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Topics - XiiDraco

Pages: 1 [2]
General Calculator Help / Calculator OS replacement
« on: December 14, 2012, 09:55:03 pm »
I am trying to download the OS 2.55MP to my calculator(yes I know it sucks). I need to get it to the calc so I can downgrade, but every time I put it on it freezes at validating.

TI Z80 / My Current Project
« on: December 13, 2012, 10:16:11 pm »
At the moment I am working on a top down apocalyptic zombie survival game. I mean hey isn't every one? Its the usual kill zombies and get money and buy guns type thing. But for my first game I would like to put a twist on it. I will make the map edit able by the player to were you can build a Base/House/Bunker to fend of zombies with. To build the house you will need to travel to the mall and get the supplies. In the mall there are 3 locations to go to. The hardware store, the grocery/clinic(medical supplies)/and the gun shop. Don't ask why the stores aren't over run by zombies, it's irrelevant (The clerks are BA's). To get to the mall you have to travel on the road for a bit. Then with the supplies you can build a house and survive better!

What I currently have done:
-Main menu
-Basic game play(player movement, zombies)
What I am currently working on
-Advanced game play
-In-game menu

Introduce Yourself! / New Here!
« on: December 13, 2012, 03:05:50 am »
Obviously I am new here, because I'm posting here(duh). I love to program on calculators and have fun with them.
I own a
- Ti-Nspire CX
- Ti-84 plus
I am excellent with programming
- Ti-BASIC (Who isn't? It's quite simple XD)
I know some
- Axe (and am looking on learning more)

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