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Messages - hoffa

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@jimbauwens, @adriweb: Did you guys get a calculator shoved up your asses? Are those comments part of some great big plan to derail my thread? Loosen up your panties kids, behaving like angsty 15-year-old teenagers won't solve anything. If you do not agree with something it is fully your right, but as respectable members of a community (whether it be humanity or the TI-Nspire community) you should at least show the slightest amount of decency towards others.

TI-Nspire / Re: PTTKillerSE v1 -- PTTKiller Stealth Edition
« on: June 07, 2012, 03:37:14 pm »
You're welcome. Added a little video to demonstrate the tool.

TI-Nspire / PTTKillerSE v1 — Press-to-Test Killer, Stealth Edition
« on: June 07, 2012, 03:07:39 pm »
After compu shared his exploit on how to access documents in Press-to-Test mode (only possible thanks to TI's competence), I decided to write a ripoff of his tool (which you can access here). At this stage it pretty much does the same thing as his program except with a few minor changes, so all credit goes to him. I will however update this for your enjoyment and comfort.

PTTKillerSE's features:
  • Will never display anything on the screen
  • Will get you caught by a teacher watching over your shoulder. You will consequently get kicked out of school and you'll end up on the streets as a miserable hobo. Don't cheat, kids

1. Install Ndless 3.1
2. Copy PTTKillerSE.tns to ndless/startup
3. Put all of the documents you want in Press-to-Test mode in the MyLib folder

Once in Press-to-Test mode, all of your documents will be in the Press-to-Test folder.

Happy cheating!

Edit: Files removed by administrative decision.

TI-Nspire / Re: PTTKiller - Enable access to documents in PTT mode
« on: June 07, 2012, 12:04:26 pm »
Back to Earth guys, we've been over this already. If you want to keep sucking TI's corporate dick, fine, but don't go around judging other guys' acts based on your deluded ideas. There's no "tiny hope", there's no "worse". TI would've and will always block Ndless. Haleya, maybe you're right, we should wait until the third millennium (but please don't do anything bad meanwhile, otherwise we'll never know), because who knows, maybe TI will open up the Nspire.

I'm not too fond of the age argument, but I can only wish for you guys to grow up and see a bit further and broader, maybe a big cup of realism would do some good.

TI-Nspire / Re: Ndless Commander 0.4 -- TI-Nspire File Browser
« on: June 07, 2012, 10:02:09 am »
Aaand, in less than an hour, another quick update. In the preview it showed some weird character at the end of every line, that's gone. I also removed the message box as it caused some weird behavior (or inconvenient) so I replaced it with a home-made message box. There's also some colors because everybody loves colors:

Download in first post (I removed the older ones).

(Please don't behead me for the double post)

TI-Nspire / Re: Ndless Commander -- TI-Nspire File Browser
« on: June 07, 2012, 08:58:14 am »
New version. This one allows you to copy a file to your My Documents folder by pressing Tab. That means you can copy and files inside the drive to your computer and check them out there. (\exammode\syst\, I'm looking at you)

TI-Nspire / Re: PTTKiller - Enable access to documents in PTT mode
« on: June 07, 2012, 08:02:45 am »
I bet a few of you guys already knew how shitty their PTT was all along, but did not bother to make a move.

nSDL / Re: nSDL 0.3.1—A fast & robust TI-Nspire graphics library
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:49:05 am »
My last update for nSDL is here, 0.3.1. Changes are:

- Updated Image to NTI converter for faster speed and better handling of larger pictures
- Renamed SDL_n* functions to nSDL_*
- Renamed NSP_* macros to NSDL_*
- Renamed SDL_* environment variables to NSDL_*
- Key mapping changed
- Diagonal arrow keys are correctly handled
- Performance improvements
- Binaries should be slightly smaller

The wiki has been changed accordingly.

As usual, download here.

TI-Nspire / Re: PTTKiller - Enable access to documents in PTT mode
« on: June 07, 2012, 06:47:52 am »
Nice. Of course it will be used for cheating, that's obvious. But it isn't like people aren't already cheating as much as they want.

Technically very well done. Should put good ole TI on the edge, I guess they'll finally realize how vulnerable they can be. Of course you can just use this as a scapegoat for everything bad that happens. I won't go into the morality of cheating, nor do I really give a shit about people who do, many of them will have massive obstacles to tackle at some point or the other anyway, and they'll fall like rocks.

EDIT: So the exammode folder had indeed something to do with the PTT mode! Amazingly simple to bypass.

TI-Nspire / Re: Ndless Commander -- TI-Nspire File Browser
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:44:53 pm »
Alrighty finished my French exam today (there's nothing I hate more than that, the French style dissertations are completely useless poetic babbling, pseudo-philosophy, write-as-much-as-you-can bullshit analysis on some oh-so-deep subject ("elaborate the similarity between universality and originality with close reference to [...]" and other crap like that), doesn't suit the Finnish mind; but enough of the rant, that's another matter) and decided to speedcode and improve whatever I could. Unfortunately fgetc() (and consequently, fgets() & co.) is buggy and so I couldn't finish writing the full screen file content viewer. Deleting folders worked well (assuming the folder was empty) but it for some reason did not let me remove any files except a few (themes.csv?) so I left that also out. So at the end I only implemented file list scrolling and used some quick hacks to get around the fgets() bug, so it shouldn't reboot anymore.

Screenshot as usual:

Lua / Re: [Howto] Check if a key is pressed down (more or less)
« on: June 03, 2012, 03:57:51 pm »
At line 34 it should be keys{i} (replace curly brackets by square ones) and not keys. Should work then.

Lua / Re: [Howto] Check if a key is pressed down (more or less)
« on: June 03, 2012, 02:56:06 pm »
@blauemauritius: It's been quite a long time since I did this, but seems like I still have an example of how to use it here:
Also, what's nobbc?

TI-Nspire / Re: Ndless Commander -- TI-Nspire File Browser
« on: June 03, 2012, 07:10:31 am »
Also a bug report, only on the /ndless/ folder tho (so far), when I go down the list of files, the list doenst follow (I mean, it doesnt scroll), so we don't see the cursos anymore, since it's offscreen.
I didn't bother to implement scrolling because of lack of time. The code is very short and it shouldn't be that hard to implement however. As I mentioned up there, it's an unfinished work, and it's nowhere near being a fully functional file browser (and something I won't be updating myself).

(In other news, I wonder if the exammode/ folder could be altered somehow to modify the PTT mode...)

TI-Nspire / Re: Ndless Commander -- TI-Nspire File Browser
« on: June 03, 2012, 05:22:45 am »
Bug: on a CX CAS, OS; went to /phoenix/syst/poweroff and got a reboot...

EDIT: Wait, maybe it's supposed to do that? idk
Did you move the cursor on a certain file or did it reboot right after opening the directory?

TI-Nspire / Re: Ndless Commander -- TI-Nspire File Browser
« on: June 02, 2012, 05:21:53 pm »
hmm, those screenshots are from the nspire prototype? or does it work for every version? i'll try it soon :)
Works on every version. You can access the TI-Nspire's root directory using the program, that's what's lurking there.

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