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Topics - ztrumpet

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News / New Exodus beta (v0.95) out
« on: September 25, 2010, 10:28:35 pm »
Here's the Version 0.95 release.  I'd appreciate it if you guys would let me know which levels were the easiest, and which were the hardest. ;D  Thanks!

For those of you who want the easiest levels, I recommend 1, 3, 21, 22, and 23. :)

Axe / The input Command
« on: September 22, 2010, 05:00:51 pm »
I've noticed that there are people that don't know how to use the input command, myself included.  Does anyone care to explain how to use input?  Thanks. :)

input - Prompts for an input string just like BASIC then returns a pointer to the string structure. Don't forget, its a string of tokens, not characters.

TI Z80 / Jump!
« on: September 19, 2010, 06:30:55 pm »
This is my Axe contest entry.  I've included a gif and the most recent version.  This is completely bug free and though I'm pretty sure I'm done with it, if you have a suggestion I'd like you to post it. :)

Menu: 2nd, Up, Down, and Clear
Game: 2nd to Jump and Mode to Pause/Unpause
Continue to the next screen: 2nd

Make sure you reach the top of the bar with the bottom of your block to "land" the jump. ;D

If you Archive the AppVar created, it will put it back in Archive when the program's done. :D

P.S.  If you like this, you can vote for it in the contest poll! O0

TI Z80 / Look at what Axe has made...
« on: August 20, 2010, 02:03:53 pm »

I was browsing ticalc and saw this.  Don't kill Tickles!  ;D

It looks to be a pretty well built game, and it's made with Axe.  Nice job Quigibo and Michael Lee. :)

TI Z80 / Ping
« on: August 06, 2010, 03:32:05 pm »
Most recent version:

For those that have enough posts to enter the arcade here, surely you've played Pingpong.  It's one of those games where you control a paddle and must keep something on the screen, and not fall off of the bottom.  Well, I'm making a version in Axe. ;D  This version is meant to be played with the calc held sideways.  Up and Down move the paddle, and Enter pauses (It's a little too responsive atm).  You can press Clear while it's paused to instantly exit, or just wait until you miss, where you'll be shown your score.  Press Enter to exit from there.  :)
This game isn't done yet - I still need to code the menus.  Anyway, this is a very fun game as is, so I figured I'd show it to everyone as a work in progress.  Enjoy! ;D

Oh, and did I mention that every 5 hits, the paddle shrinks.  My high score is 75.  Who can beat it? :D

Other Calculators / Obscure, Yet Great Games
« on: August 04, 2010, 12:42:03 pm »
I've noticed how there are a lot of fun games out there, but they are so obscure that very few people seem to notice them.  This is a thread to mention some games that you like, but not many people know about.  I'll start with three fun, but semi-obscure games. :)

Paper Plane - A wonderful game in which you fly your plane towards the ground, hoping to avoid the obstructions.

Sky - Another fun game, in which you must walk on all the tiles to advance to the next level.

Rattle Snake - One of my favorite snake games of all time.  It has a Campaign Mode that is wonderful.

Alright, so, what are some other obscure gems? ;D

TI Z80 / Spider (in Axe)
« on: July 21, 2010, 12:10:59 pm »
If you've tried all of Builderboy's incredible games, then at one point you've played Spider:  It's a wonderful game and lots of fun, only it's a little slow.  Less than 24 hours ago I had the idea to port it in Axe, and, well, here it is.  The controls are self explanatory, and if you don't understand the gameplay, here's a link to the original readme:;ReadMe.txt .  All my changes were:  There is no Angel Productions logo. :(  The cursor starts where the spider starts.  The high score system has been changed.  There's a pause feature (Press Mode).  Anyway, enjoy this quicker remake of an awesome game!  Let me know what you think!

(This was compiled in Axe 0.3.2 for Ion) ;D

Thank you Builderboy for making this awesome game! :D

TI Z80 / Elmgon Screenshot Thread
« on: July 08, 2010, 03:15:46 pm »
This is a compilation of the screenies I've made of Elmgon over time. :)
Please discuss in the appropriate thread. ;D

Original screenies:

Example of battle engine:

1st rewrite of Movement Engine:

Battle Turn System:

Stamina Bar:

Battle Engine Progress:

More Battle Engine Progress:

Demo 5-23-10:

Demo 5-27-10:

Other Calculators / TI-83 Plus Saves Student from Bullet
« on: July 01, 2010, 10:10:23 am »
Kindermoumounte brought to my attention an occurrence that happened in November 2008.  He found this article on TI-Bank:

Here's the original article: (in English)

Basically a 22 year old collage student ran into a mugger and after a brief exchange the mugger fired a shot at her from a distance of 4 feet.  She apparently swung her purse at just the right moment to catch the .38 bullet with her friend's calculator, an umbrella, and a sunglasses case.  Here's a pic of the obliterated calc:

Isn't it incredible what a calc can do... ;D

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Axe Snake
« on: June 16, 2010, 02:51:24 pm »
Over the past couple of days I've tried to make a 3 level grayscale game in Axe.  It's completely done, except when you get a highscore and need to type your name.  There it freezes.  Can anyone help me with this problem?

(It appears that getKey always returns a 0) :(

Thanks! ;D

note:  The grayscale's a lot better on calc... :D

News / ZTrumpet Releases Exodus 0.90 Beta
« on: June 15, 2010, 05:50:47 pm »
I've decided it's time to release a project that I've very proud of.  It's Exodus, an excellent basic platformer.

