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..SUBWhile 1Output(0,0,"Ahhhh
EDIT: Ok this is weird, i just got my source corrupted again but it cant be the backup feature since its in a subprogram thats getting corrupted, and i even cleared my RAM from just before
Oh also, it would be nice if Axe saved whether or not you like lowercase turned on, currently it just lets you swap between what you currently have and the other option. If i turn on Lowercase letters, clear RAM, and then go to Axe the option has changed back to uppercase. I think it would be nice if it just automatically saved your option and applied it when you start Axe.
.MainProgprgmFOREACH.Do Stuff to elementprgmENDEACH
..EndFor.Clean UpEnd.Destructor
Also, I've been thinking... to avoid the corrupted ram issue, maybe I should have the main program get backed up at the end instead of the beginning of the compile. That way in case a bad program corrupts your program, it probably won't be able to finish the compile successfully and therefore will not replace the last backup. Also, getting any other syntax error will mean you have to go back and fix it so it shouldn't need to waste time archiving. In other words, if it can't compile, the problem must be fixed before replacing the last working backup. The only danger is in case Axe crashes the program in ram would be lost, but I don't think I have those problems anymore. Also you can't use that trick to backup BASIC programs anymore (but you can write a program to do that in Axe )
I don't know if this has been requested, but 32 bit math would be awesome.