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Nspire Ebook Reader
« on: March 20, 2011, 05:55:10 pm »
Hey. Its my first time posting on this forum.

I've been working on an ebook reader for the TI Nspire. Spring break is just about to end for me, so I thought I'd post what I have so far. Right now all it can do is display plain text files. It can open files a lot faster than the built-in notes editor because it doesn't have to decompress anything, it's much easier to format a book for this program than for the built-in editor, and navigating pages is a lot easier.

  • Up/Down or 5/8 to navigate the file browser
  • Enter to open the file
  • Left/Right or 4/6 to turn the page

There are still a few issues
  • The text right now is really small (7pt Tahoma) and there is currently no option to change it.
  • There may also be a small memory leak-I haven't checked through all the code to make sure all the dynamically allocated memory gets freed.
  • It currently doesn't check if you've reached the end of the book, so you might get garbled stuff at the very end and you can go beyond the end of the book data.

I plan on adding the following (though I may not have much time to do it):
  • Ability to change the font size and the vertical spacing between lines
  • Support of a more compact file format
  • Support for bold and italics
  • Page numbers and a jump to page option.

This program is still in a beta stage, so I can't guarantee its stability.

I have a couple of questions for the community.
1) Does anyone know of a program that can generate raster font data? The current method I've been using to get binary font data is really tedious.
2) How do you attach a file? All I can do is post a link:
I apologize ahead of time if the code is unreadable.

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Re: Nspire Ebook Reader
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2011, 06:10:08 pm »
Hi!  Welcome to Omnimaga! :)

This looks very nice, I will most certainly try it out sometime in the next few days! :)

In order to attach a file to you post, you need to have at least 5 posts, I believe.

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Re: Nspire Ebook Reader
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2011, 04:42:52 am »
Sounds nice :)

I think I will take a look at the source this evening ;D

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Re: Nspire Ebook Reader
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2011, 11:34:23 am »
Wow, nice! It seems like many Nspire projects are being started by members that are new to the community. Sadly, I can't test this program, because I don't have an Nspire...

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Re: Nspire Ebook Reader
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2011, 11:50:22 am »
I'll have to see if this runs on System 1.7.


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Re: Nspire Ebook Reader
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2011, 12:33:01 pm »
Sounds pretty cool. There are a lot of these for the 8x, but none for the NSpire (before this was released).

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Re: Nspire Ebook Reader
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2011, 03:12:33 am »
Heya and welcome on the forums. I saw you lurking sometimes but I'm glad you posted finally. :D

Also this project seems interesting. I wonder if it will support TI-89/92+/v200 Ebooks in the future?

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Re: Nspire Ebook Reader
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2013, 03:37:59 pm »
Nice work :) I'm glad that some kind of reader exists for the nspire!

Unfortunately what i really want is a "real" ebook reader (that can read ebook file formats directly and with images and everything)... Maybe it will be my first project. Anyways, i'm going to take a look at your code and if i correct some things i will post them here :)

Congrats for the project and keep the good work ;)