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Messages - NeoCrisis

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TI Z80 / Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
« on: November 13, 2010, 06:12:54 am »
as I told several times, it has to be defined by the user, and it's in another program, that I can't backup because somebody stole my calculator....

Where are the errors?? And as I said, I'm a beginner, I learnt TI-Basic just 2 months ago!

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: November 13, 2010, 06:10:12 am »
ok!so my program isn't a shell, because it's not in ASM!

TI Z80 / [PROJECT] SimpleCS
« on: November 12, 2010, 09:15:07 am »
Hello everybody!!

That's my little OS shell, called SimpleCS (yeah, it has a name!!!! :D)


1) Very small: less than 7000 bytes (actually it's about 6600 bytes)
2) Can setup the calculator more easily (Degree/Radian, Fix/Float, Sci). It can also change the name or the password, erase all the variables, but I'm still working on it because when I run my Tamagotchi and then my shell, everything from my Tamagotchi is erased  :'( /!\It is in another program, so that both are independant. Sadly, I didn't save it, and someone stole my calc  :o >:( :-[ :'(
3) Can calculate Pythagore's Theory (sorry, I'm French, I don't know how it's named in english ;D), GCD, LCM, Statistics, areas (circle and this)
4) Can calculate special numbers for economy (in France, for francophones: élasticité, variation relative et taux de variation)
5) A program called TI-MSN, and BlackJack, Snake and Tic-Tac-Toe (these games are not running on the GRAPH screen, I'm very bad at GRAPH screen programming  :-\)
6) Protected by password of anytype, can contain number as well as letter. /!\  This feature is in another program (the simplest in the world, just 1 line)
7) Displays your name at startup  :) (the most useful feature.....)

The problem is that it's in French, so the attached file is the french version. I also have the source code in a .txt document (available, just PM me and I will send it to you ;D)
If you encounter any problem, tell me ;)

For the password:

Input "PASSWORD?",Str9

For the username:

Input "USERNAME?",Str4

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: November 12, 2010, 08:48:03 am »
oooookkkkkk that's clear now ;)

@DJ Omnimaga: what is "shell" in French? I can't find my ICT teacher and my English Teacher doesn't know :S

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: November 11, 2010, 10:45:02 am »
For the password:

Input "PASSWORD?",Str9

For the username:

Input "USERNAME?",Str4

How can we add a project to Omnimaga's project? It would be cool to share my prog with everybody ^^

This is an Omnimaga project, if you want to be a formal omnimaga project the community has to receive as a project of major importance. let's see where this programs leads to and gets to be considered Omnimaga Project :)

USERNAME and PASSWORD are cool now :=)

er.... I'm sorry, I didn't unerstood :S

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: November 11, 2010, 10:40:20 am »
For the password:

Input "PASSWORD?",Str9

For the username:

Input "USERNAME?",Str4

How can we add a project to Omnimaga's project? It would be cool to share my prog with everybody ^^

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: November 11, 2010, 10:37:46 am »
Peut-être que vous avez besoin de faire Str4? Avant quevous utilisiez le programme pour la premiere fois:
(Corrigez ma grammaire si vous voulez)

Maybe you need to make Str4? Before the first time you use the program:
(Correct my grammar if you would like)

I edited the message with the file with the source codes for Str4 and Str9, so please see my message.

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: November 11, 2010, 10:00:03 am »
oh cool ^^ F3 c'est l'aide pour les touches, j'ai oublié de le signaler (désolé, c'est le premier programme que je publie sur Internet, j'ai jamais fait ça!!!!)(sorry that's the first program that I publish on Internet, I never did this before!!!!)

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: November 11, 2010, 09:57:52 am »
I've edited the features and others. do you speak french?

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: November 11, 2010, 09:55:24 am »
yeah, but it's a very simple one! I need help because I'm not able to code on graphic screen! Everything is based on the main screen! have you ran the program yet?

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: November 11, 2010, 09:50:00 am »
@ DJOmnimaga: ok, désolé... c'est alors ça que ça veut dire "Shell" dans Axe Parser  ::) ::)

My little OS shell hasn't any name for the moment, I'm thinking about it (any idea?  ;D ). I made it with simple commands (well, I'm a beginner, so....).


1) Very small: less than 7000 bytes (actually it's about 6600 bytes)
2) Can setup the calculator more easily (Degree/Radian, Fix/Float, Sci). It can also change the name or the password, erase all the variables, but I'm still working on it because when I run my Tamagotchi and then my shell, everything from my Tamagotchi is erased  :'( /!\It is in another program, so that both are independant. Sadly, I didn't save it, and someone stole my calc  :o >:( :-[ :'(
3) Can calculate Pythagore's Theory (sorry, I'm French, I don't know how it's named in english ;D), GCD, LCM, Statistics, areas (circle and this)
4) Can calculate special numbers for economy (in France, for francophones: élasticité, variation relative et taux de variation)
5) A program called TI-MSN, and BlackJack, Snake and Tic-Tac-Toe (these games are not running on the GRAPH screen, I'm very bad at GRAPH screen programming  :-\)
6) Protected by password of anytype, can contain number as well as letter. /!\  This feature is in another program (the simplest in the world, just 1 line)
7) Displays your name at startup  :) (the most useful feature.....)

The problem is that it's in French, so the attached file is the french version. I also have the source code in a .txt document (available, just PM me and I will send it to you ;D)

I completely forgot to give the code that will avoid you ERR:UNDEFINED

For the password:

Input "PASSWORD?",Str9

For the username:

Input "USERNAME?",Str4

je me disais bien que j'avais d&éjà vu le plan quelque part xD

si tu veux je peux le traduire, par contre faudrait me l'envoyer: mon bahut bloque le site, et chez moi les téléchargement sont bloqués à cause du controle parental --"

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: November 07, 2010, 04:23:54 am »
calcdude84se: thanks! I tried the Startup app and it's just what I was looking for! actually, i was looking for this app to make bootable my (very little) OS on my calc, and it's working ^^^

TI-BASIC / Re: Application booting just after turning on
« on: October 28, 2010, 01:23:10 pm »
ouais j'ai vu et ça a l'air pas mal

yeah I read the app's web page, it looks good for me :)
I hope it'll work correctly  ^^

TI-BASIC / Application booting just after turning on
« on: October 25, 2010, 08:32:38 am »
Hi everybody!

I'd like to know if it was possible to boot a program (stored in RAM, of course  ;D) just when we turn on the calculator. Prereferably on TI-Basic or ASM (although I don't know  how to program in ASM  ::))

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