Omnimaga > Project M (Super Mario)

Project M Reboot

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Hell. That s*** is amazing.

Almost makes me want to hand over the source for CaDan just to see what you'd do with it.

Haha, I think you've got that project covered, Iambian. ;) I probably couldn't do it as well as you, or at least not as incredibly quickly.

By the way, one thing I failed to mention about the new tilemapper is that it now supports heights that aren't powers of 2. :D It'll be much more flexible for people's levels.

DJ Omnimaga:
Is a level editor still planned when the entire game will be finished? Also, do you plan to add a feathre item? Are warp pipes still gonna be in the game?


--- Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on May 12, 2009, 01:46:35 pm ---Is a level editor still planned when the entire game will be finished? Also, do you plan to add a feathre item? Are warp pipes still gonna be in the game?

--- End quote ---
Oh, I'm hoping there will be enough room in the APP to incorporate a level editor, possibly with instant testing of levels. ;D Warp pipes are still planned. I don't think I'll have the feather, but I'll have the leaf instead. (Raccoon Mario is win.)

DJ Omnimaga:
Oh, leaf or feather or cape I don't mind, as long as I can fly :D but it's ok if you don't add it. ^^

Couldn't a level editor be made separately from the app, though? Kinda like MEDIT with Sam Heald/Bill Nagel Super Mario?


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