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Messages - TC01

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Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / TiLP - Fedora Packages
« on: August 10, 2011, 04:17:29 pm »
Not terribly long ago, I decided to learn how to make RPM packages for Fedora. The software I chose to package was TiLP, because there are no up-to-date packages and because running the installer script on Fedora (especially 64-bit Fedora) seems to have additional complications.

After the next release of TiLP, I intend to try and get them into the official Fedora repos. I'm waiting because there are various issues with TiLP 1.15 that rpmlint (that's the tool for checking RPM packages for conforming to standards and suchlike) complained about.

So, in the meantime, here are the RPMs. To install them, either use a GUI tool (whatever Fedora launches when you double-click on a .rpm file), or use the rpm command: "rpm -i [filename]" as root. Please note: you must install the RPMs in this order:

-tilp2, gfm, and tiemu

Then, you'll need to run the "tilp" command in the terminal (or "gfm" to use gfm, or "tiemu" to use tiemu).

If you use 32-bit Fedora, you must download the i386 zip. If you use 64-bit Fedora, you should download the x86_64 zip, but you can install the 32-bit packages instead, if you really want to.

General Calculator Help / Re: Calc crushed!!
« on: August 03, 2011, 02:34:57 pm »
I can't find the dowload TiLP at the link.

The link is available here.

EDIT: Yeah, it is also available from Sourceforge here. The download is what you'd want there; just contains Group File Manager, which you wouldn't need.

General Calculator Help / Re: Calc crushed!!
« on: August 03, 2011, 02:24:08 pm »
I had to diagnose linking issues with my calc a while ago (it turned out that my old 83+'s link port was dead). Here's what I did:

1. Reinstall TI-Connect. Sometimes this fixes it (recently this happened to my 89).

2. Try multiple cables and different ports. Unfortunately, you will be limited by the number of cables you have; if you don't have a Silverlink you can't test the I/O port, for instance. (You may have already done this).

3. Completely uninstall TI-Connect and install TiLP, a third party and much more reliable linking program. Try it with that.

Anyone else have any ideas?

I also plan on encoding the whole thing in two languages: Python for whole OS replacement, and a Python emulator written in AXE to run it inside your current OS.

Yeah, I do plan on using a z80 emulator but I was creating my icon at the time and forgot to add TI-Nspire Basic to the languages. Sorry. :( *.*

EDIT: You proved me wrong. Geuss it's time to hit the books, strip down my hacked Ubuntu 11.04 .ISO and add a patch inside the Operating System...

I've changed my mind and now want to use AXE.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Your first post suggests you want to compile (a lightweight version of) Ubuntu for ARM. The three posts I've quoted above, though, seem to suggest that you want to write something in Axe and have it running in a z80 emulator on the Nspire?

Are you trying to write software in Axe (or Python; which probably could be compiled in C for the Nspire) (or Nspire Basic?) to run on your port of Linux?

TI 68K / Re: Memory Usage for the 89
« on: July 28, 2011, 03:32:38 pm »
I've released version 0.3.

As bugs were still happening on my 89, I went back and fixed them. (The fix entailed changing the way the program determined the size of files). The new way is more optimized, and bug free. :)

I also added an option to garbage collect to the main menu (because the 89 doesn't let you garbage collect manually), and then added information about whether a flash app is "marked for delete" to it's info page. (You currently can't delete flash apps from this interface, so it should always read "0").

Other / Re: What computer OS do you use?
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:35:26 pm »
When this thread was first created, I used Windows XP and Windows 7. My taste in operating systems has since expanded. :P

My desktop and laptop both dualboot Fedora and Windows 7 (though the laptop has F15 and the desktop F14).

I also have an old netbook running Windows XP, which I recently installed Fuduntu on as well. (Fuduntu is a Fedora-derivative distro that's optimized for netbooks and laptops).

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Re: How to get tilp running
« on: July 14, 2011, 10:44:36 am »
A litte late, obviously, but I thought I'd share the results of what I just found:

On 64-bit Fedora, you need to put the line below in your .bashrc (or, rather, the root user's .bashrc, because you need to install as root):

Code: [Select]
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/pkgconfig
This is because, as discussed on IRC, Fedora uses /usr/lib64 for 64-bit applications.

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Re: How to get tilp running
« on: July 13, 2011, 09:59:55 pm »
This is a problem with pkg-config (it happened to me as well when installing it on Fedora). What worked for me was adding this:

Code: [Select]
To "~/.bashrc", your bash configuration file. You'll need to restart the terminal after running that.

TI 68K / Re: Memory Usage for the 89
« on: July 13, 2011, 09:45:06 pm »
After a bit more debugging and coding, here's a real release of this program. I've fixed all the weirdness that was occurring on my 89 (and improved memory usage while I was at it).

Also, with debrouxl's assistance, I added a menu for displaying Flash applications. It works much the same as the folder\file system, but selecting a flash application brings up a little popup giving the full name (the name has to get cut off for size in some places), the application ID on your system, and the size.

Hopefully, even though the 68k community is dead, someone finds this potentially useful...

