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Messages - the_mad_joob

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ASM / tasm80ud errors
« on: July 29, 2011, 12:49:02 pm »
Yo there...

Before reading any further, this topic concerns tasm users who use the enhanced (the one including undocumented instructions, by joe wingbermuehle).
Here are the errors you need to correct if you want all instructions to work properly.

There we go :

1) instruction name errors

replace :
IN   F,(C)   70ED   2   NOP   1
by :
IN   (C)   70ED   2   NOP   1

replace :
OUT   F,(C)   71ED   2   NOP   1
by :
OUT   (C),0   71ED   2   NOP   1

2) op error (This one is particularly awfull...)

replace :
DEC   IYH   24FD   2   NOP   1
by :
DEC   IYH   25FD   2   NOP   1

3) instruction lines with wrong position in the file, causing tasm to interpret, for example, LD IXH,A as LD IXH,label_A

move :
LD   IXH,*   26DD   3   NOP   1
after :
LD   IXH,A   67DD   2   NOP   1

move :
LD   IXL,*   2EDD   3   NOP   1
after :
LD   IXL,A   6FDD   2   NOP   1

move :
LD   IYH,*   26FD   3   NOP   1
after :
LD   IYH,A   67FD   2   NOP   1

move :
LD   IYL,*   2EFD   3   NOP   1
after :
LD   IYL,A   6FFD   2   NOP   1

Anyway, fat thx to joe for having provided such a useful file at that time =]

TI Z80 / Re: asmdream is waking up...
« on: July 29, 2011, 12:09:34 pm »
Hey trumpet man...

Well, didn't really know if that specific was used by lots of coders.
If you think that's worth it, maybe i should create a dedicated topic, indeed.
Add to that the fact that i found a 3rd error...

TI Z80 / Re: asmdream is waking up...
« on: July 29, 2011, 08:05:21 am »
Some little news for those interested in this not-so-dead project :

The conversion of my source from prgm to app is going good.
However, it requires a lot more rigour, since i have to handle memory swapping in bank b (the price to pay to be able to read archived prgms).

Also, decided to abandon the idea of treating z80 ops as macros (which was working, but definitely too slowly).
Instead, they're gonna be hard-coded, following an horrible (but lot more efficient) algorithm i'm about to give birth.
Anyway, the way i'm making it, the whole thing will fit in a 1-page app.

While i was dealing with z80 ops, i noticed some errors in the well-known undocumented z80 table provided by joe wingbermuehle (tasm compatible).
I'm posting the thing here, since i thought creating a dedicated topic was, let's say, too much :

replace :
OUT   F,(C)   71ED   2   NOP   1
by :
OUT   (C),F   71ED   2   NOP   1

replace :
DEC   IYH   24FD   2   NOP   1
by :
DEC   IYH   25FD   2   NOP   1
This one is especially dedicated to those who never found the origin of the bug in their source =]

Nothing thick to show for now, except maybe my new splash :

The_mad_joob, the reason why yours doesn't require ALCDFIX is kind of funny, it's because your CPU is so dang slow. This affects the test in two ways, 1) it made the fps a lot slower than it should have been, purely because the CPU couldn't keep up, 2) when you are actually drawing stuff to the screen, the cpu is again slower and doesn't go faster than the LCD. Runer had the same thing happen to his calc.

That would make sense, since the model i'm talking about is one of the very first 84+SEs (early 2004).
For the record, its cpu runs at about 14-14.4 mhz, whereas the later ones are close to 16 mhz, according to the test results posted on uti.

Btw, i know it's originally not the main goal of this topic, but my old 83+VS I-0299A has, in fact, a good lcd (my mistake).

On the old UTI topic, they used to check the lcd fps (
It was something like :
If around 120 fps > alcdfix needed
If around 240 fps > alcdfix not needed
But the fact is, that checking this value seems to be irrelevant, since one of my calcs returns 115 fps but runs those specific games totally well without alcdfix.

I was asking myself :
It seems that the only way to know if a calc needs alcdfix or not is to try a program which is known to display distorded stuff with problematic calcs.
Is there another proper way to be 100% sure of it, by checking some ports or something ?

TI Z80 / Re: asmdream is waking up...
« on: July 13, 2011, 05:52:09 pm »
Hey guys...

It's good to have some support, since i haven't seen some for a while, so thx again =]

What i'm doing these days :
- prgm to app converting (1 page), to free up as much ram as possible
- optimizing in favor of speed
- making it compatible with all 83+|83+SE|84+|84+SE devices

Also, looks like i found a way to increase speed by internally indexing the reading of system includes.
Add to that automatic switching to 15mhz and it should be fast enough.


Boot sector seem to be locked on 83+BEs until 2004 (at least).
Also, looks like 83+SEs can have another kind of fujitsu chip (040C). > typo confirmed

EDIT : Since i wasn't sure, tested DK5MOS.8XP on my I-0299A and the splash screen is displayed properly. My bad. Feel free to update the data chart (lcd=good).

glad you figured it out =]

News / Re: Donations
« on: July 11, 2011, 10:32:47 pm »
30$ in =]

Sorry i could not give more, since i'm actually unemployed.

Anyway, hope my (small) contribution will help omnimaga to survive...

News / Re: Donations
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:51:06 pm »
how much money left is needed ?

My calculator does not have a ViewScreen port. Otherwise, it seems to be pretty much the same.
My bad, another example that shows how far intuition can sometimes suck =]

So does this mean there are no calcs with the viewscreen port that were made recently?
Interesting deduction, since calcs with a vs port all seem to have been released around year 2004.

That would mean port 3A is related to another specific hardware piece, which was assembled during that time.
Anyone has an idea what this could be ?


@thepenguin77 : Thx for the wiki addition =]

Now, some other leads :
- port 15 (83+BE|SE) : All the models tested read 00 except mine (15), which boot sector is locked, according to dnar. This port may then have something to do with boot sector protection status on 83+ models.
- port 3A (84+BE|SE) : After having taken another look at the different results, there's a possibility the LS nibble of this port may also be related to the usb driver revision (seem to return 0F only when port 15 returns 44).

Gaming Discussion / Re: Winning
« on: July 11, 2011, 06:02:44 pm »
Highscore, since i'm definitely from the arcade school =]

Looks like Runer112, Mighty Moose & me have the exact same 84+SE.

That makes sense when i read Dnar's table.
Nice read =]
This would mean port 15 can only be read.
At least, it adds a fast and easy way to evaluate the optionnal hardware presence (ram & vs) =]

[Crossed Edit] : Yeah, that's what ztrumpet meant i guess. That would suppose that another port than 3A is used on basic ti83+ models (for viewscreen).

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