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Messages - coolsnake

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Other Calculators / Re: TI-84 Plus OS
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:32:42 pm »
By shortcut menus, do you mean the F1, F2 things?  (Alpha, then one of the top menu buttons?)
Because in CLASSIC, only one of them is disabled, which is the matrix one.
Yes, I do. Are you saying that the stuff inside the menus actually work in classic mode? I'm pretty sure it didn't but I might be wrong.

Other Calculators / Re: TI-84 Plus OS
« on: September 12, 2010, 06:42:34 am »
I have 2.53 MP, and I'd like to mention that I haven't really experienced any slowdown, probably because I run mostly only my programs, which aren't usually reliant on speed for effective gameplay.  Could anybody provide an example of a game that runs noticeably slower on 2.53 MP?

Besides, doesn't it act like the older versions if you change it to classic mode (goes faster, e.g.)?

The nag-screen is pretty annoying, though. 

Try going to the equations screen (Y=) with mathprint enabled.
I don't think that the ability to turn it off salvages it. From what I remember the shortcut menus are generally unusable when mathprint is disabled. The shortcut menus are pretty much the only reason why I'd upgrade to OS 2.53 in the first place. It seems to add unneeded complexity when you need to press a switch before you can go from a shortcutmenu to the equations screen. The fact that the ability to enable/disable mathprint is hidden deep in the mode screen doesn't help either.

Other Calculators / Re: TI-84 Plus OS
« on: September 11, 2010, 06:56:18 am »
Hm, can anyone give more details about the "sequence graphing bug"?
I'll admit that I hardly ever graphed sequence equations before.
I just tried it and didn't notice anything special even when tracing it which seems that the problem was from in the readme.

That being said, I still won't upgrade from OS 2.22. I don't exactly know what is meant with unstable. Does it mean random RAM clears? If so, I really didn't notice unless I used buggy programs.

Really now, why should I trade in my fast graphing speed for an USB activity hook, TI peripheral support, PTT, some new features (which I don't use) and mathprint.
The first three are utterly useless to someone who uses his graphing calculator for what it is, a graphing calculator.

There are only three reasons I can think of for why you should upgrade as a "casual user":

-Noteworthy "new" features from
#  "manual-line fit"
# improved graphing of functions with discontinuities when Xres=1 (the reason of the graphing slowdown)
# new statistics features:

    * chi-square goodness of fit test
    * confidence interval for slope
    * inverse student T
(excluding features from OS 2.53)

I'll admit that it's certainly possible that OS 2.21/2.21 is more unstable than I make it seem. To be honest I really don't have any problems with it.
Maybe there is stuff that's just buggy to use but if it is, I didn't use it up until this point. Simple as that.

-OS 2.53
This is by far the most visible change that TI has done. You hate it or love it.
I loved the way that you can have a visual representation of the function "fnint(" for one.
I hated the nagscreen after every ram clear and the extreme slowdown when using mathprint.
This was the change I actually considered. Until I wrote a program that does exactly the same thing as mathprint does with fnint(.

I don't like Camstudio because none of the codec used by it is supported by VirtualDub :(

However it does the job when I do not need to polish my videos and decide to just throw them in Windows Movie Maker. I get a good framerate too for most stuff.
You gave your own answer for an AVI to GIF converter.  ;D
File -> Export -> Animated GIF

TI Z80 / Re: TIPC-Basic
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:48:23 pm »
Hm if you're asking if you need to convert the bitmaps in some way, then no you don't need to do that.
Here's something I slapped together in FB using two 48x48 bitmaps in 24bit + source code and commentary.

TI Z80 / Re: TIPC-Basic
« on: September 09, 2010, 04:32:04 am »
Yeah don't worry I got it solved. It works now. :)

I'Ll need to learn how to use this a bit, to see how to actually use images and the like (if possible). This might actually push my ASM learning further even more but it wasn't in my priorities anyway since Axe and some BASIC suits my needs for calcs for now.

I've been checking on how you can incorporate images in your program. I think I have a good grasp of the basis now.
The way I see it is that you can incorporate BMP images or images generated from "raw" data in FB.
Also when it compiles your sourcecode it puts the images you use into your exe, so you won't need anything else when distributing your program.

