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Messages - rw24

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WabbitStudio Software Suite / Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:48:58 am »
This may sound silly, but mine won't turn on. I tried again, and then it wouldn't even make the ROM.

That's weird, because someone in the It's Coming topic said it worked...

Actually, I was going to name them PokemonB and PokemonR.
Hmm, I just started up the Pokemon Red app on my calculator and I got the same issue. Well, I guess I only lightly tested Pokemon, after all. :P I'll have to see if I can track down this problem.

Edit: Heh, I had to think outside the box to figure this one out. I was certain I got my saving code right, and I checked it and rechecked it... but it turns out the problem is actually in the code for loading from archived appvars (which doesn't affect 8KB save files because the appvar gets unarchived first), which was writing the save data to the wrong RAM pages. I'll try to push out a new version soon.

Edit 2: In response to Runer's earlier question, I mainly limited the app names because I didn't want people doing things like making two apps called PokemonR and PokemonB, which would happen to use the same save file names.

Edit 3: Here's a release of Alpha 0.0.02. This should fix the loading issue, and also, makeapp no longer gives warnings for app pages beginning with FFh.

Well, I've tried saving it a couple times, and it creates appvars. But I'm not sure they're loading or something, because at the menu, all it says is "NEW GAME" and "OPTIONS"
It's really good! I tried it with Pokemon. But the zoom isn't perfect, it is only sideways, and it doesn't save. Well, I thought I saved it... :(
It should be creating four appvars for the save file. (Just to make sure, you selected Save on the in-game menu before quitting?)

It's really good! I tried it with Pokemon. But the zoom isn't perfect, it is only sideways, and it doesn't save. Well, I thought I saved it... :(

TI-Boy SE - Game Boy Emulator For TI-83+SE/84 / Re: It's coming.
« on: February 15, 2014, 01:00:06 pm »
Looks really cool! But are you going to keep the top status bar and/or make the splash screen in color? Also, it would be cool if while you are playing, since it isn't full screen, it could show like a little Game boy shell? Just some ideas. Oh, and would Pokemon Gold and Silver be in color? Because they work on the Game boy, but they are in color.

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