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Messages - Hooloovoo

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ASM / Re: Patching the OS
« on: September 02, 2013, 06:35:56 pm »
That is just setting a flag which tells the OS to use lowercase.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Weird/funny pictures thread
« on: August 30, 2013, 06:29:32 pm »
It would be fun to do this with a 2-liter bottle though, just pop like 50 in, and close the lid before they melt. Then you have a bomb, almost.

I would expect that the new NAND chip has a slightly different interface, and makes it impossible for the old boot2 to interface with it. I think that nlaunch might not be possible because the older OSs are probably not compatible with the new Nand chip.
Also, is it possible that there is a jtag interface on the dock connector?

General Calculator Help / Re: New to calculators
« on: August 27, 2013, 08:59:32 pm »
The break is in *very* new nspires, revision J or later. Read the recent front page news to learn more.

General Calculator Help / Re: New to calculators
« on: August 27, 2013, 08:38:55 pm »
If you get a used nspire, there should be a way to downgrade it, and run C and assembly programmers. If you get a brand new one, chances are that it will have new code on it which prevents it from being downgraded. Even though the nspire can't run ASM/C games anymore, it can run Lua.

TI-Nspire / Re: nLaunch: Now for CX!
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:24:30 pm »
Have you used TNOC on the CAS OS? You are being quite ambiguous.
After that send it to the calc in the folder nlaunch.
I am no longer with you, so try to follow the readme as well as you can.
Edit: I'd love to help you, but it's late where I come from and I have to be going to bed.

TI-Nspire / Re: nLaunch: Now for CX!
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:17:41 pm »
You can use the modify button, like I did when I forgot to add that you could use the modify button on my last post.
I was just making sure you are in accordance with the forum rules before I helped you cheat or something like that. I don't know why it's so dire that you need a CAS immediatly though. It sounds to me a bit like you have a test tomorrow.
For now, download a CAS nspire OS from here

TI-Nspire / Re: nLaunch: Now for CX!
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:07:39 pm »
correction: You were not doing so well. Please use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Also, please do not 'Double Post', which means posting twice in a row. Instead, use the modify button to the top-right of your post. Thank you.
Now that we have that out of the way. That is how you do step 0.
Before we go any further, I am going to ask why you want to do this.

General Calculator Help / Re: Installing 3.1 on Ti - nspire cx CAS
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:42:11 pm »
For now, to get an OS on it, you can download the correct one from There may be an exploit found which takes care of this downgrading issue, but for now, a calculator with an OS is better than one without.

General Calculator Help / Re: New to calculators
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:08:36 pm »
If you want games, the nspire seems like a bad idea at the moment, because they just came out with a new OS version which blocks *everything*, and new calculators ship with that OS.
The BASIC on the Nspires are very limited, and it is virtually impossible to make anything with it. Also stay away from the TI-84PCSE, but it looks like you're in the market for a CAS, so that isn't an issue.
If the HP prime were out I would get that, but it's not, so that's not really an option.
I am not the person to recommend HP or Casio things, so I'll leave that to someone else.

I think that the most frustrating part of this protection is that you can downgrade the boot2 in the emulator without a problem. It is just on real hardware where the protection comes into play.

General Calculator Help / Re: New CX
« on: August 25, 2013, 08:40:51 pm »
on IRC, I was talking to FroxtyFox, who was trying to downgrade through rs232, but was unable to. I was able to downgrade in the emulator, which makes me think that it is using some hardware that nspire_emu isn't emulating. He did exactly the same thing that I did in the emulator, but something was preventing him from doing it.

Other Calculators / Re: Nspire clickpad prototypes available on Ebay
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:41:44 pm »
I told the seller how to distinguish between prototype and normal serials, but I didn't get any specifics, only that the serials are normal. And DJ_O, that's the least of my concerns at the moment, I have upgraded prototypes before. I didn't ask for the OS version.

Other Calculators / Nspire clickpad prototypes available on Ebay
« on: August 21, 2013, 11:31:48 pm »
While browsing Ebay, I came across an Nspire clickpad prototype. I contacted the seller to find out more, and it turns out that just the keypads are prototypes (as far as I know for now).  5 of the remaining clickpads are dark blue prototypes, and 2 are standard keypads. I asked the seller to send me one with a dark blue keypad, so if you want one, you can probably just ask.

The link is

The funny thing is, I seem to recall having seen this keypad style before, but I can't seem to find it again. I think I may have been thinking of the Nspire+ keypad though :/

Anyway, Nspire prototypes ftw (coming from the guy with 3 so far :P)

Edit: image was big

TI Calculators / Re: Nspire Screen rotated 180 degrees
« on: August 21, 2013, 05:26:37 pm »
I looked at the documentation of the primecell LCD controller, and there isn't  a bit that does that in the display driver. It must be flipped in the screen buffer, or something odd is happening.

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