It uses the BLOAD and BSAVE commands if you're interested in some raw FreeBASIC.  :P

I'll probably write up a userfriendly routine for that, good that you mentioned that!
Keep them good ideas coming!

TI-BASIC / Procedural generation
« on: September 08, 2010, 10:30:09 am »
I've taken an interest in procedural generation lately. More specifically for the generation of areas in space.

Here's a snippet from wikipedia:

"The earliest computer games were severely limited by memory constraints. This forced content, such as maps, to be generated algorithmically on the fly: there simply wasn't enough space to store a large amount of pre-made levels and artwork. Pseudorandom number generators were often used with predefined seed values in order to create very large game worlds that appeared premade. For example, The Sentinel supposedly had 10,000 different levels stored in only 48 or 64 kilobytes. An extreme case was Elite, which was originally planned to contain a total of 248 (approximately 282 trillion) galaxies with 256 solar systems each."

I tried to do the same thing in TI-Basic. If my math is right, the size of the universe I've created on my calculator is in the magnitude of ~10^40 calc screens.
I did this by using the pseudorandom number generator of the calculator and by using predefined seed values.
The downside is, they aren't unique.
In other words, I want my calc-universe to be made up of unique calc screens only, I don't want to come through the same screen twice.
I've been thinking of a way to make this happen, but I didn't find one. Does anyone have an idea?

I've added the universe thing as "space2d.8xp". I did a quick optimisation with sourcecoder and the code itself could probably be more optimised but that isn't my main concern right now.
I've also included the individual subroutines in

ENGIN is the main game loop.
COLLIS checks for when you reach the edge of the screen and updates the X,Y coordinates, generates new seeds
NUMBERS puts the seeds into rand and generates a pseudorandom number from which the stars are generated.
CONV converts the pseudorandom number into individual numbers. e.g 123 becomes 1, 2 and 3.
COORD uses the individual numbers to generate the coordinates for each individual star while also providing collision detection.

TI Z80 / Re: TIPC-Basic
« on: September 08, 2010, 08:43:55 am »
EDIT: Mhmm now I installed FreeBASIC but I do not understand how to run it. Also, in which file do I put "#include ""?

I could've sworn there was a default IDE included, but apparently there isn't. Sorry, my bad.
When you've installed FreeBASIC you also need to install an IDE. You can find them at the bottom of the FreeBASIC download page.
I've used FBIDE, they all are similar though.

I know what happened now. I downloaded the bundle pack of FBIDE and FreeBASIC from
I then updated the older version of FreeBASIC to the latest one.

TI Z80 / TIPC-Basic
« on: September 07, 2010, 05:28:57 pm »
TIPC-Basic or “Tipsy”-Basic is a library written for use with the computer programming language FreeBASIC.
When installed it allows you to program in Freebasic by using a syntax that is extremely similar to the one of TI-Basic on the TI-84+ graphing calculator while
still having access to all the commands of FreeBASIC.

List of all the commands
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Supported commands

Renamed commands

New commands

Installation instructions
First make sure that FreeBASIC is installed (
Also install an IDE of choice. I've used FBIDE.( found at the bottom of the downloads page)
The default directory for FreeBASIC is
Code: [Select]
Place “” in
Code: [Select]
Place “libTIPC-Basic.a” in
Code: [Select]
Add the following line to the top of your source code in FBIde
Code: [Select]
#include ""
Now you can use the same commands as in TI-Basic.
Check the User Manual for more information about the syntax.
For a complete rundown of the commands, check “commandlist.html”.
To compile and run your program press F9 or go to run->compile&run.

How this project evolves lies in your hands now. Please give me your opinions on what new commands to add, what commands need to change etc
Reports of bugs or spelling mistakes are of course very welcome too.
Please mail them to [email protected] or post them here.

EDIT: updated install instructions in post & in zip file

Other Calculators / Re: Why FreeBASIC rocks your socks.
« on: September 05, 2010, 03:16:01 pm »
Don't worry, it compiles to standalone executables. Dependencies are a turnoff in general  :P

Other Calculators / Re: Why FreeBASIC rocks your socks.
« on: September 05, 2010, 02:09:41 pm »
I've been browsing FB's site for a bit and I think I might be able to create a library for FB. Concretely it means you just need to add two files to the FreeBasic lib directory, add two lines of code to the start of your source code, and presto, pseudo TI Basic.  :P
I do consider this a "hackish" attempt though, since it's just mainly renaming known functions. But meh, I've never written a library before and it sounds fun.   :D

Hm, I wonder if FreeBASIC could be changed a bit (meaning the source itself so that it would run TI-BASIC programs perfectly. That would be easier than using an emu!

