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Topics - Iambian

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / E:SoR Synopsis
« on: January 13, 2010, 12:20:20 am »
Escheron: A Tale of Political Intrigue

Eons ago, before the time of man, a powerful entity known as Yaldabaoth brought forth into existence a pantheon of gods. Each of these gods was conscripted into his service, and each was given the responsibility of governing the various elements of the mortal sphere. Using their powers of creation, the pantheon gave birth the world of Escheron, and the mortal men who would walk its surface.

Mankind flourished on Escheron, and built many lustrous kingdoms. With the passing of time, mankind began to approach a level of unparalleled technological progress. The pantheon's governance was no longer necessary to protect and sustain the mortal sphere, and so Yaldabaoth recalled their powers. Many gods did not wish to surrender their powers so willingly, leading to a great conflict among the realm of the gods. All but few gods were destroyed, and the essence of their powers was left lingering above the heavens.

Many of man's kingdoms fought to claim this power for themselves. Some succeeded, and Escheron saw an age of conquest that set a precedent for centuries of suffering and conflict. The Arcanians -- the self-appointed guardians of these powers -- finally came into their possession, and sealed themselves away in the ruins of the realm of the gods for all eternity. The conflict had finally come to a rest. Time passed, and such accounts were held only to be legends of a past mythology...

Centuries later, the kingdom of Asnoth -- and the neighboring kingdom of Ragnoth to the South -- have come into a proclamation of war. Lord Leonis of Asnoth has become paranoid of the secrets held by the descendents of the Arcanian people of Ragnoth. Fearing they might one day break the seal on the realm of the gods and unleash the gods' power once more, he has petitioned a figure known only as the Shadow Lord to seek-out the secrets of the Arcanians and eradicate their kind.

Enter Maya Anson: a young girl, and the last descendant of the Arcanians. 10 years ago, her home village was taken under the military occupation of Asnoth's Royal Guard, and her family slaughtered by the forces of the Shadow Lord. She has hence been orphaned into civil resistance, and is now leading a campaign to liberate her village from the occupation, once and for all.

Will mankind's lust for power doom history to repeat itself? Just what are the secrets of the Arcanians? What destiny awaits Maya -- the final heir to their knowledge? Who is the Shadow Lord, and what role does he play in the affairs of Asnoth? The answers await you in... Shadow over Ragnoth

Computer Projects and Ideas / mIRC Lag script
« on: January 05, 2010, 12:44:52 am »
FULL POST EDIT: Forget what I said earlier. I'm just gonna dump the entire script here. It's what I have and it's what I run. A few things don't work quite yet and some things might get a little annoying, but hey. If you don't want it, just clear it out of your mIRC if you loaded it.

This code goes in the "Remote" section of your scripts. Before you do it, though, make sure something is in the menubar part of your "Popups" section of the scripts. I happen to have just "DevMan" as the first line and that's it, but you can have anything you want. All it does is puts a menu option between your "Tools" and "Window" in the menubar that matches whatever you put in.

Code: [Select]
on *:START: {
  echo -a -- Setting up scripts
  if (!$exists(htabs)) { mkdir htabs }

  echo -a -- Finished setting up scripts  


on *:CONNECT: {
  set %z.htmp adrnick $+ $network | connecthashmake
  set %z.htmp nickadr $+ $network | connecthashmake
  unset %z.htmp
alias connecthashmake {
  hmake %z.htmp 100
  if ($exists(htabs\ $+ %z.htmp)) { hload %z.htmp htabs\ $+ %z.htmp }

  unset %z.chmod.*. $+ $network
  timer $+ conn $+ $cid off
  set %z.htmp adrnick $+ $network | hsave %z.htmp htabs\ $+ %z.htmp | hfree %z.htmp
  set %z.htmp nickadr $+ $network | hsave %z.htmp htabs\ $+ %z.htmp | hfree %z.htmp
  unset %z.htmp

