7,B+4
:         12randInt(1,20?B
:         2+15randInt(1,8?A
:      End
:      TextColor(RED
:      Text(~1,A-2,B,"o
:      TextColor(GREEN
:   End
:Lbl Q
:DelVar ?XDelVar ?Y
:Output(1,1,"Game Over

edit edit Stretched gif (don't ask me why it is stretched, I don't know).

edit edit edit @Xeda : I finally didn't use your code to check if there are two occurences of the same point in the lists because I was fearing that the speed of the calculations would depend on the length of the lists.

TI-BASIC / Check if two "occurences"
« on: July 28, 2013, 02:39:08 pm »
(I don't post often in that board).

So, I have two lists of same length L, the X list and the Y list.
And so basically, I'd like that if (X(n),Y(n))=(X(m),Y(m)), a calculus on the list returns 0, and that if there are no (n,m) so that (X(n),Y(n))=(X(m),Y(m)), the calculus returns non-zero.

For example,

returns 0.


returns non-zero.

I thought about putting the lists in a matrix and using det (and the 0/non-zero would be swapped but anyway) but the problem is that

returns the same as

So do you have any ideas ?

Well basically, yesterday, everything worked well, I was able to browse Omnimaga from my Android.
And today, when I try to browse Omnimaga, I get that (see screenshot in attachement).
Why and what should I do ?

I know there are "answers" to that at the bottom of the page, but they are a bit meh.

Axe / Two-Byte Tokens ?
« on: June 03, 2013, 02:56:05 pm »
So I am currently experimenting things a bit with tokens, and I hit the problem most of us surely met: two-byte token. See the screenshot, everything is displaying well... except that there are "?" behind all the "L1" and a "}" behind the "AxesOff". So I guess that "L1" and "AxesOff" actually are two-byte tokens and since my code currently displays a token at each byte, I must be displaying L1, then an unknow one-byte token that is actually part of L1 and was already displayed.

So the question is: How to recognize a two-byte token so I don't display something that shouldn't ?

edit Also, I posted this in "Axe Language" since I did my program in Axe, but this question could also apply to ASM since it only requires ASM knowledge, so if you think this is not the right place to ask this, feel free to move it.

Axe / Store Labels and Goto ?
« on: March 06, 2013, 04:17:33 pm »
Is there a way to goto stored labels ? For example this (useless an non-working) code:

Goto {GDB1}r
Lbl Label

I could use Z-Test too but that would be less convenient :(
So any ideas ?

Axe / Sort by alphabetical order
« on: March 05, 2013, 07:49:57 am »
Well, everything is in the title.
Say that I have a sequel of strings, all of them with a length of 8, all of them null terminated (the zero not included in the 8 characters), the start of the string being at P.
How to sort the strings by alphabetical order ?

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