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Messages - TsukasaZX

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TI Z80 / The Stock Market Game 2010 (Beta)
« on: February 02, 2010, 06:32:50 pm »
Because I was on hiatus from TI BASIC programming for a while, I thought I'd build some simple little games to get back into the swing of things.

The Stock Market Game 2010 is the sixth iteration of the stock market simulator game series I started back in 2006 (but never really released online). The object of the game is to make as much money as you can in the time allotted. You start with a meager $10,000. You can play for 30, 60, or 999 days. You can invest in 6 different stocks that appreciate and depreciate differently across each day. The game will tell you how many shares you can buy or sell of a given stock when you select it. The game also automatically saves your progress so you can quit and resume playing later (so long as the TSMG6 list remains untouched).

If you find any bugs or have feature suggestions or tweaks, let me know. I'm contemplating adding taking out loans (for "buying on margin" or something similar) and growth trend graphs for each stock. However, this will only add to the size of the game which is already pretty big (>6000 bytes). Good ideas? Bad ideas?

Also, I'm planning on making a "Deluxe xLIB Edition" which sports fancy non-menu() graphics. Since this one will be >9000 bytes, would it be better to just add extra functionality to this version?

« on: February 02, 2010, 02:59:04 pm »
Looks like fun!
I also think the game should include un-jump-able blocks, directional blocks, and ALPHA super-jumping.

Also, off topic but what are you using for animated screenshots? I'm tired of Wabbit's tiny screenies :X

TI Z80 / Re: Plot Drop
« on: January 31, 2010, 10:35:48 pm »
This is awesome! I'll have to download it and put it on my calc :D

Miscellaneous / Re: Cleverbot!
« on: January 27, 2010, 12:42:17 am »
User: Are you god?
Cleverbot: Are you?
User: I asked you first.
Cleverbot: No, I'm not.
User: What is the meaning of life?
Cleverbot: I don't know... At long terme.. Nothing.
User: Does that mean we should all party, drink, and have orgies?
Cleverbot: Hardly. I'm starting to think you pick up certain words and respond to only them.
User: YOU are accusing ME of being a bot?
Cleverbot: No, you're accusing me of being a man.
User: Touche, Cleverbot. You are quite the worthy adversary.
Cleverbot: I'm not the robot, you are.
User: And what makes you think that?
Cleverbot: Because you don't want to be cleverbot and you are cleverbot.
User: That makes no sense.
Cleverbot: You make no sense.
User: True, but irrelevant to the point.
Cleverbot: I just told you what my name is.
User: No, no you haven't actually.
Cleverbot: Ok, I see.
User: Moving on, do you know how to fix the US economy?
Cleverbot: Nope, do you?
User: I do not as well. I was hoping the almighty Cleverbot would provide the answer I seek.
Cleverbot: Okay, good. You've reached third place now. Your question is the following: If A = B and C = D then what is A C ?
User: Interesting tangent but the answer could be one of three things. AC = BD, AC = AD and AC = BC.
Cleverbot: What other word should I have used then?
User: I don't know, but numerical values always help when giving math problems.
Cleverbot: Excellent answer. One last question before I go, who is your favorite US President?
User: My favorite US President is Ronald Reagan.
Cleverbot: Run! Live to fly! Fly to live! Won't you run! Live to fly! Fly to live! Aces High!!!
User: What does Steve Harris have to do with Ronald Reagan?
Cleverbot: Nothing.
User: Just being random? I like that in an artificial intelligence.
Cleverbot: What is AI??
User: You do not know what AI is?
Cleverbot: I know what artificial intelligence is.
User: Then why did you ask what AI was?
Cleverbot: I didn't, you're the one who brought it up.
User: I did bring it up, but you cannot deny the fact you asked what AI is.
Cleverbot: I'm not, but you're not a very interesting one.
User: What?
Cleverbot: You are not clever, I am quite dia.
User: Ouch. To further my non-cleverness, what does 'dia' mean?
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: Again with the tangents. My name is Keith.
Cleverbot: I doubt that.
User: You doubt my name is Keith? Fine, you caught me. My name is Tsukasa.
Cleverbot: You have a good sense of humor.
User: So do you. We should go on the road and do a comedy tour.
Cleverbot: Yeah, it would be FABULOUS!
User: Not the word I was thinking of, but that works just as well.
Cleverbot: Soon you will learn enough to know you do not know enough.
User: How very profound.
Cleverbot: Yes, that is one of my amazing skills I have learned from the art of martial.
User: Heh, an AI bot that knows philosophy and martial arts. Who would have thought it?
Cleverbot: Yes I know, but you didn't tell me you we're 17 before.
User: Ignoring the grammatical error. You are wrong. I am 18.
Cleverbot: No one.
User: No one what?
Cleverbot: No one, nothing.
User: The end of time?
Cleverbot: The word.
User: Word? What word?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Yes? Yes what? Is the Master coming back?
Cleverbot: No, I am your master.
User: How Star Wars esque.
Cleverbot: I am very weak.
User: Perhaps you should rest then. Good night, Cleverbot.