on *:EXIT: {
  echo -a Cleaning up scripts
  unset %z.chmod*
  echo -a Done

;Performing who on join allows population of address list checker
on ^*:JOIN:*: {
  updatehashtable $site $nick
  set %z.htab.adni adrnick $+ $network
  if (($gettok($hget(%z.htab.adni,$site),2,32)) && ($nick != $me)) {
    set %z.htab.time $gettok($hget(%z.htab.adni,$site),3,32)
    set %z.htab.nick $gettok($hget(%z.htab.adni,$site),2,32)
    if ($nick != %z.htab.nick) {
      echo $target  $+ $color(join) $+ $timestamp * $nick has joined $chan $+ , using %z.htab.nick ( $+ $duration($calc($ctime - %z.htab.time)) $+ ) ago.
  unset %z.htab*

  if (($nick != $me ) && ($ialchan($address($nick,2),$chan,0) > 1 )) {
    var %a $ialchan($address($nick,2),$chan,0)
    while (%a) {
      if ($nick != $ialchan($address($nick,2),$chan,%a).nick) {
        set %b %b $ialchan($address($nick,2),$chan,%a).nick
      dec %a
    echo $target  $+ $color(join) $+ $timestamp * $nick has joined $chan $+ , with clones $calc($ialchan($address($nick,2),$chan,0)-1) clone $+ $iif($calc($ialchan($address($nick,2),$chan,0)-1) > 1,s) ( %b ) $address($nick,2)
    unset %b
  if ($nick == $me) {
    .who $chan
    .timerj1 $+ $chan 1 2 .signal joinsect 1 $chan
    .timerj2 $+ $chan 1 2 .signal joinsect 2 $chan
    .timerj3 $+ $chan 1 4 .signal joinsect 3 $chan
    .timerj4 $+ $chan 1 6 .signal joinsect 4 $chan
    set %z.chmod. $+ $chan $+ . $+ $network $iif($nick($chan,0) == 1,3,0)
    ;set %z.chmod. $+ $chan $+ . $+ $network $pos(+%@&~,$left($nick($chan,$me).pnick,1),1)

on *:SIGNAL:joinsect: {
  if ($1 == 1) { set %z.chmod. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ ] . $+ $network $iif($nick($chan,0) == 1,3,0) }
  if ($1 == 2) { mode $2 b }
  if ($1 == 3) { mode $2 e }
  ;  if ($1 == 4) { mode $2 i }

on *:NICK: {
  updatehashtable $site $newnick

on *:QUIT: {
  updatehashtable $site $nick $ctime

on *:PART:*: {
  updatehashtable $site $nick $stime

on *:RAWMODE:*: {

  if ($me == $2) {
    ;Sets variable for channel on network for mode number
    set %z.chmod. $+ $chan $+ . $+ $network $pos(+%@&~,$left($nick($chan,$me).pnick,1),1)

on ^*:NOTICE:*:*: {

  if (($1 == $me) && ($3 == $null)) {
    echo -a ::: (LAG) : ( $+ $calc($uptime(mirc)-$2) $+ )msec.
  if (($1 == $scid($4).me) && ($3 != $null)) {
    if ($calc($uptime(mirc)-$2) > 10000) {
      echo -a ::: (AUTOLAG WARNING) There is too much lag on ( $+ $3 $+ ). ( $+ $calc($uptime(mirc)-$2) $+ )msec.



raw 352:*: {
  if ($chr(35) isin $2) { updatehashtable $4 $6 }

raw 315:*: {



menu nicklist {
  .Get Info:/uwho $$1
  .Whois:/whois $$1
  .Query:/query $$1
  .$iif(%z.chmod. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] ] > 4,$iif($nick($chan,$1,q) != $null,Remove Owner,Set Owner)):$listmode(q,$iif($nick($chan,$1,q) != $null,-,+),$chan)
  .$iif(%z.chmod. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] ] > 3,$iif(& isin $nick($chan,$1).pnick,Remove Protect,Set Protect)):$listmode(a,$iif(& isin $nick($chan,$1).pnick,-,+),$chan)
  .$iif(%z.chmod. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] ] > 2,$iif($1 isop $chan,Remove Op,Set Op)):$listmode(o,$iif($1 isop $chan,-,+),$chan)
  .$iif(%z.chmod. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] ] > 2,$iif($1 ishop $chan,Remove HalfOp,Set HalfOp)):$listmode(h,$iif($1 ishop $chan,-,+),$chan)
  .$iif(%z.chmod. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $network ] ] > 1,$iif($1 isvoice $chan,Remove Voice,Set Voice)):$listmode(v,$iif($1 isvoice $chan,-,+),$chan)
  .Get VERSION: ctcp $$1 VERSION
  .Get TIME: ctcp $$1 TIME
  .Get PING: ctcp $$1 PING
  .Custom CTCP: ctcp $$1 $$?="Custom CTCP command:"
  .Chat via DCC: dcc chat $$1
  .Send via DCC: dcc send $$1

