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Topics - willrandship

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General Calculator Help / Strange Tilp problems
« on: August 11, 2010, 11:02:02 pm »
For some reason, tilp isn't letting me send any files to my nspire (specifically, nleash) but it let me upgrade my OS earlier today. The File display area doesn't show any of my folders, and when I try to send a file, it says folder not found. I also can't send anything from the calc, since it's not showing anything.

84+ mode works fine (well, as fine as crashing on half of all the asm stuff I find can get) :P

Any help?

TI-Nspire / Port of Little John to Nspire?
« on: August 11, 2010, 05:17:17 pm »
The Little John Emulator for Palm OS (ARM) can emulate the NES, SNES, GBC, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, Wonderswan/Wonderswan Color (no sound), NeoGeo Pocket and Neogeo pocket Color, and the atari 2600.

Features quoted from the site

    *  Sound (except WS)
    * Multiple screen modes (zoom/smoothing)
    * Adjustable/auto frameskipping
    * SRAM support
    * Multiple Save/Load state
    * Turbo mode
    * Support for zipped roms

Source Code is available!

General Calculator Help / Nspire 84+ crash requires reinstall
« on: August 11, 2010, 02:19:59 pm »
I've encountered this a few times. An asm program crashes in the 84+ mode of the nspire. The crash should just be a ram clear away from fixing itself, but since the nspire emu saves the state, it has to reinstall the entire nspire os, just to get the 84 emu working again!

has anyone found a way around this? It's really annoying. I lose all my work, and I have to update my OS, which takes a good 15 minutes. (for several tasks, not just the transfer)

TI-Nspire / Hmmm.....Nspire OS cheating?
« on: July 31, 2010, 12:22:50 am »
I was just thinking, as i remembered a conversation with calc84maniac a while ago. He said he loaded his asm by sending the file as boot2 code (or something like that) and that gave me a thought. What would happen if you made an asm program that ran through that (or ndless) that would act like an OS, but when you turned it off, it would just go into a form of standby (kind of like the nspire already does :P) that way, it doesn't do any validation checks, and you run a custom os!

Sure, there would be problems, like when crashes occur it would need to be reinstalled. Still though, I think it would be much nicer than the regular nspire OS. Is there any way for ndless asm to permanently alter the calculator BIOS in such a way to make it sustainable?

Sorry if this was a bad idea. I would've used the IRC, but I've been kind of pressed for time lately, and forum topics are less demanding.

Other Calculators / Can anyone try this out for me?
« on: July 15, 2010, 06:41:48 pm »
I had a really cool idea for getting the CAS os on the old blue nspire. However, it requires a few things that I'm not sure of. For it to work, the new CAS nspire's pad (which is removable now) must fit into the regular nspire. My idea was, use the blue clickpad to uninstall the nspire os, insert the CAS pad, then install the CAS os 2.0, since hopefully the nspire will see the CAS pad and assume you have a CAS, instead of an original nspire.

Anyone happen to have both of these? I'm quite curious myself, but I don't have a cas touchpad.

TI-Nspire / Virus to crack RSA for nspire? :P
« on: June 29, 2010, 01:04:36 am »
Just think: a virus that infects a computer, completes some rsa factoring, sends results to a server as it does (so as not to duplicate work), and spreads to some more hosts. Nobody notices it's there since it has a low processor priority, and we get the nspire keycode super fast! (well, not super fast, but you get the idea)

Like it?

General Calculator Help / Lower-case letters on the nspire?
« on: June 21, 2010, 02:53:34 pm »
I know that only specific OS versions have it, but is it available on the nspire? I might be missing an option to turn it on or something. Anybody know if this is possible? I'd really like lowercase, it makes axe programs look much nicer, especially in app form.

