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Messages - thepenguin77

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TI Z80 / Re: Thepenguin77's Utilities
« on: June 10, 2013, 02:18:19 pm »
Sound awesome. :D
And, as you might expect, it doesn't work on the 83+BE.
I guess you're using crystals ?
Anyway it's nice to see a coder that takes advantage of 15MHz calcs' hardware, instead of limiting for compatibility with the 83+BE. ;)

Yes I use the crystals, but no they actually don't do the timing. Believe it or not, but the crystals weren't fast enough. The fastest crystal setting is 32768 Hz. That would get you 30 μs resolution. While that is good enough for most applications, I figured why not go all the way and get 2 μs. What actually happens is that the crystal timers measure the CPU speed and then the program counts the number of cycles that pass.

TI Z80 / Re: Thepenguin77's Utilities
« on: June 10, 2013, 01:48:27 pm »
I forgot this topic existed. Anyways, I made a clever little timer that people might find useful. It's accurate to around 2 μs (microseconds) and uses link port for input. Basically, you start with both the tip and the ring ungrounded (not connected to anything) and press go (2nd). When either the ring or the tip are grounded (connected to the base) the timer starts. When the other part is connected, the timer stops.

I made this to determine the speed of a gun I made so it has an option to set the distance between your targets. In this chronometer setup, I made two "gates" that were simply two sheets of aluminum foil separated by 1/4 in. When my projectile passed through the gate, at some point before ripping, the two layers of foil would touch each other and this would ground that pin. By knowing how long it took my object to go from one place to another, I could calculate the speed. (734 ft/s for a 3g object powered by air btw)

Anyways, this thing doesn't deserve it's own topic, so here it is. If you ever use it for something cool, be sure to reply to this topic.

Also, if you ever get trapped in the program, ON quits. And, as you might expect, it doesn't work on the 83+BE.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: June 10, 2013, 01:32:39 pm »
Seeing as Streetwalker still hasn't responded, I'm going to assume I fixed his problem.

  • Fixed - run on ram clear installer
  • Fixed - apd re-enabled when zStart quits

Seeing as I screwed up the OS patcher, you'll probably want to install this version.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 30, 2013, 05:24:02 pm »
(time for the stupid question, and sorry if it was already asked -.-°)

Do you plan on a 84+CSE version ? I am getting tired of archiving/unarchiving/grouping/ungrouping and I miss the label menu (especially because the scrolling is (really) very slow in the program editor) :P

No, sorry. I'm probably not even going to get a CSE. If someone wants to port it, have at it. But I'm not going to be the one doing it.

Also, I thought about something. Why not ùaking extensions to zStart in appvars ? Like if people want some feature, they put some appvar in their calc and launch zStart to install the feature, and if they don't want to, they save space (and you save space too in the app) :)
And don't tell me you don't know how to launch appvars, I won't believe any sentence starting with "I can't" if it comes from you :P

I think I already have this (assuming I understand what you want). It's the "Run on zStart" option. You enable it with ON + 0 and it works just like the ram clear programs.

If that's not what you meant though, you'll have to explain more.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 29, 2013, 07:46:01 pm »
Ok, so are you completely sure the number shortcuts don't work? Because I know why the ON + STAT/ALPHA ones weren't working and I attached a fixed version for that. But I see zero reason why the number ones should cut out.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 29, 2013, 03:36:57 pm »
I have three issues to report :
1) After using the font editor the shortcuts are broken everywhere and I must RAM clear or run a program to fix them
2) The RAM clear patch in the latest update is broken and makes the calc crash on every RAM clear, which forces you to resend your OS with battery+del (holding vars or clear doesn't help). A workaround is to patch with the previous version
3) Once the patch is installed resending an OS is mandatory when you do battery + del
I have an 84+BE, OS 2.43 with PolyPatch84 and your flash speed and exponent patch, boot code 1.02, rev G (TA3 chip).

While you shouldn't run into these issues often, 2 and 3 are quite annoying.

Oops, I should probably test stuff after I change it. I broke the patcher while preventing it from installing on the wrong OS. I attached (down a post) a fixed version for you.

As far as 1) goes, I don't see how that is possible. zStart reinstalls everything when you quit (assuming you are quitting from the initial screen) so I'm not sure how it could be breaking the hooks.

Could you be really specific about what you are doing and what shortcuts stop working? You could also send me a savestate so that I could see what exactly is going on.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 19, 2013, 10:30:01 pm »
zStart runs before the words "RAM cleared" display, so you are right, it is crashing.

But, it sounds like you still haven't managed to do anything. If this is the case, boot while holding VARS. This will tell zStart to do nothing. Then play around with zStart's options until you find the one that is making your calculator crash. This should fix everything.