menu channel {
  Channel Modes: channel
  Channel CTCPs
  .Send PING to $chan : ctcp $chan PING
  .Send TIME to $chan : ctcp $chan TIME
  .Send VERSION to $chan : ctcp $chan VERSION
  Check Lag: .notice $me $me $uptime(mirc)
  Check for clones: clonecheck

menu menubar {
  $iif($scid($cid).status == connected,$iif($timer(conn $+ $cid) == $null,Start Lag Timer,Stop Lag Timer)): { $iif($timer(conn $+ $cid) == $null, .timer $+ [ conn $+ [ $cid ] ] 0 30 scid [ [ $cid ] ] .notice $!me $me $!uptime(mirc) $!network $cid, .timer $+ conn $+ $cid off ) | echo -a Timer on $network is now $iif($timer(conn $+ $cid) == $null,Off,On) }
  Output Hash Tables:renderhashtabs


menu query {
  Check Lag: .notice $me $me $uptime(mirc)

menu status {
  Check Lag: .notice $me $me $uptime(mirc)
  User Modes
  .$iif(i isincs $usermode,Remove User Invisible,Set User Invisible):$iif(i isincs $usermode, mode $me -i, mode $me +i)
  .$iif(p isincs $usermode,Remove Channel Invisible,Set Channel Invisible):$iif(p isincs $usermode, mode $me -p, mode $me +p)
  .$iif(d isincs $usermode,Remove Deaf,Quit listening to channel chatter):$iif(d isincs $usermode, mode $me -d, mode $me +d)
  .$iif(w isincs $usermode,Don't listen to Wallops,Listen to Wallops):$iif(w isincs $usermode, mode $me -w, mode $me +w)
  .$iif(s isincs $usermode,Don't listen to server notices,Listen to server notices):$iif(s isincs $usermode, mode $me -s, mode $me +s)
  .$iif(R isincs $usermode,Allow PRIVMSGs/NOTICEs from Unregistered users,Don't allow PRIVMSGs/NOTICEs from Unregistered users):$iif(R isincs $usermode, mode $me -R, mode $me +R)
  .$iif(T isincs $usermode,Recieve CTCPs,Filter Out CTCPs):$iif(T isincs $usermode, mode $me -T, mode $me +T)
  .$iif(W isincs $usermode,Don't see WHOIS requests,See WHOIS attempts (IRCops Only)):$iif(W isincs $usermode, mode $me -W, mode $me +W)
  .Check Banversion (B):stats B
  .Check Bad Words List (b):stats b
  .Check Spam Filter(f):stats f
  .Check G-Line/GZ-Line list:stats g
  .Check K-Line list:stats K
  .Check Oper block list:stats O
  .Check Shun list:stats s
  .Check Traffic list:stats T
  .Check U-Line list:stats U
  .Check V-Host list:stats V



alias massmode { if ( $1 == $null ) { return }
  if ($1 !isin eb) {
    var %_a $nick($3,0)
    unset %_b
    while (%_a) { set %_b %_b $nick($3,%_a) | dec %_a }
    var %_a %_b | unset %_b
    modeall $3 $1 $2 %_a
  else {
    var %_a $nick($3,0)
    unset %_b
    while (%_a) { set %_b %_b $address($nick($3,%_a),2) | dec %_a }
    var %_a %_b | unset %_b
    modeall $3 $1 $2 %_a