Well FreeBASIC is opensource... But I doubt it would be that easy.^^ It's mainly there so people can use new but potentially unstable versions.

Axe / Re: Routines
« on: September 04, 2010, 04:14:19 pm »
Ow just the thing I needed, thank you :D

Other Calculators / Re: Why FreeBASIC rocks your socks.
« on: September 04, 2010, 09:01:31 am »
For those who want a jumpstart on how to use FreeBASIC:

I only read those two to make my port from TI-Basic to Freebasic.
The first link shows how to output text, draw lines,draw circles, rectangles.
The second one is more interesting. It shows you how to create a game loop by moving a circle.
It'll introduce you to FB's "GetKey", "ClrHome", loops and the declaration of variables.
They don't take long to read either, it's great!

Look at this page to get a quick peek at all the commands:

Hmm, some of it reminds me Casio calculators...

If it's similar to TI-BASIC and Casio BASIC, maybe I could learn it easily :)

Well that's the beauty of it. It may not have the exactly same syntax but It certainly does "feel" like TI-Basic.
I'm really developing to become a FreeBASIC fanboy now.  :P
You could also "setup" FreeBASIC to behave alot more like TI-Basic on the calculator.
Here's a quick tutorial:
NOTE: You can get alot of this out of the previously mentioned tutorials too.

If you add the following line to the top of your FreeBASIC source, you get a 16x8 character screen like the one on your calc.
Code: [Select]
screenres 136,72
If you add these lines to the top you can use the very responsive GetKey from FB(there's also a slower one):
Code: [Select]
   #include ""
    Using FB

The very responsive GetKey works just like in Axe
Code: [Select]
If you want to use certain variables you have to declare them.
You're probably not used to this in TI-Basic but it's standard fare in computer languages.
Code: [Select]
DIM as integer A,B,C
DIM as string Str1,Str2
It's pretty straightforward. Here's a link to the datatypes.

If you want to store variables:
Code: [Select]

The pause command in TI-Basic becomes
Code: [Select]
If you want to pause for 100 milliseconds
Code: [Select]
Sleep 100,1If you don't add the ",1" it'll wait for 100 milliseconds OR until a key is pressed. the ",1" disables the latter.

ClrHome becomes
Code: [Select]
If your hesistant about using FB's syntax and rather want to use TI-Basic's syntax, you can just add a subroutine to the beginning of your code.
e.g for ClrHome

Code: [Select]
Sub ClrHome
End sub

And now you can use ClrHome in the same way you use it as in TI-Basic! :D
i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you can do this for about every TI-Basic command except:
-the (unconventional) storage of variables e.g 10-> B

Here's a subroutine to use the Output command.
Note that I use output1(Y,X,"text") instead of output(Y,X,"text") because there already is a (different) function called output in FB, so I can't just replace it with mine.
Code: [Select]
sub output1(Y as integer,X as integer,text as string)
locate Y,X
print text
end sub

Also be aware that FB is certainly not limited to the stuff I'm showing you.
Check FB's projects page to see what FB is capable of.
I kinda smirked at the gameboy emulator thing.
*imagines writing a gameboy emulator in TI-Basic ;D*

TI Z80 / Re: AnyForm 83+
« on: September 03, 2010, 02:25:59 pm »
Nope it's not. :p It's all stuff you would get out of tables and stuff. So yeah that's why it's not very feasible.  ;D

Other Calculators / Re: Why FreeBASIC rocks your socks.
« on: September 03, 2010, 10:53:17 am »
I'm glad you all like FreeBASIC.  :)
The syntax is kinda the same. Just different words for the same thing  :P
The thing I like so much about it is that it handles the command prompt screen almost exactly the same way TI-basic handles the calculator screen.
E.g Output(5,1,"blablabla") becomes

Code: [Select]
LOCATE 5,1 'places the cursor at that spot
print "blablabla"

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