However, if you already reinstalled an OS and you are still having troubles, then do what DrDnar said.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 18, 2013, 03:42:08 pm »
IDK What "BM" means, so here's my best guess:

ASCII: 'B', 'M'   It's how windows denotes .bmp files, that's where I got the idea from.

Code: [Select]
.db $42,$4D

picture data

Is this right? Or do I have it wrong?

You have it exactly right.

Random idea #92638: On+Up/Down to skip multiple pages at once in program (and/or apps if quick apps isn't active) menu. And maybe catalog as well, but that's pretty fast already.
Skipping to a letter kind of does it better tho, so idk.

I don't even know if I'd be able to make that faster. If I skipped multiple pages the way the OS does it (scroll all at once) it would be the exact same speed. I'd have to manually redraw the menu. I'll try to see how difficult that is, but it's probably doable. I believe I already redraw the menu when you archive something.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 13, 2013, 06:51:51 pm »
For the 8-level gray pics: what header should we use if we convert the pics with istudio2?

(for some reason my side-by-side assemblies are bad, and can't run level8)

The header is just "BM" so $42, $4D followed by the picture data. The format is DARK MED LIGHT DARK MED LIGHT etc. where each of those words is a byte. istudio2 might put a dark image, then a medium image, then a light image, so you'll have to correct it if it does that.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:02:33 am »
A couple feature requests:

 - If Omnicalc ram restore is enabled, do it automatically upon quitting from program and/or before [On]+[Zoom]/[Trace] test runs


- An updated readme :P

Ahh, you seem to have found the main reason I have yet to upload it to again.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 10, 2013, 11:32:06 pm »
I can't turn my calculator into a Gameboy by making Pokémon run on startup? :P

So why couldn't you just scrap the old methods and appvars for the new? I don't think any really important data would be lost if you had to delete the existing settings appvar, the user would just have to take a minute or two to review their settings. Possibly a good idea anyways to have users review it all, with new features.

Well, that is a good point about Pokemon. Maybe I'll do it, we'll see.

How would I turn the fonts I have as programs into appvars?

The easiest way I know is to unarchive them, find them in the Calcsys vat viewer, press Alpha+V, and then change the 06 that you are highlighting to 15.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 10, 2013, 10:03:13 am »
Oh yeah, I guess applications could explain his support of lowercase letters, which completely didn't register with me when I read his post originally. But applications can actually have all sorts of characters in their names; I think just about any defined character is fair game. I know most applications only use the characters he listed, but certainly not all of them. If he wants to support applications, he should really toss out the bit-packing altogether.

Yes, correct on the spaces. And, it would be great to allow all letters, but changing that would probably use up the remaining space in the app. The reason for this is that I would have to make a new appvar revision as well as duplicate a bunch of routines to not use the compacting.

Besides, the only app I can think of that uses a non-standard character is Start-Up. And, while running Start-Up on Start-Up would be a little ironic, I don't think anyone is going to do that.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 09, 2013, 05:10:59 pm »
I don't actually need this feature myself, but a user asked in a topic on Cemetech how to disable APD. Perhaps disabling APD is a feature that would fit well into zStart?

That should be pretty easy. I can do that at the same time I do lowercase.

I found a bug today. You can't set a program with theta in it's name to run on RAM clear/turn on/zStart quit/on + num. In the zStart GUI, the theta shows up as U and this prevents the program from being found and run.

I forgot about theta, I have to admit though that I don't think this is a fixable problem. When I store the names of programs, I compress them to 6 bits per character. If you account for lower case, upper case, and numbers, that leaves me with 2 extra characters. I gave one of those to space and the other to zero (actual zero, not ascii 0). So, I hate to say it, but you'll probably just have to rename whatever you want to use.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 08, 2013, 10:02:18 pm »
Could you have the lowercase alpha enabled as an option? I hardly ever use it, and it is annoying to have to hit alpha twice to cancel instead of just once.

I had it on permanently instead of as an option so that it wouldn't slow down the calculator. I re-enable lower case every time you press a button, so checking the option has to happen almost instantly. But, I looked around, and I found a spot in my ram appvar where I could put the flag. So, I should be able to add that option in.
Why do you set it at every keypress?

Well, the main reason is because I don't really know when else to do it. The trouble is that if an app disables it, I'm not sure when it will get re-enabled. That's why I do it on every keypress.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 07, 2013, 06:20:34 pm »
Could you have the lowercase alpha enabled as an option? I hardly ever use it, and it is annoying to have to hit alpha twice to cancel instead of just once.

I had it on permanently instead of as an option so that it wouldn't slow down the calculator. I re-enable lower case every time you press a button, so checking the option has to happen almost instantly. But, I looked around, and I found a spot in my ram appvar where I could put the flag. So, I should be able to add that option in.

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