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Messages - Ryleh

Pages: 1 [2]
HP Calculators / Re: Hp Prime Questions and Help
« on: October 28, 2013, 02:16:32 pm »
Didn't come to mind to manually enter the codes. I'll have to make a list of common things I use that don't display properly.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: New user!
« on: October 28, 2013, 11:00:38 am »
Well, okay then.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: New user!
« on: October 28, 2013, 09:31:18 am »
Nice DOF, are you into photography?
Only as a hobbyist. Understand all the major stuff like aperture, shutter speed, DOF (as you put it), lighting, etc# but I'm pretty slow about putting the stuff together to get what I want. Have pulled in about 15k shots so I'm slowly getting better. I think i'm starting to get to the point where I'm more limited by my lenses then anything else. All I have right now is a Nikon D40 w/ the stock 18-55mm lense(?).

Hola! And that pic is pretty nice, you must work for HP  ^-^
If I worked for HP I'd probably know how to work this thing. :P

Dare I ask, what's with all the peanuts?

HP Calculators / Re: Hp Prime Questions and Help
« on: October 28, 2013, 09:25:19 am »
Can't help but feel this is a stupid question but what are you guys using to program in?
I'm just typing into the calculator directly through the connectivity kit in the most 'agnostic' way I can since it doesn't support all of the same symbols/input as the calculator (and vice-versa).

Additionally, are there any well defined resources further describing the language functions and their usage? A better explanation of the syntax would be particularly beneficial as that is what is holding me back the most. Any general help on how to approach programming on this thing would be great. Something tells me I'm doing something wrong if I have a dozen end statements at the end of some of my programs. Decent at C/C++(academic and extracurricular) but my TI-Basic was hack-ish at best(bulky and far from efficient). Started work on a cheat sheet but outside of the integer stuff, it is limited to what I can piece together from the 600-ish page manual.
Cheat sheet:
Spoiler For Spoiler:
   ____ ___  __  __ __  __    _    _   _ ____  ____ 
  / ___/ _ \|  \/  |  \/  |  / \  | \ | |  _ \/ ___|
 | |  | | | | |\/| | |\/| | / _ \ |  \| | | | \___ \
 | |__| |_| | |  | | |  | |/ ___ \| |\  | |_| |___) |
  \____\___/|_|  |_|_|  |_/_/   \_\_| \_|____/|____/
List of inputs:

A - ) Strings
   01a - ASC
   02a - ROTATE
   03a - MID
   04a - RIGHT
   06a - LEFT
   07a - STRING
   08a - EXPR
   09a - DIM

B.) Drawing
   01b - C->PX
   02b - DRAWMENU
   03b - FREEZE
   04b - PX->C
   05b - RGB
   06b - Pixels
      - ARC_P
      - BLIT_P
      - DIMGROB_P
      - GETPIX_P
      - GROBH_P
      - GROBW_P
      - INVERT_P
      - LINE_P
      - PIXOFF_P
      - PIXON_P
      - RECT_P
      - SUBGROB_P
      - TEXTOUT_P
   7b - Cartesian
      - ARC
      - BLIT
      - DIMGROB
      - GETPIX
      - GROBH
      - GROBW
      - INVERT
      - LINE
      - PIXOFF
      - PIXON
      - RECT
      - SUBGROB
      - TEXTOUT

C.) Matrix
   01c. - ADDCOL
   02c. - ADDROW
   03c. - DELCOL
   04c. - EDIMAT
   05c. - REDIM
   06c. - REPLACE
   07c. - SCALE
   08c. - SCALEADD
   09c. - SUB
   10c. - SWAPCOL
   11c. - SWAPROW
D.) App Functions
   01d. - CHECK
   02d. - STARTAPP
   03d. - STARTVIEW
   04d. - UNCHECK
   05d. - VIEW

E.) Integer
   01e - BITAND
   02e - BITNOT
   03e - BITOR
   04e - BITSL
   05e - BITSR
   06e - BITXOR
   07e - B->R
   08e - GETBASE
   09e - GETBITS
   10e - R->B
   11e - SETBASE
   12e - SETBITS
F.) I/O
   01f - CHOOSE
   02f - EDITLIST
   03f - EDITMAT
   04f - GETKEY
   05f - INPUT
   06f - ISKEYDOWN
   07f - MOUSE
   08f - MSGBOX
   09f - PRINT
   10f - WAIT
G.) More
   01g - %CHANGE
   02g - %TOTAL
   03g - CAS
   04g - EVALLIST
   05g - EXECON
   06g - ->HMS
   07g - HMS->
   08g - ITERATE
   09g - TICKS
   10g - TIME
   11g - TYPE
  ____  ____   ___   ____ ____      _    __  __    ____ ___  __  __ __  __    _    _   _ ____  ____ 
 |  _ \|  _ \ / _ \ / ___|  _ \    / \  |  \/  |  / ___/ _ \|  \/  |  \/  |  / \  | \ | |  _ \/ ___|
 | |_) | |_) | | | | |  _| |_) |  / _ \ | |\/| | | |  | | | | |\/| | |\/| | / _ \ |  \| | | | \___ \
 |  __/|  _ <| |_| | |_| |  _ <  / ___ \| |  | | | |__| |_| | |  | | |  | |/ ___ \| |\  | |_| |___) |
 |_|   |_| \_\\___/ \____|_| \_\/_/   \_\_|  |_|  \____\___/|_|  |_|_|  |_/_/   \_\_| \_|____/|____/

H.) Block
   01h - BEGIN END
   02h - RETURN
   03h - KILL
I.) Branch
   01i - IF THEN
   02i - IF THEN ELSE
   03i - CASE
   04i - IFERR
   05i - IFERR ELSE

J.) Loop
   01j - FOR
   02j - FOR STEP
   03j - FOR DOWN
   04j - FOR DOWN STEP
   05j - WHILE
   06j - REPEAT
   07j - BREAK
   08j - CONTINUE

K.) Variable
   01k - LOCAL
   02k - EXPORT

L.) Function
   01l - EXPORT
   02l - VIEW
   03l - KEY

Looking to do the definition usage stuff later today. Wondering if there is already something along this vein before I up and do it myself. Mind the messed up ANSI words. The TI-Planet wiki thing doesn't seem to have much more then the drawing done.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: New user!
« on: October 26, 2013, 03:44:46 pm »
Heya and nice to see you around. Nice picture by the way :)

I personally got many calc models but the ones I use the most lately are the 83+ family (84+ and 84+CSE) and HP Prime. There is quite a big community for the HP Prime actually when it comes to help, but not much for programming yet. Hopefully it grows next school year (the calc release date missed Back-to-school by over one month).

Of course certain users here have gotten the calculator, so hopefully they create some games for it too. They are mainly experimenting for now I guess. I would like to port some HP Prime games to the 84+C Silver Edition (xLIBC) or vice-versa, although some will most likely remain Prime-only due to faster speed.

Looked around but I couldn't even find much in regard with help. Next to nothing on programs. Hopefully it picks back up before too long.

Introduce Yourself! / New user!
« on: October 25, 2013, 09:50:56 pm »
I am currently in my second year of college. Switched from C.S. to C.E.
With my math(more-so engineering) heavy course-load I finally decided to upgrade from my TI-83+ to get something better suited towards physics/engineering. Now rocking a HP Prime.

Since there isn't much of a community for these yet I thought I'd join one.

HP Calculators / Re: A solution to HP connectivity problems
« on: October 25, 2013, 05:31:11 pm »
I for one am looking forward to any improvements to the software. Trying to create programs on this thing right now are a pain.

Gratitude to anyone/everyone working on doing so.

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