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Messages - AngelFish

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Miscellaneous / Re: High level languages are vexing
« on: February 19, 2013, 07:32:28 pm »
Yeah, I felt this way many times with Axe. One good solution, though, is to use a high level compiled language (Axe/C/C++) with some assembly mixed in every now and then. That way you get the best of both worlds. It's what I do.

...and then a major compiler like MSVC++ drops inline assembly on AMD64 targets. Unfortunately even mid-level languages like C/C++ can't always get low level enough.

Computer Programming / Re: C++ crosscompiling
« on: February 13, 2013, 10:42:29 pm »
Mingw-gcc exists as a linux package precisely to allow you to compile stuff for windows. As for reliability, it should be as reliable as any other sort of compilation.

If you haven't noticed lately, only one single forum admin is regularly active posting publicly anymore on the forums and two on IRC: Shmibs and Qwerty.55. In Deep Thought's case, even his IRC bots are gone, but it might be due to 57o9 shutdown.

Still here, just in the background!

I'd do more work on the forums if Deep Thought didn't get to everything first  :mad:

There really isn't much left by the time I notice it. I've mostly just been handling the member and downloads approvals, which tend to be forgotten by everyone else.

Math and Science / Re: Trig Substitution
« on: January 24, 2013, 10:02:30 pm »
The reason you substitute theta back is is because the original substitution mapped the function to a polar domain. The answer is correct for THAT domain, but it's not necessarily correct for the Euclidean domain the original problem was phrased in. So, what you do is remap the function back to a euclidean domain by substituting theta.

Is that what you were asking?

Other / Re: Programmable clock project
« on: January 11, 2013, 03:31:15 pm »
1 Token = 1 Byte. So 1 Program will take up almost all the memory.

In TI-BASIC, yes. Not if you use any sort of compressed format and dynamically decompress text as needed.

Computer Programming / Re: Sockets Server Side
« on: January 11, 2013, 12:48:48 pm »
To handle sockets server side, you pretty much just need to have a function listening on a specific port. When it receives a message, it stores the relevant data (client address, etc) and spins off a handler.

Axe / Re: Best way to make a star shaped bullet?
« on: January 08, 2013, 01:01:14 pm »
Imagine the mouse is the object you want to test collision with and the white tile is the star shaped bullet. If the mouse is in any of the colored areas, no collision. If it's in the white area, collision.

Axe / Re: Best way to make a star shaped bullet?
« on: January 07, 2013, 11:44:07 pm »
To create the sprite you can use many tools that already exist e.g. pixelscape (
Thats a pretty sweet tool, I was hoping there was one out there like that. Would I have to then run a pixel test for each pixel on the sprite or is there like a sprite collision test command?

You can, but there's a much easier way to do things given the simple constraint that the sprite can tessellate.

Take a look at the section "Mouse matters" here

To do a collision with any sprite that can tessellate, you just need figure out what overlaps with specified regions in a rectangle. That can easily be done with bitmasking, if you're creative.

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Virus in Kyllopardium profile?
« on: January 07, 2013, 10:37:24 am »
There's no way with the native SMF site to restrict the URL of image avatars. As far as I can tell, the best we could do is to disable avatars on low-post-count members.

Math and Science / Re: Physics Theory - Any Suggestions?
« on: December 30, 2012, 11:54:49 am »
Very nice. I hope you don't mind if I point out a few issues to help you develop it though :)

Instead of the current big bang model, thinking that all matter went in straight lines, and the infinitely dense mass in the center is no longer there...

That's not the BB model. In fact, the current idea is that the BB was an expansion of spacetime itself, not an explosion of matter within spacetime. Of course, this also suggests that energy was never really concentrated in the "center", which is indeed part of the current model.

The center is still there, because infinity minus any finite number is still infinity. This works because there is finite space in the universe...

Two issues here. One is that infinity isn't a number in the standard reals, so Inf-x for real x is not a valid operation. It doesn't have a finite answer because there is no definite answer at all. There are systems where infinity is a number, but they're subtly different and none of the major physical theories utilize them. Instead, they use a process called renormalization to get rid of the infinities.

Secondly, it's hotly disputed whether the universe is finite.

Because it's a wormhole, it spins, and in fact is quite large. This means that it either at its creation...

I'm not sure why a wormhole must spin or be large, nor why this would imply that it was at its own creation.

Q: How is this possible to counteract infinite gravity?