Axe / Why doesn't my Map Drawer Work?
« on: June 10, 2010, 03:19:22 pm »
Code: [Select]
.First Is top sprite, second bottom.
Repeat getKey(15)

This, instead of drawing some nice sprites in an 8x8 grid, Draws Speckly garbage all over the grid. I think it's a problem with my GDB or Pic referencing, but I can't figure out how to fix it. Any help?

Axe / How does 4-level greyscale work in Axe?
« on: June 04, 2010, 02:44:55 pm »
I've been trying to wrap my head around it, but the documentation doesn't mention much. I can do 3-level fine, manually, but do dispgraphr and dispgraphrr work? Cross-hatching patterns, Evolving backgrounds? I'm so confused!

Any help on this?

I'm just thinking, if we can find out how the keypads are differentiated, it could be implemented into the common.h for simpler cross-pad compatibility.

For instance, when ndless 2.0 comes out, many people may find the touch-version of the GBC emu to be mapped strangely. With changing key definitions, it could even work with the 84+ keypad flawlessly.

I was thinking something like this for the header.

Keys are defined for all the pads already

If (insert keypad detection function here)=84+ (or a number, maybe)
        #define KEY_GEN_UP KEY_84_UP
        #define KEY_GEN_DOWN KEY_84_DOWN
Repeat the if statement for the touch and clickpad, then when you write a program you use the generic keymap instead of a specific one. Obviously, it won't work for every program, but it should work for many, like the GBC emu and other Games.

Calculator C / What C commands are not supported?
« on: May 15, 2010, 01:58:08 am »
I was just wondering, as someone mentioned that some of them do not work compared to x86 C.

Also, is there anything special I need to know about creating Nspire C programs? I've got Yagarto with Eclipse (on-site tutorial, I used the old version so it is the arm-elf-gcc one, not arm-gcc-eabi or whatever)

I read something in the ndless readme about independent variables and executables need to start with PRG/0. Can someone elaborate on those?

I've never worked with C before, but I've worked with Processing, which is C-like structure, I believe.

Thanks for all the help! I couldn't do it without your help!

General Calculator Help / For NSpire: C or ASM?
« on: May 09, 2010, 10:14:01 pm »
I figured before I start learning either full-swing, I'd find out which one I should learn.

Advantages of C:
Lots of documentation
Lots of IDEs
I like the syntax more/know it better

Advantages of ASM:
More Cross-Calc capability
More Calc people know it

Are there any other differences I'm missing?

TI-Nspire / NSpire Text Based Game Engine
« on: April 26, 2010, 12:24:47 pm »
I'm working on a text-based game creator for the nspire. If you've ever played Voodoo castle, Zork, or Thy Dungeonman (Try it on you know what these are.

It will be written in BASIC, using mainly the RequestSTR command. I plan on making a wizard that will make games for you as well. One problem I've encountered is retrieving data from matrices. How do you do it on the nspire?

I hope I get some feedback on this.

TI-Nspire / DevkitPro for Nspire possible?
« on: April 18, 2010, 12:35:43 am »
For those who don't know, devkitPro is a popular toolchain for developing of many handhelds, such as the GP2X, GBA, NDS, PSP and others. This is why it was so easy to port their homebrew across all the different devices.

Since the NSpire runs the same ARM9 code as the GBA, would it be possible to build asm programs using devkitpro? While there are not any libraries written as of yet, the code base would be the same, and it would allow us direct access to much other code. Also, certain libraries may be portable, such as graphics libraries. The more compatible libraries we write, the easier it is to code and port.

Anyone have any feedback? Comments? Questions? Criticisms? All are welcome! :P

William Shipley

TI-Nspire / Use of OTG on the nspire possible?
« on: April 16, 2010, 08:01:18 pm »
if you look at the Nspire's specs, as well as the USB cable, you can see that it has an OTG port. This port allows for the Device to be a host or be controlled by another host.

Example of usage:
As slave: Hooked to PC
As Host: Hooked to USB Mass Storage device, keyboard, mouse, etc.

In my mind, this presents great possibilities. Did ti make it impossible to use in that way?

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