;Arg1 = string of mode (w/o + or -, one letter ). Arg2 = String of change ( this is + or - ). Arg3 = channel name
alias listmode { if ( $1 == $null ) { return }
  if ($1 !isin eb) {
    var %_a $nick($3,0)
    unset %_b
    while (%_a) { set %_b %_b $snick($3,%_a) | dec %_a }
    var %_a %_b | unset %_b
    modeall $3 $1 $2 %_a
  else {
    var %_a $nick($3,0)
    unset %_b
    while (%_a) { set %_b %_b $address($snick($3,%_a),2) | dec %_a }
    var %_a %_b | unset %_b
    modeall $3 $1 $2 %_a

alias modeall {
  var %_a $modespl
  var %_c $calc($0 - 3)
  while ( %_c > 0 ) {
    var %_d %_a
    if ( %_c < %_d ) { var %_d %_c }
    var %_b %_d | var %_g %_c
    while ( %_d != 0 ) {
      var %_e %_e $ [ $+ [ $calc(%_g + 3) ] ]
      dec %_d | dec %_g
    var %_d %_b
    while ( %_d != 0 ) {
      var %_f [ [ %_f ] $+ [ $2 ] ]
      dec %_d
    mode $1 $3 $+ %_f %_e
    unset %_e
    %_c = %_c - %_b

;Used in the menubar so I don't clutter that section up
alias renderhashtabs {
  window -x @htabs
  set %z.htab.numtables $hget(0)
  aline @htabs Hash Table Count: %z.htab.numtables
  while (%z.htab.numtables) {
    set %z.htab.itemcount $hget(%z.htab.numtables,0).item
    aline @htabs Hash Table: $hget(%z.htab.numtables)
    aline @htabs ------------------------------------
    while (%z.htab.itemcount) {
      aline @htabs $hget(%z.htab.numtables,%z.htab.itemcount).item : $hget(%z.htab.numtables,%z.htab.itemcount).data
      dec %z.htab.itemcount
    aline @htabs ------------------------------------
    dec %z.htab.numtables
  aline @htabs Done generating tables
  aline @htabs ##########################################
  unset %z.htab*

;/updatehashtable <hostmask> <nick>
alias updatehashtable {
  ;Schema: address contains number of long entries
  ;^n^ contains nth entry consisting of up to 10 nicks, preceded by nick count.
  set %z.htab.adni adrnick $+ $network
  hadd nickadr $+ $network $2 $1
  if (!$gettok($hget(%z.htab.adni,$1),1,32)) {
    hadd %z.htab.adni $1 1
    hadd %z.htab.adni ^1^ $+ $1 1 $2
  else {
    set %z.htab.count $gettok($hget(%z.htab.adni,$1),1,32)
    set %z.htab.verify 0
    while (%z.htab.count) {
      if ($istok($hget(%z.htab.adni, ^ $+ %z.htab.count $+ ^ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]),$2,32) == $true) { set %z.htab.verify 1 }
      dec %z.htab.count
    if (!%z.htab.verify) {
      set %z.htab.tempcnt $gettok($hget(%z.htab.adni,$1),1,32)
      if ($gettok($hget(%z.htab.adni,^ $+ %z.htab.tempcnt $+ ^ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]),1,32) > 25) {
        inc %z.htab.tempcnt
        set %z.htab.temp %z.htab.tempcnt $gettok($hget(%z.htab.adni),2-,32)
        hadd %z.htab.adni $1 %z.htab.temp
      set %z.htab.temp ^ $+ %z.htab.tempcnt $+ ^ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
      set %z.htab.temp2 $hget(%z.htab.adni,%z.htab.temp)
      hadd %z.htab.adni %z.htab.temp $calc($gettok(%z.htab.temp2,1,32)+1) $gettok(%z.htab.temp2,2-,32) $2
  if ($3) {
    ;sets main with additional about nick on this change
    set %z.htab.temp $gettok($hget(%z.htab.adni,$1),1,32) $2-
    hadd %z.htab.adni $1 %z.htab.temp
  unset %z.htab*

alias clonecheck {
  hmake clones 16
  set $nick($chan,0)
  while ( {
    set $hget(nickadr $+ $network,$nick($chan,
    if (!$hget(clones, {
      hadd clones 1 $nick($chan,
    else {
      set $calc($gettok($hget(clones,,1,32) + 1) $nick($chan, $gettok($hget(clones,,2-,32)
      hadd clones
  set $hget(clones,0).item
  if (! { halt }
  window -x @clones
  aline @clones Nick count:
  aline @clones ------------------------------------
  while ( {
    if ($gettok($hget(clones,,1,32) > 1) {
      set $hget(clones,
      set $gettok(,1,32)
      set $gettok(,2-,32)
      aline @clones clones ( $+ $+ ) at $hget(clones,
  aline @clones ------------------------------------
  hfree clones


Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / LL2.5 Concepts
« on: September 10, 2009, 09:46:31 pm »
So, Zera is working on the expansion for Lost Legends II, which is pretty much its own game that follows a shred of the storyline (more like extras). It's still quite a bit away since I still have loads more work to do with the LL2 engine. Compounded with the fact that the battle engine for LL2.5 will be much different, I'd say it'll be a long road ahead.

Still, that doesn't stop him from going ahead and planning for the future. These mockups are the result of that:

So... discuss.

Gaming Discussion / Toss the Turtle
« on: September 03, 2009, 01:52:55 am »
They upgraded the game again:
Played for loads of fun. My high score was screenshotted here and I don't care to go any higher than that. Notice # of nuclear thingies in my inventory

Miscellaneous / Good and bad news
« on: July 09, 2009, 01:45:34 pm »
The bad news is that my laptop suffered a nice drop that broke a few more things cosmetically.

The good news is that I'm currently using said laptop to make this post, so I know it ain't all that broke. Hopefully, the harddrive continues to run even though the machine fell in a position where the hard disk platter was perpendicular to the ground. This shouldn't *break* the disk, since it successfully woke up from sleep (actually, the fall made it "wake up"). I promptly backed up the Lost Legends II project just in case the disk suffered latent damage.

But, now I worry. Do hard disk failures happen immediately AFTER such abuse or do those things tend to crop up later?

Gaming Discussion / Gemcraft0 : Endurance SUCKS.
« on: June 28, 2009, 10:12:53 pm »
I can increase linearly. They increase geometrically. There's no way I can make it to 512. Though, I had my lulz when I manatapped the shit out of them. I could've left teh lappy on overnight.

I was getting so much mana, I didn't know how to spend it all. No matter how much I upgrade, it still wasn't s***.

So, I decided, let's fill the entire map with towers (all pickable spots). So I did.
So, I decided to lay traps along all possible paths. So I did.

That wasn't enough. The thing was lagging as hell, so I decided to advance every wave until I lost. Got shortly after wave 203 before I bust. My towers were doing circa 3000 dmg per hit with a rather fast rate of fire. The enemies? Literally exceeding 40 trillion HP.

Good news? I totally raped the shit out of the enemies and got uber high scores (which translate to moar levels. Translate: 15-20 skill points per battle. kewl. )

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Let's Choose the Platform
« on: June 23, 2009, 12:08:44 am »
So, I need to know how good you feel about the game. Unfortunately, I ran into a series of problems revolving around the tilemapper, and I believe it can be solved if I restrict this game to the 15MHz calculators (83+SE, 84+, 84+SE, nSpire). My question is how well you respond to this move.

Remember. If you support option #4, I encourage you to post details on-topic to get a real feel of what you think. I know DJ Omnimaga has already posted his response, but, come on. No one can resist the urge of verifying Netham45's lobsteriness!

ASM / Looking for grayscale packages
« on: May 28, 2009, 09:48:16 pm »
I admit it. I feel rather lazy, but I *have* tried to use Google to look for these things with little or no luck.

What are the more popular 4lv grayscale packages out there and, if possible, a link to them.

( The purpose of getting one of these packages is NOT to actually copy and paste them. I need to have a look at them to figure out how they work so I can implement a version of it myself. The grayscale used in CaDan just won't cut it for the bigger project... )

Humour and Jokes / Strange Error Built into CaDan
« on: April 20, 2009, 04:18:45 pm »
First time I've ever encountered the error:
Code: [Select]
The (pool|game)
is closed, due
to AIDS. Press
any key to GTFO.