A: With a force infinity^n where n>1 running perpendicular to the gravitational force, causing an outwards spiral orbit. (I thank my calc teacher for telling me that inf^1 and inf^2 are different, but not inf and 2inf)

You have a couple of misconceptions here. No infinity is part of the real numbers. You can't have a force of inf_x in any major physical theory because it's not a number, kind of like having a force of Blue newtons doesn't make sense. Secondly, the aleph numbers (what you call inf^1 and so on) aren't separated by exponents. Rather, they're separated by what are called power sets. If you take the integers and find their power set, you get something isomorphic to the reals. Take the power set of that and you get the next level up and so on. Every aleph number is basically "equal" to 2^N_(n-1), except for aleph null, which is the "smallest" infinity.

If all mass left the big bang with a linear path with a force infinity^n where n>1, then there would be 0 relative velocity because placing infinity in the velocity by force equation, you get infinite velocity...

This is an example of why infinity isn't a number :P
You can't plug it into real equations and get out valid results. Whatever you get out is useless. Also, newtonian physics deals with a cartesian spacetime only, something NOT compatible with general relativity (a theory heavily tied in with the BB model).

Math and Science / Re: Physics Theory - Any Suggestions?
« on: December 29, 2012, 10:35:43 pm »
How do I get this theory out in a way that it has a chance of survival and in a way that no one steals it?

The method used in science is more or less the honor system along with a little bit of first-come, first-serve with regard to papers.

That said, what you have isn't a theory in the scientific sense, it's a hypothesis or a model. Something becomes a theory when it has a wide body of experimental evidence behind it.

Edit: Also, what they said ^

Miscellaneous / Re: Christmas - what did you get?
« on: December 29, 2012, 04:09:02 am »
This picture was the best thing I got for christmas:

TI Z80 / Re: Flow
« on: December 29, 2012, 04:03:55 am »
I've only played the first few hundred levels of the free version but as far as I can tell the optimal number of moves is always the absolute minimum. I've never played a level that required more moves than there were "flows"
oh well.. i downloaded it too and played a couple of levels, and indeed, it's always the same numbers as there are different colors, so making a generator wouldn't be that hard i guess, but then you'll need to make a solver too, to see if it's possible to solve the generated one..i don't think this will be easy

Right, the minimum number of moves is always the same as the number of colors because the lines never cross.

As for generated maps, there's actually a slightly different way to do it than proving a particular random map is valid. My thought isn't fully developed because topology is somewhat of a weak area for me, but here it is:

Imagine you're specified to have K colors in a plane for your puzzle. Within this space, there exist k lines stacked on top of each other in any particular order in a way similar to this:
Spoiler For large image:

At the endpoints of each of those lines is, well, an endpoint. These will become the points between which the flow is drawn. Now, we can use these lines to generate any possible puzzle by a certain series of stretching, bending, and compressing operations from at least one possible color order. The only real rule is that the lines cannot cross (i.e.: the boundary conditions can't change). This generates what can be called a homotopic configuration: A set that can be continuously deformed by those operations back into the original lines. All possible valid configurations MUST meet this criterion, so we know the set of homotopic configurations contains all of the solutions we're looking for. But wait, there are two other criteria valid solutions must meet: That the configuration fit into an NxN grid and that the flows completely fill the grid. The former criterion is really the problematic one because it's discrete. In a continuous space, we could just wrap the flows around very tightly and "fill" the loose parts, thus making the second criterion trivial except given the first. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how to guarantee that the generated solution will fit in the discrete grid nor that it can be "expanded" to fill the grid, although the latter shouldn't be too difficult.

Other related questions:
Is the set of homeomorphic flows identical to the homotopic set?
Can all homotopic flows be "expanded" to fill a grid?
Is there a way to generate the set of all valid flows without specifying color ordering?

Clearly I've put a bit too much thought into this since I downloaded the game :P

TI Z80 / Re: Flow
« on: December 26, 2012, 09:09:49 pm »
Now, there's only 1 level in it now, hard coded. (The first 5x5 level on the Bonus Pack.) I'll make a level editor later and ask for people to help me make levels.

There really shouldn't be a need to have people make levels. You can generate them with a little bit of topology (well, more than a little).

Art / Re: Extent of Copyright Laws with sprites
« on: December 23, 2012, 02:03:30 pm »
What precisely constitutes a derivative work can be very vague. If you took the sprites and modified them, then they're probably considered a derivative work, unless you made a lot of changes. If you made your own sprites based on the design of the previous ones, then they may not be a derivative work, depending on how similar they are. In any case, the best option is to get the author's permission. Second best is to do nothing and wait for any copyright violations to be defended.

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