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Messages - chattahippie

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TI-BASIC / Re: BASIC movement
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:16:24 pm »
Okay, I found it
Here it is, strait from TI-BASIC Developer:
Code: [Select]
:Repeat K=21
:If Ans
:Output(A,B," // 1 space
Now, it is time to speed crunch!

Okay, here are my results:
DJ, your code is a little faster than theirs, and is 87 bytes (the version I made had no ClrHome and Stop)
The ∆List trick is 96 bytes, but also calculated if the character was at the border for almost no speed difference (slightly slower)

So, I would go with your version for without edge testing, but if you want to have testing for almost no speed drop, use the ∆List code

TI-BASIC / Re: BASIC movement
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:11:16 pm »
Cool!  I was messing around with ∆List (I looked it up in TI-BASIC developer), trying to figure out said trick, and although I couldn't figure it out, I did manage to make a start to a snake game (the kind where you eat pellets to grow)

Not really anything significant (I've seen the game millions of times :P ), but I was amazed how easy it actually was to make (I had no clue beforehand how to make the tail) :D

TI-BASIC / Re: BASIC movement
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:36:58 pm »
I'm betting someone will come up with that one Δlist trick in response to this, but I coded BASIC mostly years before that trick was made popular, so I don't know how it works and if it's any faster.
What is this trick? I've never heard of it ???

TI Z80 / Re: ASCII World
« on: February 16, 2012, 10:46:57 pm »
Ooh, that would be cool, but I do like how simple it is now

TI Z80 / Re: ASCII World
« on: February 16, 2012, 10:42:33 pm »
This looks amazing! :D
Honestly, when you talked to the innkeeper, I was expecting that awesome battle scene to appear :P

TI Z80 / Re: Fire
« on: February 16, 2012, 07:06:01 am »
Hmm, Grammer can use assembly programs... But I could add it as a fill option as well.

That would be awesome! :D

Minecraft Discussion / Re: Minecraft Challangers!
« on: February 15, 2012, 11:02:49 pm »
I thought of a challenge...
The Super Flat Challenge!

Spawn a super flat world with structures on, then let people survive the massive slime invasion
The villages help, trust me (the only place to get resources for swords and easy food) :)

TI Z80 / Re: Caedes (Carnage): An Axe RPG
« on: February 13, 2012, 04:49:19 pm »
Looks good! I like the sprites you made! :D

TI Z80 / Re: The Slime
« on: February 13, 2012, 06:54:02 am »
To import appvars don't you just need to drag them on the LCD like programs? ??? That's what I always do in my copies of Wabbitemu
Didn't work for me D:

I will get one uploaded tonight, I have an idea of how to make it work ;)

EDIT: I managed to make a screenie with an outdated level, but it uses the same engine, so it shows it off well (I think :P )

TI Z80 / The Slime
« on: February 12, 2012, 11:22:07 pm »
To start this off, this is not the same as leafy's The Slime, but is a similar concept, and based off of the same idea as his.

The Slime is the game I have been working on, and is based off of Super Meat Boy.  It is in 4 color greyscale, and really is my first real game in axe  :D

I plan to include disappearing blocks, and anything else I think of later on.

For the controls, use the top row of buttons (Y= to Graph) as follows:
[Y=] - left
[Window] - right
[Trace] - Run / quick movement / confirm on level select
[Graph] - jump / confirm on main menu

They are odd controls, but I think they fit better for this game than normal ones :P

If you find any bugs, please tell me, I know they are numerous, and I would like to squash them all  >:D

Also, the last level, level 4 from the level select screen, is just an area to play around with (no exit)  :)

This is compiled for no-shell, btw, and will create another appvar, SAVE, so be warned, it will try to read old appvars named SAVE and go to junk ram levels  :)

Now with a screenie!

TI Z80 / Re: Cellular Automata (Assembly)
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:31:03 pm »
The Game of Life

It follows the ruleset 3/23, but a customizable ruleset would be amazing :)

Other Calculators / Re: I Sincerely Apologize
« on: January 30, 2012, 11:09:45 pm »
It's just your opinion.  You really don't have to be sorry for what you think :P

TI Z80 / Re: YAAR (Yet Another Assembly/Axe Raycaster)
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:07:18 pm »
Here is a nice raycaster for beginners... you only have to store a picture to the OS var Pic3 (draw a pic on graph screen, then use StorePic 3)
Right here!
This is Squidgetx's raycaster, I could never make such a program :P

Good luck with your project  :thumbsup:

Axe / Re: thydowulays's Complete n00bs guide to Tilemapping in Axe
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:11:56 pm »
This works but it also changes the program slightly. The tilemap will move noticeably slower (well maybe not since you're not smoothscrolling) with this since it will be drawing a tile for every 8x8 juncture on the screen. Before, the tilemap would be drawn faster or slower depending on how many tiles are on screen. Both methods have their advantages/disadvantages- basically it's speed vs consistency.
Ah, okay, that makes sense.  That must have been the way I saw it at first, and it just stuck.
Thanks for explaining it :D

Axe / Re: thydowulays's Complete n00bs guide to Tilemapping in Axe
« on: January 29, 2012, 10:01:42 pm »
I like this, it's very well explained
But to make it simpler,
When you use
Code: [Select]
If T
to check if the space is not a zero, you could instead delete that loop and instead define Pic1 as
Code: [Select]
so it's just
Code: [Select]

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