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Messages - brianbdm

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TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: November 04, 2009, 07:51:27 pm »
It still seems like if a ROM can be compressed to so little, the save file should be able to be compressed to something near the same ratio.

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 31, 2009, 08:00:03 pm »
Oh, wow. That's big! I thought that it would be smaller.
Most systems just have a short series of data, like a matrix. For example, "3654" The information of what that means would already be inside the program. It would already know that the first 2 numbers is what level you are on, the third number is how much health you have left, and the last number is how many lives you have left. Of course, a Pokemon game save would be more than four numbers, but that's the general idea. Most save files don't include the information on what each thing means. That's normally included in the application. The save file doesn't have something written like "on level 36 5 health left 4 lives left" That would be really long for a save file.
Is the calculator save file like that? Is that why it's so long?

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 31, 2009, 07:31:06 pm »
Do you know which of the files it creates is the save file?
I've been trying to get a GameCube emulator working, but I can't find any ISOs. Due to my web filter, I can't get any torrents, and a lot of download websites don't work, either. I'd like to see how well they work, too. I always like to emulate my games, especially on my computer, so when I saw the GB emulator for the calculator, I got it right away. It's just one of the most cool, nerdy things ever! (nerdy in a good way, of course)

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 31, 2009, 05:08:03 pm »
It is funny... I wonder why it's like that. Some games work just perfectly, and some don't work at all. Usually it's one or the other. I put Super Mario Bros. Deluxe on my calculator to see what would happen. It ran the game, but it game me the message saying that the game could only be played on a Gameboy color system.
Do you know why it said that I couldn't transfer Gold, Silver or Crystal to my calculator? It may not work right, but it said that it was invalid and I couldn't even get it on my calculator.

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 30, 2009, 09:29:32 pm »
Pokemon Yellow: No-Go
Final Fantasy Legend 3: No good either
Pokemon Blue: No noticeable problems. I expect it to be the same as Red.

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 28, 2009, 10:05:39 pm »
I was afraid of that.

The letter?
*looks three posts up*
It's an "F"
I wish my calculator had more memory. Right now it just has Blue Version on it. I'd like to have my entire collection of games on it. ^^

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 28, 2009, 09:05:22 pm »
Cool! I just got my calculator in the mail today. Pokemon Yellow doesn't seem to work. Too bad. I liked that one. Do you know if GBC games will work as well? I got the app from Crystal, but it wouldn't go on my calculator. It said that it was invalid.

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 22, 2009, 07:56:14 pm »
I got lucky on the first try. :) Ends in F.
Once I get my calc., I'll try testing out some ROMs.

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 22, 2009, 12:38:41 am »
Did this board die? Too bad.

Anyone know where I can buy an 84+SE where I can see the serial number? There aren't many on EBAY. I don't want to have to wait for a reply from every single person I ask. I don't wanna get it from TI, because they'll be giving out all the newer ones that won't work.

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 15, 2009, 11:17:51 am »
Haha. I tried that game, too. I thought that it would be to my advantage that it was so slow, but, man, I still only could beat 20 levels or so. I think that there were 60.
So, at this point, our best option is to crack the signing key, and instead of making a new OS, we'd fill in for TI to make a better emulation. That way it'll still work with the new processor.

"As long as I'm dreaming... I'd like a dog."

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:37:38 pm »
So, if the signing key WAS cracked, it would be possible to load a real 84 OS on my NSpire? It would be really awesome because the NSpire has more resources. It's really slow when you use the 84 emulation, but that's probably /because/ it is an emulation. If there were a real OS that would work, then it would be way better than an 84. ...Or would it throttle all the programs to make them super fast? ^^

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 13, 2009, 11:51:20 pm »
I know about the stuff on TI Calc. That's where I get all my calculator stuff. 9 out of 10 of them usually work. Sometimes they need a patch, like Mirage does.

Do you know if I can use the key signing to work on my NSpire so I can make it have a real 84 OS instead of the emulation?

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 13, 2009, 08:30:50 pm »
As long as I get /something/ on my NSpire. I can't stand it not working! Grrrr....

I'd rather have the GameBoy, though. But the NES would be beyond awesome, too.

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 11, 2009, 10:06:39 pm »
Isn't the NES resolution the same as the GB? I've heard that they work pretty close to the same way, too.

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: TI-Boy SE
« on: October 11, 2009, 06:27:37 pm »
Any chance of a NES emulator? =D

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