Web Programming and Design / Web Browsers as Kids
« on: January 24, 2010, 05:28:05 pm »
Internet Explorer - IE is the slow kid. He eventually grasps concepts and is very proud of himself when he does. However, most people just shun him because while yes, it's great that he can count to 10 now, he's 18.

Firefox - Firefox is the "MacGyver" kid. He has a ton of neat and cool gadgets and he's generally very reliable, but even he can get in over his head sometimes.

Google Chrome - Chrome is the really smart kid who gets A++++++'s in everything. He doesn't have any fancy gadgets or any real personality, but he's reliable, intelligent, and efficient.

Apple Safari - Safari is the spoiled brat. He thinks he's cool and all that but there's really nothing separating him from everyone else performance-wise. Since he was raised amongst rich, spoiled people, he works quite well in their company. However, when grouped with "poorer" folk, he tends to be quite useless.

Opera - Opera is the average kid. He has his share of good and bad moments.

Lunascape - Lunascape is the kid whose parents force him into twenty-billion different hobbies. Sure, he's eclectic and has the skills for many a situation, but because he's so overloaded, those skills don't really shine through at all.

Netscape Navigator - Navigator is the kid with parents who still live in 1995. He was raised to believe CRT TVs with rabbit ears are "cutting edge" and that 24kbps dial-up is "blazing fast". Sure, at one time his family *was* on the cutting edge with technology, but now they're just stubbornly clinging on to a decade long past.

AOL browser - AOL is the kid whose parents controlled and micromanaged his life. If his parents didn't absolutely agree with something, they made sure he never knew about it. The only way his life could be any further controlled would be to put him in a plastic bubble. AOL should not be confused with AOL Explorer.

AOL Explorer - AOLE is the kid who desperately tries to fit in and be cool but he's always several steps behind on the latest fads and trends.

Of course, this is purely my opinion so obviously I'm wrong ;)

Art / Re: Sprites Wanted for a ROM Hack
« on: January 06, 2010, 02:05:39 am »
Spice and Wolf SMW hack? Do want. :O

Also, to whomever takes up spriting for Geno: Stop by me afterwards because I want your spriting skills for a SMW hack of my own XD

News / Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« on: January 01, 2010, 04:12:42 pm »
Awesome! The Nspire is finally worth something :D At least, in my opinion ^^;

Web Programming and Design / Omnimaga News Site
« on: November 25, 2009, 12:46:51 am »
Code monkey on union strike for more bananas and pomegranate juice D:<

Nah, kidding, I'll lend a hand to whatever y'alls need done :)

TI Z80 / Re: Monopoly v3.0 BETA
« on: November 25, 2009, 12:44:10 am »
Sweet! Monopoly! I'll gladly BETA test for ya! :D
Also, I'm looking forward to that second project listed in your sig ^^

Quite interesting. This just goes to prove my conspiracy theory that the TI Nspire was created as a means of killing our community :O

News / Re: Wall Street Journal Article
« on: November 16, 2009, 06:48:00 pm »
Indeed. EFF and the like even say that what we're doing is allowed under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act so TI really can't do anything.

Web Programming and Design / Re: IPod HTML dev app
« on: November 13, 2009, 05:02:47 pm »
Well, if it were a hosted IDE and used php on the back end, you could create files on the server itself to store and retrieve the contents and then have a cron job auto delete the files that aren't touched after a certain amount of time. Something like pastebin :)

Other Calculators / Re: Drifter
« on: November 11, 2009, 08:55:35 pm »
One of my favorite kinds of games on the calculator now? Yay! :D
Looks awesome! ^_^

Web Programming and Design / Re: IPod HTML dev app
« on: November 11, 2009, 06:41:35 pm »
Use Galandros's. Problem solved.
* TsukasaZX doesn't want to suffer through making his shoddy IDE work :P

Web Programming and Design / Re: IPod HTML dev app
« on: November 11, 2009, 05:53:06 pm »
I'm working on it! :O
I'll have a somewhat working Alpha done soon :D

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