Forgot I was testing XCOPY with a large file, so I didn't have enough RAM. Ought to make something a little better than that, but it sure gave me a good laugh to see it occur naturally.

btw, I was testing the "Game Results" menu. Better fix the low RAM condition ...

On another note, I was annoyed to find that Ctrl+W in Crimson Editor did the same thing as Ctrl+F4 (close the current tabbed file). So damned close to the Ctrl+S hotkey >.<

TI Z80 / Program Copy Routine
« on: March 30, 2009, 11:37:57 pm »
Made at the request of DJ_Omnimaga. It is a program that copies a file and puts it into a temporary program XTEMP000 to XTEMP009. To use it, first read its documentation, which is included in the zip file attached to this post.

Known limitations and bugs:
(1) Don't try to pass a zero-sized string. Although hard (I'd think) to do by accident, don't try it.
(2) The program won't copy things from RAM. The item to be copied must reside in Flash. Doesn't hurt to try, as the program will refuse to do it.
(3) Not really a limitation, but more along the lines of prevention: The copy to the temp file will not be made if the temp file in question already exists.

On-calc, this program weighs in at 179 bytes. *could* make it smaller if I tried. You know, stuff to the tune of excluding crash-preventing checks.

Web Programming and Design / Very Old Project
« on: March 25, 2009, 08:48:15 pm »
Had this one sitting around for quite a while:

Just fired up a webserver to get it to run. Nevermind the joke at the top of the page when you view the image (mediafire doesn't recognize .png?)

So, the real question would be... where would be the best place(s) to go to help me relearn php?

Art / CaDan Character Entry
« on: March 23, 2009, 09:16:51 pm »
So, I'm seeking character additions for the upcoming CaDan project. Give some background for your character and sprite/spellname data conforming to the template here:

That is what your entry should look like. For your viewing pleasure, this is another example, except blown up (and for some reason, filtered).

Again. I wants your character's take and a little background. If you want to make a story suggestion, please do so as well (since I've very little in the way of a story). Personalities work well, too.

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Problem (Partially) Resolved
« on: February 03, 2009, 12:35:17 pm »
Despite the fact that said that it was still in the process of charging me for the item, it was UPS that woke me up this morning. That extra $25 really did me good, but what pissed me off was the fact that the problem wasn't the battery at all.

The problem was the charger reporting incorrectly. The laptop read that it was receiving a charge, but apparently, it wasn't strong enough to charge the battery. Orienting it like TV rabbit ears did the trick.

On the bright side, now I have two batteries I can use. The project can now continue.

On another note, my ZPMs are not fully charged yet. Waiting for them to do so.

Art / 64*64 background for CaDan
« on: January 13, 2009, 07:37:01 pm »
I'm requesting 64*64 pixel backgrounds for my CaDan project, specifically one for the demo release at the time. The problem at the moment is that the current background is of a copyrighted image used without permission, and I'd at least like some sort of image where the copyright for such can be transferred or at least "borrowed" for the purpose of the image. Other than that, I just think it would be cooler if I got an image that this community produced. Just... it would sit better with me if it happened that way.

So, it's a static 64*64 image. Can be pretty much anything you want since it's just gonna be a replacement. I'd prefer *something* that could compress well with Spiffy Compress (which pretty much is almost anything), but don't let that preference restrict your artistic ability. The image should be black and white but must be displayed well as a monochrome gray background. At any rate, a cool background would be nice.

Just askin'.

CaDan SHMUP / Yet another shooter
« on: September 10, 2008, 07:26:23 pm »
This post is just to announce that I'm working on a danmaku SHMUP. The sort of gameplay that the game will have will be modeled after Touhou Project 7 : Perfect Cherry Blossom.

I do expect to put up a screen shot as soon as I can get something that demonstrates the engine instead of the already-working grayscale. Before I can demonstrate, though... I've got to finish that part of the engine.

So, no screen shot. Yet.

But while I'm posting, I want to ask for a name for the application and a name for the project. At first, I've tried BH83, and then ClcSHMUP, but none of those really satisfy me. Maybe it's just me...

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