And yes, I know I just made a link to an attachment in the post right above this one, but I figured it might be lost in all the screenshots.

EDIT: removed v0.2

TI 68K / Memory Usage for the 89
« on: July 08, 2011, 08:39:44 pm »
So, after suddenly finding myself without a project to work on the other day, I resolved to come up with some relatively simple calc utility I could actually code, and then code it.

And I came up with this: Memory Usage, a 68k C program which provides nicely formatted information about how much space is used up on the system.

The AMS's MEM dialog tells you how much space is being used for different variable types and how much is free. I, however, was interested in a folder-by-folder breakdown, among other things.

The attached images summarize the current features pretty well. First, when you run the program, there are three options: "general memory info", "flash app info", and "file/folder info". The general memory info first provides usage statistics about the RAM and the Flash: mostly what you can already get through the AMS's MEM menu. However, it also shows how much memory would be freed through Garbage Collect.

The files/folders mem screen shows a list of all folders and their sizes ordered by size. Selecting a folder opens up a sub menu displaying the number of unarchived bytes and the number of archived bytes. At this point, if you select "All", it shows you an ordered list of all files in that folder; selecting "Archived" or "Unarchived" displays only archived or unarchived programs in that folder, again sorted by size.

Currently, selecting a file does nothing, just exits.

The flash app screen, like the files and folders screen, shows an ordered list of folders by size. The name of an app might be cut off, but selecting the app will display the full name, the application ID (which is a handle to some info about the app in memory), and the size in a little popup window.

It should be compatible with the Titanium, though it cannot run on anything below AMS 1.x.

News / Re: Farewell
« on: July 08, 2011, 02:06:41 pm »
While I didn't actually join UTI, I did discover it through some link from news. I didn't even realize there were other calc community sites until.. well, I forget what made it happen.

UTI was very empty, so I merely lurked. The biggest discussion I can ever remember reading in my lurking days were the signing keys thread- that was it. There were a few projects, but nothing really major. I came to the conclusion that the calc community was dead.

And then I discovered Omnimaga. Here was a thriving community: as Sir said, the #1 most active calculator forum! As a result, I signed up.

I haven't really contributed much to the community in the around-a-year I've been here. But the very existence of this site made me decide to get involved at least partly, and you can take credit for that. For much of this year, I've been idling (thank you school). In the occasions where I posted in some thread or another, or got involved in a discussion on IRC, you often commented that you hoped I wasn't quitting calc programming and that I would stay involved here.

That sort of thing is a great example of the positive impact you've had in building- in founding- this community, and why I'm sorry to see you go.

TI 68K / Re: PyMite 68k
« on: July 06, 2011, 05:15:38 pm »
This is a great idea, I've always wanted on-calc Python, I hope you can make it succeed :D

EDIT: I now read the whole topic and see it's impossible, but I hope that eventually it will work :)

Impossible? It's not possible on most z80 calcs, yeah, but it's possible on the 68ks: once the next beta of GCC4TI comes out anyway.

And that means it's definitely possible on Nspires.

TI 68K / Re: PyMite 68k
« on: July 06, 2011, 04:59:41 pm »
Oh, nice! You might also want to crosspost this to the Cemetech thread I started.

So when is the next beta of GCC4TI going to be released?

I guess I can move onto some other project now. :P

TI 68K / PyMite 68k
« on: July 06, 2011, 04:08:24 pm »
So this is something I just started playing around with, and I thought I'd make a post about it mainly so it'd be easy to ask for help. :P

Python-on-a-Chip (formerly known as PyMite) is a Python interpreter designed for embedded systems. It supports a "significant subset" of the language. Here are it's features:

•Requires roughly 55 KB program memory
•Initializes in 4KB RAM; print "hello world" needs 5KB; 8KB is the minimum recommended RAM.
•Supports integers, floats, tuples, lists, dicts, functions, modules, classes, generators, decorators and closures
•Supports 25 of 29 keywords and 89 of 112 bytecodes from Python 2.6
•Can run multiple stackless green threads (round-robin)
•Has a mark-sweep garbage collector
•Has a hosted interactive prompt for live coding
•Licensed under the GNU GPL ver. 2

That sounds pretty decent for the 89, which has 256 KB of RAM and 188 KB of it user-accessible.

So theoretically, all I would have to do to make this run on a 68k is write some platform-specific routines for the 89 and get it to compile using GCC4TI.

That might be trickier than it sounds, though, because I'm not that great of a C programmer, and I'm not entirely sure yet how PyMite works. You need to use a Python script to convert your Python code into an image file of some sort, which then gets linked up to the C program... at least, I think it does.

I almost got it to build this morning, but it was complaining about the missing Python images- which I didn't even realize I needed until an hour ago. I haven't done any more on it yet.

Other / Re: Windows 8
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:19:29 am »
Perhaps this would say it better:

This is an OS intended for both desktops and tablets. The OS has been re-optimized for tablets and most of the new features in the OS are focused at tablets, but is nevertheless intended to be the main Windows OS running on desktops.

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