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Messages - Adriweb

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 115
TI-Nspire / Re: nGL - a fast (enough) 3D engine for the nspire
« on: May 17, 2015, 09:13:38 am »
I guess one is optimized C, the other is optimized ASM... (or, at least, C code such that the ASM gets optimized much better in the end). So clearly on this level the assembly-optimized version can only be better.
But knowing how to optimize at this level is definitely something that much less people know how to do.

And I'm sure that since both things are open-source, one could help the other when needed ;)

Eh, idk, but you should at least link to the original topic, as it will get updated when/if needed.

Once again, if you strip out the most important part (HW revision constraints), you'll get people to potentially brick their machines.
Seriously, just link to the official topic, which is on TI-Planet. It gets updated whenever there is a need to, and contains all the proper warnings in red bold etc.
No wonder so many people complain about bricked calcs when they follow unofficial forked tutorials not containing all the info...
This is really starting to get on my nerves.

General Calculator Help / Re: Is using Nover 3 safe on OS 3.9?
« on: April 22, 2015, 02:14:41 pm »
Well he can't downgrade to 3.6 reliably with this HW rev.

General Calculator Help / Re: Is using Nover 3 safe on OS 3.9?
« on: April 21, 2015, 02:42:36 am »
Ndless 3.9 not being reboot proof, Nover won't be able to adjust its settings (auto-overclock)
You can ask the author directly here: (posting in English is not a problem)

(And it doesn't look like nLaunchy (making ndless reboot-proof by reinstalling it, kinda) overclocks OSes 3.9 - You can open an issue on the repo, though, maybe Excale (the maintainer) can add that)

Edit: well, yeah, considering nLaunchy makes it reboot-proof, you could try that I suppose. But that supposes your hardware revision is compatible with it...

Calculator C / Re: Error when compiling the Ndless SDK
« on: April 20, 2015, 09:52:03 pm »
Did you complete all the steps succesfully in the scripts?

I'll let Vogtinator reply now, since the script worked for me (well, the toolchain works as expected as long as the .sh completed everything, I mean)

Calculator C / Re: Error when compiling the Ndless SDK
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:18:45 pm »
It's missing/can't find the compiler(s), apparently ?

Do you have the dev-tools installed (from xcode) ?
Or even GCC (look at brew, it'll be easy to get it from there)

Well, it's JJ Abrams after all



(Je me permets de poster ceci en Français vu que le public ciblé se doit d'être Français, et vu qu'il y en a ici... :) )

TI-Planet organise en ce moment (et jusqu'au 31 Mai 2015) un concours original (ce n'est pas de la programmation mais... du dessin!) vous permettant peut-être de gagner une des 10 TI-83 Premium CE mises en jeu ;)

Viendez participer :P

The engine is started and part of it is ready, but the ""port"" itself is not done, no.
As I replied in another thread, the framework ("ETK") was demo'ed last month during TI's international conference, and the new version of FormulaPro (which will contain EEPro and MEPro things) will be based on that.
Maybe Jim and I will find time to get something ready in the summer. But not before, sorry.

Also yeah, TI has something started already, but they abandoned the project, probably because of FormulaPro (we'll never know...). This was quite some time ago, anyway (like FormulaPro... time flies)

TI-Nspire / Re: [lua] fractal zoomer
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:58:10 pm »
Very nice, good job!

Lua / Re: Greyscale on Nspire/CAS
« on: March 24, 2015, 08:17:51 pm »
RGB stands for Red Green Blue. More info here:
So, to get grey, assign the same value for the 3 colors. They range from 0 to 255 (0xff in hexadecimal)

Grey gradient:
Code: [Select]
function on.paint(gc)
    for i=0,255 do
        gc:drawLine(i, 0, i, 200) -- using the same variable for the position because I'm lazy

More info about Nspire-Lua on for an API doc, and for tutorials

News / Re: Release of FormulaPro for the Nspire
« on: March 16, 2015, 08:49:24 pm »
For now, it's not supported on the website... However you can edit the lua code yourself in the Nspire Computer Software (open the .tns, Insert -> Script Editor -> Edit script), find the lines with the units etc. and add what you want.

News / Re: Ndless 3.9 is out!
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:14:34 pm »
Yep, basically if you're forced to use OS 3.9 then it's for you, otherwise, choose/stay on 3.6

News / Re: Ndless 3.9 is out!
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:28:09 pm »
However, does this stick across reboots?
No, and you need a computer to install it (it's a "tethered jailbreak" if you want)

Why is 3.6 still recommended?
Because of the reasons explained here : (in English)

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