<img src="" />

"Exodus is an extremely fun yet difficult platformer for the TI-83/84 series calculators.  So far there are 14 levels (ordered in the order that I made them) that should provide lots of fun.  Upon first glance, Exodus looks like most other games released for the calculator, with monochrome graphics and loading times, but it includes many features rarely seen in Basic games.  Exodus includes actual enemies that you must avoid and shoot to advance to the next level.  Also there are gems you must collect and a flag you need to be at, at the end of each level.  If that's not enough, there are also switches that control a tile that toggles between solid and clear whenever you shoot the switch.  Finally there are crumbling blocks that disappear after you've stepped on them more than once and spikes that you cannot land on.  Exodus also features unheard of speed for a TI-Basic game, so fast that if you hold one of the arrows it skips the frame immediately after moving for the first time.  Also the entire game is in only one program with no external variables so it is easier to keep track of.  Exodus is one of the best games ever coded in TI-Basic language and a must try.  Click link to download one of the greatest games you'll ever play.";sa=view;down=534

I need some feedback from you guys before I release a full version.  Which levels did you think were incredibly easy, and which did you think were incredibly hard?  Also, if you guys can make levels I will include them in the final game.  I'm hoping to have around 25 levels in the final game.  As proof that I'll put them in the game, levels 13 and 14 were designed by Meishe.

Thanks for trying this and please discuss. :D

TI Z80 / Numb3rs
« on: June 10, 2010, 12:58:14 pm »
Here's one of my older Ti-Basic games, Numb3rs.  I decided to upload it because it's pretty fun, but also to show how bad of a programmer I used to be. :)  The first version is from when I first made it, when I had just figured out what a For( loop did.  I had yet to figure out While and Repeat loops, though...
The second version is the version to play, and it's pretty fast and fun.  Enjoy! ;D

Please note that the version in the screenie is the New one (even though it's from 7/23/09).  If you want the game for playing, download the one that says New. ;D

TI Z80 / Elmgon Progress
« on: May 23, 2010, 10:45:37 am »
I started coding on Elmgon again recently and realized I never uploaded the demo I promised a month ago.  I decided to implement other features and then show if to everyone.  I worked on adding features/fixing bugs (one bug took me 4 hours!), but it's finally ready.  I still need to add two features to the engine: Battling and Running into an event (you come to a certain spot on a map and it calls an event program).  Keep in mind that I haven't optimized some things, so stuff like the bottom of prgmZELMMOVE look terrible. ;D  If you have any comments, suggestions, criticism, or you just want to yell at me for taking a month and a half to post this demo, feel free to post them. ;D

[2nd] Jump
[Alpha] Stop the demo
[Up] Go in doors
[Left Arrow] Move Left
[Right Arrow] Move Right
[Left or Right when next to something] Trigger event (like talking to a person)

Oh, and if anyone can find any  more speed in the walking loop, you get a cookie! ;D

Other Calculators / What is *Pure* TI-Basic
« on: May 19, 2010, 07:39:55 pm »
I'm curious as to what you all believe "Pure" TI-Basic is.  Can you use Asm programs to help write it, as long as when the program is ran it runs only basic code, or for *pure* basic you cannot use Asm at any time.

For instance, can you use this program while developing to use more than 10 picture variables, or just be using this program do you compromise *pure* basic?  I realize this is a petty claim, but I want to know what you guys think. :)

Computer Programming / My schoolwork got rejected...
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:08:13 pm »
My schoolwork got rejected because it was too complex for my teacher to grade.  I think my Axe and Asm knowledge rubbed off, making my C++ a lot more optimized.  My teacher took one look at it, shook his head, and told me that he wouldn't grade anything that complex.  For those who know C++, you make the call.

My awesome version:
Code: [Select]

void main()
char string[25], header[50] = "Name     \0Address  \0City     \0State    \0ZIP Code ";
ifstream file_ptr;

int offset = 0;"ADDRFILE.DAT",ios::in);
if (file_ptr)
file_ptr.get(string, 25);
file_ptr.ignore(80, '\n');
if (!file_ptr.eof())
cout << header + 10 * offset << ':' << string << '\n';
offset = (offset + 1) % 5;
while (!file_ptr.eof());

cout << "An Error occured!\n";

The version I had to turn in:
Code: [Select]

void main()
char name[25], address[25], city[25], state[25], zip[25];
ifstream file_ptr;"ADDRFILE.DAT",ios::in);
if (file_ptr)
file_ptr.get(name, 25);
file_ptr.ignore(80, '\n');
file_ptr.get(address, 25);
file_ptr.ignore(80, '\n');
file_ptr.get(city, 25);
file_ptr.ignore(80, '\n');
file_ptr.get(state, 25);
file_ptr.ignore(80, '\n');
file_ptr.get(zip, 25);
file_ptr.ignore(80, '\n');
if (!file_ptr.eof())
cout << "Name: " << name << '\n';
cout << "Address: " << address << '\n';
cout << "City: " << city << '\n';
cout << "State: " << state << '\n';
cout << "ZIP Code: " << zip << '\n';
while (!file_ptr.eof());

cout << "An Error occured!\n";

Is there a version that's even more optimized?  Feel free to rewrite it if you want... ;D

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